The Yomiuri Shimbun November 22, 2013
Top court respects Diet’s discretionary power over vote-value disparity
衆院選違憲状態 国会の裁量に配慮した最高裁(11月21日付・読売社説)
It was a judgment by the nation’s top court that respected the Diet’s discretionary power over the election system to the maximum extent possible.
The Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that the House of Representatives election in December last year, in which the maximum disparity between the value of votes was 2.43-to-1, was in “a state of unconstitutionality.” The Diet must take the ruling seriously and swiftly tackle election system reform.
“Equality in the value of voting rights is not the absolute standard to determine the framework of an election system,” the top court said. 最高裁は「投票価値の平等は選挙制度の仕組みを決定する絶対の基準ではない」と指摘した。
When deciding the zoning of single-seat constituencies, such factors as local demographics, transportation conditions and geographical circumstances must be taken into account and balanced with equality in the value of voting rights, it said.
‘Plus 0, minus 5’ praised
It was a practical and quite reasonable judgment in which the Supreme Court did not think improvement in the disparity of vote values in single-seat constituencies was an absolute necessity, but it recognized the need to take regional circumstances into consideration.
The Supreme Court previously judged that the 2009 lower house election was in “an unconstitutional state” when the maximum disparity in the value of votes between the least populous constituency and the most heavily populated district was 2.30-to-1. As the disparity was further expanded in the lower house poll in December last year, some experts predicted the top court would judge it was “unconstitutional.”
But was the disparity left untouched for an excessive period of time that could not be overlooked?
That was the deciding factor in its decision whether the 2012 poll was unconstitutional or in a state of unconstitutionality.
In addition to how long the disparity was left untouched, the Supreme Court said that factors such as the content of measures to remedy the disparity and the necessary procedures for such measures should also be taken into consideration from a comprehensive viewpoint. This judgment will be an important index for making court decisions on similar cases in the future.
The latest top court decision praised the remedy of “increasing no seats, but decreasing five seats” in single-seat constituencies under the revised Public Offices Election Law that was passed by the Diet in June as “a step forward.” The disparity shrank to less than 2-to-1 through the measure.
To change the zoning of constituencies, it was necessary to go through such procedures as having the lower house electoral district council recommend a reform plan to the prime minister and revise the Public Offices Election Law based on that plan.
It is therefore understandable that the top court realized that remedying the situation requires a certain amount of time.
Need to reflect regional voices
However, there are also questionable elements to the decision. In the distribution of the quota of seats for single-seat constituencies in each prefecture, the method of distributing one seat first to each prefecture is still effectively in practice. Touching upon this point, the Supreme Court said, “It is hard to say that the structural problems were definitively resolved.”
However, we feel that an attempt to transform the electoral system into one that does not reflect the rationale behind this formula could mean the opinions of voters in areas with a declining population are not properly represented in the results of lower house elections.
Legislators must step up their electoral reform drive in response to the top court’s ruling.
Instead of finding the vote-value disparities to be unconstitutional, the latest ruling found the gaps to be in a state of unconstitutionality, meaning these differences border on a violation of the vote-value equality guaranteed in the Constitution. However, lawmakers should not be allowed to become blase about debating how to reform the election system, citing the ruling as a reason for their neglect. The need to fundamentally reform the system remains unchanged, though the vote-value disparities fall only within a state of unconstitutionality.
The ruling and opposition parties should actively promote discussions on electoral reform. In debating reform plans, they must take to heart their responsibility to ensure that any changes in the system will help create a stable political environment in a manner that represents the will of the people.
In early November, the ruling coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito and the leading opposition party the Democratic Party of Japan held talks over lower house electoral reform. The parties agreed to reduce the number of lower house members while maintaining the current electoral system—known as the heiritsu formula, which combines single-seat constituencies with the proportional representation system—for the time being.
The ruling parties have said they will seek a 30-member reduction in lower house members to be chosen under the proportional representation system, while maintaining the current number of lawmakers in that chamber who are to be elected from single-seat constituencies.
This is in contrast to the proposal advanced by the DPJ, which has insisted on cuts in the number of lower house members in both categories. The ruling parties and the DPJ are no closer to reaching a compromise on the issue.
The LDP, Komeito and the DPJ have said they intend to start discussions with other parties soon. However, Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party) insists on reducing the number of lower house members by a sizable 144.
If Ishin no Kai sticks to its guns, it will be difficult to see an agreement emerge from among these parties. However, the total number of legislators in this country cannot be deemed too large if compared with those in other nations. Given this, there is no need to be too obsessed with reducing the number of Diet members.
Political parties should separate a proposed cut in lower house members from the overall issue. Instead, they should reconsider how the system should be operated and reformed.
Consensus difficult
It is difficult for political parties to reach a consensus about how to reform the election system, an issue bound to provoke conflicts of interest among them. We believe the ruling and opposition parties should first hurry to determine what kind of broad course should be adopted in the pursuit of fundamental electoral reform, a task that should be followed by a plan to commission an independent panel of experts to draw up specific reform proposals, as suggested by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Incumbent members of the lower chamber have a bit more than three years to serve in their positions if they complete their terms. They do not have enough time to take on electoral reform, considering the amount of time necessary for amending the legislation and making any changes in the system known to the public.
We believe it will be a viable idea to basically maintain the current system, but work to correct the vote-value disparities, as proposed by the LDP, Komeito and the DPJ.
Electoral reform is not limited to the lower house. The House of Councillors is seeking to adopt a new election system, beginning with an election in 2016. In fact, lawsuits have been filed in several locations in the country over disparities in the value of votes cast in July’s upper house race. Two high courts and a branch of another high court are set to rule on these suits starting late this month. Their rulings are expected to affect the dispute over electoral reform related to vote-value disparities.
The ruling and opposition parties should think about what kind of role the lower and upper houses should play, while at the same time striving to make progress in promoting electoral reform.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Nov. 21, 2013)
(2013年11月21日01時36分 読売新聞)
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