The Yomiuri Shimbun November 19, 2013
Retraction of 25% greenhouse gas emissions reduction target reasonable
温室ガス目標 やっと「25%減」が撤回された(11月18日付・読売社説)
As all the nation’s nuclear power plants, which emit no carbon dioxide in the process of generating electricity, have remained offline, there can be no doubt that it is extremely difficult to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions.
The new target announced by the government for curtailing greenhouse gas emissions can safely be called a down-to-earth decision, though some may deem it too modest.
The new target seeks to trim emissions by 3.8 percent from fiscal 2005 levels by fiscal 2020. With no prospects for the resumption of nuclear power plant operations in sight, the new target was calculated on the assumption that nuclear power would provide none of the country’s power.
Japan’s previous target was to slash emissions by 25 percent compared to fiscal 1990 levels, which was hammered out in 2009 by then Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama. The replacement of the unrealistically high goal that Hatoyama abruptly put out, without building domestic consensus, is a good thing.
Environment Minister Nobuteru Ishihara is to announce the 3.8 percent cutback target as Japan’s international pledge at the 19th Conference of Parties (COP19) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change now under way in Warsaw.
Criticism from abroad that the new target is insufficient is probably inevitable. Reducing emissions by 3.8 percent from fiscal 2005 equals an increase of about 3 percent from fiscal 1990 levels. The reduction figure may well appear inferior to the goal set by the United States of cutting green house gas emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels.
Draw up N-power outlook
Referring to the new target, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has noted that the 3.8 percent reduction has been set “just as a provisional figure.” His statement indicates that this country is prepared to revise upward the reduction target, depending on the future reactivation of nuclear plants.
It is estimated that an increase by 5 points of the percentage of nuclear power output among the nation’s entire power generation would reduce Japan’s greenhouse gas emissions by around 3 percent.
To obtain understanding from other countries about the new target, the government should scrupulously explain that the target is only provisional.
The government has also worked out a diplomatic strategy for “going on the offensive” to fight global warming.
The centerpiece of the strategy is the government’s pledge to provide $16 billion (about ¥1.6 trillion) in combined financial assistance from the government and private sectors over a period of three years from 2013 to help developing countries tackle climate change. The contribution from Japan will account for one-third of all the financial assistance emerging nations have been asking for at COP19.
The strategy also incorporates such projects as the launch of a satellite capable of monitoring greenhouse gas emissions from China and other Asian countries.
It is highly important to stress Japan’s readiness to actively contribute to slashing global greenhouse gas emissions through its high technological capabilities, even though this country cannot currently afford to set a lofty reduction target.
Even more significant in connection with the greenhouse gas reduction goal is what target should be set for beyond 2020. This is because a new framework for fighting global warming to take the place of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol is scheduled to go into effect in 2020.
A focus of the COP19 discussions is when the participating countries should produce their respective reduction targets in line with the new framework.
To push ahead with measures against global warming that take into account the years from 2020 on, the government must clarify in a new version of the Basic Energy Plan its position on what percentage of the nation’s electricity supplies should be provided through nuclear power in the future.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Nov. 18, 2013)
(2013年11月18日01時44分 読売新聞)
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