(Mainichi Japan) June 29, 2011
Strengthening of nuclear safety more important than TEPCO's 'internal company logic'
社説:東電株主総会 社内論理より安全守れ
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), operator of the disaster-struck Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, held its general shareholders' meeting on June 28, attracting the largest crowd and taking the most time of any shareholders' meeting in company history.
Shareholder questions covered a lot of ground, including board members' salaries, cuts to company pensions, nuclear disaster compensation payments, and nuclear safety policy.
Overall, the executives on stage faced a barrage of harsh inquiries about not just management's responsibility for the Fukushima crisis, but also about the very state of the nuclear power industry.
"If TEPCO doesn't change its basic makeup, there will be disaster after disaster," came the rising tide of criticism.
The utility's managers must take that criticism to heart.
Since TEPCO's Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant in Kashiwazaki, Niigata Prefecture, was damaged in the 2007 Chuetsu Oki Earthquake, a natural plus a nuclear disaster has ceased to be a "virtually impossible hypothetical."
Furthermore, the very real danger of a major earthquake striking off Japan's northeast coast was pointed out during a Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry commission of inquiry two years ago, but TEPCO did nothing to improve safety policies.
Looking back even further, in the summer of 2002 TEPCO was lambasted for lax governance on safety issues after the company was caught hiding problems at Kashiwazaki Kariwa and the Fukushima No. 1 and 2 nuclear power plants.
Now, it can be said that because of the high level of technical specialization needed to get into the nuclear power industry, it has a tendency of insularity and exclusivity.
However, for that fact alone the industry must proactively release information to the public and accept an inspection regime.
At TEPCO, however, that kind of thinking just never entered the management culture.
Masataka Shimizu, who stepped down as TEPCO president at the shareholders' meeting, admitted during the corporate earnings presentation that the firm had "lost sight of the good of the customer and of local areas, and there remains a tendency to make moves based solely on the company's internal logic."
If that's the case, then now is the time to rebuild TEPCO corporate culture, doing away with the prioritization of parochial interests and inculcating the tools to create a thorough safety management system.
In the June 28 meeting, much attention was paid to a group of 402 stockholders who proposed a motion to gradually eliminate TEPCO's nuclear power stations.
The motion was defeated by an overwhelming margin, but the very fact that an anti-nuclear power block could form is a major development.
Of the nine major electric companies in Japan who have nuclear plants in their generating stock, shareholders at six have proposed abandoning nuclear power.
Meanwhile, some third-party firms giving advice on shareholder voting even warned institutional investors, "The continuation of nuclear power generation by private firms carries too high a risk," and therefore utility shareholders should support motions to abandon nuclear power.
Certainly, obtaining a site for a nuclear power station and managing nuclear safety both cost a great deal of money.
Also, in the case of a disaster like the one now unfolding at the Fukushima plant -- where there is as yet no upper limit or reprieve from compensation payments in sight -- the financial risk for power companies is extremely high.
Meanwhile, the role of the national government in the whole situation is vague, though continuing entrusting nuclear power -- which remains a central part of Japan's energy policy -- to private firms in the present fashion would seem to be impossible.
Even if Japan comes to depend less on nuclear power from here on out, we will still have a certain number of reactors in operation to fill our electricity needs.
So, what form should the strengthening of nuclear safety -- that most important of considerations -- take?
This must be the focus of deep national discussion.
毎日新聞 2011年6月29日 東京朝刊
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 26
EDITORIAL: Rebuilding plan needs more work to avoid vested-interest trap.
The Reconstruction Design Council has submitted a proposal to Prime Minister Naoto Kan that talks about "keeping our hearts as one with the people in the areas affected by the quake and tsunami, and to light the flame of hope in those areas through national solidarity and mutual support."
The proposal puts forth such lofty principles as "the basis of reconstruction efforts should place local communities at its center," and that we should "pursue the possibilities of an economic society that would lead the way into a possible future." The proposal also includes various prescriptions for reconstruction.
Specifically, the council proposes options for rebuilding communities that reduce the risk of disasters and plans for reviving industries in the affected areas.
The options are designed to fit the actual situation in each area.
The plan also proposes setting "special reconstruction zones" to make best use of local communities' abilities.
The idea to create locations for developing renewable energy that nurture industries of the 21st century in Fukushima Prefecture is also very good.
Some directions in this proposal overlap with areas that we have been seeking.
However, more than a few points seem to require deeper thought.
Take the matter of land, for example.
The complex web of ownership rights needs to be sorted out soon, as it is obstructing reconstruction.
The proposal sidesteps this thorny problem by saying "necessary measures must be considered," and that government procurement of land is "problematic."
The proposal includes using special zoning, but would it not have been better to offer a more specific solution for a breakthrough?
Also, we cannot see how the affected local governments will be able to actually apply these proposals.
A road map that lays out which project should take priority, and what kind of preparation is necessary, is essential.
If not, local governments have no choice but to let central government ministries decide for them when to start a particular project or how to design a particular system. And if that happens, the principle of putting the local communities first is just an empty promise.
On the other hand, the proposal includes a plan to re-energize and revitalize the fishing industry by drawing in private sector funds.
This resulted from strong lobbying by Yoshihiro Murai, the governor of Miyagi Prefecture. Even so, some local fishermen question the plan or are against it.
In reality, many issues must be overcome. The Reconstruction Design Council is expected to have a say in the usual ministry-led process of coordinating the many conflicting interests of interested parties and point to a new path.
The council chairman, Makoto Iokibe, decided against delaying a final recommendation to the end of the year, as originally planned, and instead moved up the schedule to include proposals at this juncture.
This might have been due to a sense of urgency created by Prime Minister Naoto Kan's offer to resign, for it was Kan who initiated the creation of the council.
It is true the Kan administration has wavered in the process of selecting the minister for reconstruction.
The future role of the Reconstruction Design Council is also unclear.
Although the proposal takes into account the difficult conditions in the disaster-hit areas and opened up some hope, it needs to be deepened.
We intend to keep a sharp eye on the proceedings, lest reconstruction efforts end up falling into the trap of coordinating various vested interests.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 26
EDITORIAL: Rebuilding plan needs more work to avoid vested-interest trap.
The Reconstruction Design Council has submitted a proposal to Prime Minister Naoto Kan that talks about "keeping our hearts as one with the people in the areas affected by the quake and tsunami, and to light the flame of hope in those areas through national solidarity and mutual support."
The proposal puts forth such lofty principles as "the basis of reconstruction efforts should place local communities at its center," and that we should "pursue the possibilities of an economic society that would lead the way into a possible future." The proposal also includes various prescriptions for reconstruction.
Specifically, the council proposes options for rebuilding communities that reduce the risk of disasters and plans for reviving industries in the affected areas.
The options are designed to fit the actual situation in each area.
The plan also proposes setting "special reconstruction zones" to make best use of local communities' abilities.
The idea to create locations for developing renewable energy that nurture industries of the 21st century in Fukushima Prefecture is also very good.
Some directions in this proposal overlap with areas that we have been seeking.
However, more than a few points seem to require deeper thought.
Take the matter of land, for example.
The complex web of ownership rights needs to be sorted out soon, as it is obstructing reconstruction.
The proposal sidesteps this thorny problem by saying "necessary measures must be considered," and that government procurement of land is "problematic."
The proposal includes using special zoning, but would it not have been better to offer a more specific solution for a breakthrough?
Also, we cannot see how the affected local governments will be able to actually apply these proposals.
A road map that lays out which project should take priority, and what kind of preparation is necessary, is essential.
If not, local governments have no choice but to let central government ministries decide for them when to start a particular project or how to design a particular system. And if that happens, the principle of putting the local communities first is just an empty promise.
On the other hand, the proposal includes a plan to re-energize and revitalize the fishing industry by drawing in private sector funds.
This resulted from strong lobbying by Yoshihiro Murai, the governor of Miyagi Prefecture. Even so, some local fishermen question the plan or are against it.
In reality, many issues must be overcome. The Reconstruction Design Council is expected to have a say in the usual ministry-led process of coordinating the many conflicting interests of interested parties and point to a new path.
The council chairman, Makoto Iokibe, decided against delaying a final recommendation to the end of the year, as originally planned, and instead moved up the schedule to include proposals at this juncture.
This might have been due to a sense of urgency created by Prime Minister Naoto Kan's offer to resign, for it was Kan who initiated the creation of the council.
It is true the Kan administration has wavered in the process of selecting the minister for reconstruction.
The future role of the Reconstruction Design Council is also unclear.
Although the proposal takes into account the difficult conditions in the disaster-hit areas and opened up some hope, it needs to be deepened.
We intend to keep a sharp eye on the proceedings, lest reconstruction efforts end up falling into the trap of coordinating various vested interests.
男女共同参画 「30%目標」へ環境の整備を
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jun. 27, 2011)
More effort must be made for gender-equal society
男女共同参画 「30%目標」へ環境の整備を(6月26日付・読売社説)
Utilizing women's abilities is key to boosting the vigor of Japanese society, one of the reasons why encouraging efforts toward gender equality is extremely important.
The government established a target in 2003 of raising the proportion of women in leadership positions in key sectors of society to at least about 30 percent by 2020.
The current rate, however, stands at just 10 percent. The 2011 government white paper on gender equality, approved by the Cabinet on Tuesday, says women's participation in many fields is still insufficient, and calls for redoubled efforts to promote gender equality in all parts of society.
The percentage of women occupying leadership positions has already reached 42 percent in the United States and 37 percent in Germany, meaning Japan has been lagging far behind the United States and European countries in terms of gender equality.
Twenty-five years have passed since the Equal Employment Opportunity Law came into effect, and women of what was called the "equal opportunity generation" have played active roles as corporate executives and in other managerial positions.
However, the proportion of women working as section chiefs or higher in companies with at least 100 staff has remained extremely low at 6 percent.
Promote work-life balance
The low percentage of women in managerial posts is due primarily to the fact that many women stop working when they have their first child. There is an urgent need to increase the number of child care facilities and expand systems for child care leave.
It is encouraging that in recent years some companies have set such goals as increasing the proportion of women hired for the career track to at least 30 percent of employees fresh from college, and placing high priority on fostering female executives.
It is also important to promote the principle of work-life balance to make it possible for women to make work compatible with child rearing. No time should be wasted to provide a pleasant working environment for women.
With the continued low birthrate and graying of the population, concern is growing over a decline in the working population. Currently, the number of people of working age--15 to 64--per older person stands at 2.7. Known as the old-age support ratio, this figure is predicted to drop to 1.8 in 2030.
The future of Japan's society can never be bright without effective use of women's working power.
To create a more comfortable and enriched living environment, it is imperative to value women's point of view more highly in all spheres of life.
Respect for women's roles
Following the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Cabinet Office has prodded local municipalities in disaster-struck regions to set up consultation services for women, but municipalities have tended to be slow in doing so. Problems have occurred at many evacuation centers because of a failure to secure privacy for women.
In Tome, Miyagi Prefecture, a group of people, including female members of the city's drafting committee for a gender equality ordinance, created a support team for female victims of the disaster.
Based on requests from women at evacuation centers, team members have engaged in such activities as providing women's underwear and cosmetics in collaboration with companies that offered their support.
Women also play an important role in providing mental care for disaster victims and improving the environment for child rearing. In the future projects for reconstruction from the March 11 disaster, women should be encouraged to give full play to their sensitive, considerate way of doing things.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, June 26, 2011)
(2011年6月26日01時32分 読売新聞)
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jun. 27, 2011)
More effort must be made for gender-equal society
男女共同参画 「30%目標」へ環境の整備を(6月26日付・読売社説)
Utilizing women's abilities is key to boosting the vigor of Japanese society, one of the reasons why encouraging efforts toward gender equality is extremely important.
The government established a target in 2003 of raising the proportion of women in leadership positions in key sectors of society to at least about 30 percent by 2020.
The current rate, however, stands at just 10 percent. The 2011 government white paper on gender equality, approved by the Cabinet on Tuesday, says women's participation in many fields is still insufficient, and calls for redoubled efforts to promote gender equality in all parts of society.
The percentage of women occupying leadership positions has already reached 42 percent in the United States and 37 percent in Germany, meaning Japan has been lagging far behind the United States and European countries in terms of gender equality.
Twenty-five years have passed since the Equal Employment Opportunity Law came into effect, and women of what was called the "equal opportunity generation" have played active roles as corporate executives and in other managerial positions.
However, the proportion of women working as section chiefs or higher in companies with at least 100 staff has remained extremely low at 6 percent.
Promote work-life balance
The low percentage of women in managerial posts is due primarily to the fact that many women stop working when they have their first child. There is an urgent need to increase the number of child care facilities and expand systems for child care leave.
It is encouraging that in recent years some companies have set such goals as increasing the proportion of women hired for the career track to at least 30 percent of employees fresh from college, and placing high priority on fostering female executives.
It is also important to promote the principle of work-life balance to make it possible for women to make work compatible with child rearing. No time should be wasted to provide a pleasant working environment for women.
With the continued low birthrate and graying of the population, concern is growing over a decline in the working population. Currently, the number of people of working age--15 to 64--per older person stands at 2.7. Known as the old-age support ratio, this figure is predicted to drop to 1.8 in 2030.
The future of Japan's society can never be bright without effective use of women's working power.
To create a more comfortable and enriched living environment, it is imperative to value women's point of view more highly in all spheres of life.
Respect for women's roles
Following the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Cabinet Office has prodded local municipalities in disaster-struck regions to set up consultation services for women, but municipalities have tended to be slow in doing so. Problems have occurred at many evacuation centers because of a failure to secure privacy for women.
In Tome, Miyagi Prefecture, a group of people, including female members of the city's drafting committee for a gender equality ordinance, created a support team for female victims of the disaster.
Based on requests from women at evacuation centers, team members have engaged in such activities as providing women's underwear and cosmetics in collaboration with companies that offered their support.
Women also play an important role in providing mental care for disaster victims and improving the environment for child rearing. In the future projects for reconstruction from the March 11 disaster, women should be encouraged to give full play to their sensitive, considerate way of doing things.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, June 26, 2011)
(2011年6月26日01時32分 読売新聞)
駐留米軍撤収 アフガン治安を見極め慎重に
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jun. 26, 2011)
U.S. withdrawal mustn't jeopardize Afghan security
駐留米軍撤収 アフガン治安を見極め慎重に(6月25日付・読売社説)
At long last, a path toward ending a war that has continued for nearly a decade has started to emerge.
U.S. President Barack Obama has announced 10,000 troops will be withdrawn from Afghanistan by year's end, and that about 23,000 more will be pulled from the battlefield by the end of next summer.
The remaining 68,000 troops will be steadily brought home after that as power is transferred from U.S. forces to Afghan national security forces, Obama said in his announcement.
Such U.S. allies as Britain, Germany and France that have deployed troops in Afghanistan to bolster public order and security also plan to considerably reduce their personnel.
The phased withdrawal of U.S. troops must, above all else, be conducted under the major premise that public security is ensured in Afghanistan.
We hope the withdrawal goes ahead while a close eye is kept on the realities on the ground in Afghanistan to ensure that country does not once again become a failed nation and hotbed of terrorism.
Of the two wars started by the administration of his predecessor, George W. Bush, Obama criticized the Iraq war as a "wrong war," and has pulled many U.S. combat troops from Iraq.
However, Obama said military action against terrorists in Afghanistan is "necessary and just," and he sent additional troops to join the fighting there.
The start of the withdrawal suggests this "surge" has yielded some results.
Obama focusing on reelection
Certainly, the offensive capability of the Taliban, the former rulers of Afghanistan, has been weakened.
Afghan national security forces now have nearly 300,000 personnel and been handed responsibility for ensuring security in some areas.
The killing of Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden--the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States--at his hideout in Pakistan last month by U.S. special forces was a key factor in Obama's decision to start bringing troops home.
However, concerns remain about the withdrawal plan.
The U.S. public is becoming increasingly weary of the war.
There is growing dissatisfaction and anxiety over the snowballing costs of the war, the faltering U.S. economy and the stubbornly high unemployment rate.
Obama will focus more on domestic issues and rebuilding the United States than on other countries.
He also wants to avoid any deterioration of U.S. government finances as eyes begin to turn to the autumn 2012 presidential election.
Make Japan aid effective
Some observers wonder if a hasty U.S. pullout could result in the Taliban regaining strength.
While maintaining military capabilities that can overwhelm Taliban forces, the United States should step up efforts to ensure public security in Afghanistan.
To achieve this, Washington will need to strengthen the Afghan government and security forces, and boost cooperation with neighboring Pakistan in operations to stamp out terrorist elements.
Since the Democratic Party of Japan came to power in 2009, Japan's policy has been to help stabilize Afghanistan and surrounding areas through massive monetary aid, rather than contributions of personnel.
This monetary assistance, however, has produced meager results.
The government must seriously consider how this money could be used more effectively.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, June 25, 2011)
(2011年6月25日01時07分 読売新聞)
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jun. 26, 2011)
U.S. withdrawal mustn't jeopardize Afghan security
駐留米軍撤収 アフガン治安を見極め慎重に(6月25日付・読売社説)
At long last, a path toward ending a war that has continued for nearly a decade has started to emerge.
U.S. President Barack Obama has announced 10,000 troops will be withdrawn from Afghanistan by year's end, and that about 23,000 more will be pulled from the battlefield by the end of next summer.
The remaining 68,000 troops will be steadily brought home after that as power is transferred from U.S. forces to Afghan national security forces, Obama said in his announcement.
Such U.S. allies as Britain, Germany and France that have deployed troops in Afghanistan to bolster public order and security also plan to considerably reduce their personnel.
The phased withdrawal of U.S. troops must, above all else, be conducted under the major premise that public security is ensured in Afghanistan.
We hope the withdrawal goes ahead while a close eye is kept on the realities on the ground in Afghanistan to ensure that country does not once again become a failed nation and hotbed of terrorism.
Of the two wars started by the administration of his predecessor, George W. Bush, Obama criticized the Iraq war as a "wrong war," and has pulled many U.S. combat troops from Iraq.
However, Obama said military action against terrorists in Afghanistan is "necessary and just," and he sent additional troops to join the fighting there.
The start of the withdrawal suggests this "surge" has yielded some results.
Obama focusing on reelection
Certainly, the offensive capability of the Taliban, the former rulers of Afghanistan, has been weakened.
Afghan national security forces now have nearly 300,000 personnel and been handed responsibility for ensuring security in some areas.
The killing of Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden--the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States--at his hideout in Pakistan last month by U.S. special forces was a key factor in Obama's decision to start bringing troops home.
However, concerns remain about the withdrawal plan.
The U.S. public is becoming increasingly weary of the war.
There is growing dissatisfaction and anxiety over the snowballing costs of the war, the faltering U.S. economy and the stubbornly high unemployment rate.
Obama will focus more on domestic issues and rebuilding the United States than on other countries.
He also wants to avoid any deterioration of U.S. government finances as eyes begin to turn to the autumn 2012 presidential election.
Make Japan aid effective
Some observers wonder if a hasty U.S. pullout could result in the Taliban regaining strength.
While maintaining military capabilities that can overwhelm Taliban forces, the United States should step up efforts to ensure public security in Afghanistan.
To achieve this, Washington will need to strengthen the Afghan government and security forces, and boost cooperation with neighboring Pakistan in operations to stamp out terrorist elements.
Since the Democratic Party of Japan came to power in 2009, Japan's policy has been to help stabilize Afghanistan and surrounding areas through massive monetary aid, rather than contributions of personnel.
This monetary assistance, however, has produced meager results.
The government must seriously consider how this money could be used more effectively.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, June 25, 2011)
(2011年6月25日01時07分 読売新聞)
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 23
EDITORIAL: More talks needed on bilateral defense alliance
For the first time in four years, the foreign and defense ministers of Japan and their U.S. counterparts reviewed "common strategic objectives" on June 21 and agreed on military cooperation and role-sharing.
The first meeting of its kind since the Democratic Party of Japan came into power, it served a certain purpose as an occasion for Tokyo and Washington to compare notes on various issues, especially the East Asia situation that has grown more complex.
A joint statement issued after the meeting warned of "challenges posed by the increasingly uncertain security environment" in East Asia due to China's emergence, and urged China to "adhere to international norms of behavior."
With regard to North Korea, the statement also spelled out a new common strategic objective, which is to "deter provocations by North Korea."
Another point that should be noted is that Tokyo and Washington are now calling for multilateral security cooperation with Australia, South Korea, India and others.
But the main purpose of the meeting was to mend and reinforce the Japan-U.S. alliance that became shaky over the proposed relocation of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Ginowan, Okinawa Prefecture, since the DPJ came to power.
Although the joint statement was titled "Toward a Deeper and Broader U.S.-Japan Alliance: Building on 50 Years of Partnership," we believe the partners were well aware of the need to stop the alliance from further deterioration.
While the successful Japan-U.S. cooperation in aiding survivors of the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11 helped advance the bilateral alliance, some of the new common strategic objectives the partners agreed on suggest that Tokyo bit the bullet in order to accommodate Washington's wishes.
On the thorny Futenma relocation issue, for instance, Tokyo agreed to spell out the construction of a facility in the Henoko district of Nago in the prefecture even though there is still no prospect of building such a facility because of adamant local opposition.
The agreement has not only reversed the clock to the days of the coalition government of the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito, but is also certain to further deepen the rift between Tokyo and Okinawa.
The new agreement means Okinawa's demand for the relocation of U.S. military training facilities remains unanswered, and a dangerous military base is going to become a permanent fixture in a crowded residential zone.
With regard to the proposed transfer of U.S. carrier-based aircraft to the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Tokyo agreed to consider Mageshima island in Kagoshima Prefecture as the site of the landing and takeoff training facility required by Washington.
The locals are resisting this vehemently, and Tokyo has certainly created a new source of strife.
Moreover, on the matter of export to third countries of jointly-developed ballistic missile interceptors, Tokyo agreed to Washington's proposal without coming up with any clear guidelines of its own.
We have consistently called for serious discourse in the Diet concerning our country's three basic principles of arms export.
We cannot possibly allow the new export agreement in the absence of any regulatory measure.
Japan is going to pay dearly for the result of the ministerial meeting in Washington.
But Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who has already announced his intention to resign, is in no shape to handle the situation.
And U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is stepping down at the end of this month.
Given these irregular circumstances in which the ministerial agreement was hammered out, a fresh round of talks must be held to give the agreement any meaning and truly deepen the bilateral alliance.
--The Asahi Shimbun, June 23
EDITORIAL: More talks needed on bilateral defense alliance
For the first time in four years, the foreign and defense ministers of Japan and their U.S. counterparts reviewed "common strategic objectives" on June 21 and agreed on military cooperation and role-sharing.
The first meeting of its kind since the Democratic Party of Japan came into power, it served a certain purpose as an occasion for Tokyo and Washington to compare notes on various issues, especially the East Asia situation that has grown more complex.
A joint statement issued after the meeting warned of "challenges posed by the increasingly uncertain security environment" in East Asia due to China's emergence, and urged China to "adhere to international norms of behavior."
With regard to North Korea, the statement also spelled out a new common strategic objective, which is to "deter provocations by North Korea."
Another point that should be noted is that Tokyo and Washington are now calling for multilateral security cooperation with Australia, South Korea, India and others.
But the main purpose of the meeting was to mend and reinforce the Japan-U.S. alliance that became shaky over the proposed relocation of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Ginowan, Okinawa Prefecture, since the DPJ came to power.
Although the joint statement was titled "Toward a Deeper and Broader U.S.-Japan Alliance: Building on 50 Years of Partnership," we believe the partners were well aware of the need to stop the alliance from further deterioration.
While the successful Japan-U.S. cooperation in aiding survivors of the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11 helped advance the bilateral alliance, some of the new common strategic objectives the partners agreed on suggest that Tokyo bit the bullet in order to accommodate Washington's wishes.
On the thorny Futenma relocation issue, for instance, Tokyo agreed to spell out the construction of a facility in the Henoko district of Nago in the prefecture even though there is still no prospect of building such a facility because of adamant local opposition.
The agreement has not only reversed the clock to the days of the coalition government of the Liberal Democratic Party and New Komeito, but is also certain to further deepen the rift between Tokyo and Okinawa.
The new agreement means Okinawa's demand for the relocation of U.S. military training facilities remains unanswered, and a dangerous military base is going to become a permanent fixture in a crowded residential zone.
With regard to the proposed transfer of U.S. carrier-based aircraft to the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Tokyo agreed to consider Mageshima island in Kagoshima Prefecture as the site of the landing and takeoff training facility required by Washington.
The locals are resisting this vehemently, and Tokyo has certainly created a new source of strife.
Moreover, on the matter of export to third countries of jointly-developed ballistic missile interceptors, Tokyo agreed to Washington's proposal without coming up with any clear guidelines of its own.
We have consistently called for serious discourse in the Diet concerning our country's three basic principles of arms export.
We cannot possibly allow the new export agreement in the absence of any regulatory measure.
Japan is going to pay dearly for the result of the ministerial meeting in Washington.
But Prime Minister Naoto Kan, who has already announced his intention to resign, is in no shape to handle the situation.
And U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is stepping down at the end of this month.
Given these irregular circumstances in which the ministerial agreement was hammered out, a fresh round of talks must be held to give the agreement any meaning and truly deepen the bilateral alliance.
量的緩和終了 米国の景気減速に警戒解けぬ
The Yomiuri Shimbun(Jun. 25, 2011)
U.S. economy still ailing as QE2 nears its end
量的緩和終了 米国の景気減速に警戒解けぬ(6月24日付・読売社説)
The U.S. economy is limping along and its future looks uncertain.
The steering of financial policy is becoming increasingly difficult.
The U.S. Federal Reserve Board decided to end, as scheduled at the end of June, the second round of its quantitative easing policy, known as QE2, which has been implemented on an unprecedented scale since November.
The Fed's program has purchased 600 billion dollars in U.S. Treasury bonds and increased the supply of funds to the financial market.
It was a last-ditch measure aimed at shoring up the economy and containing deflationary concerns at the same time.
As a result, long-term interest rates have gone down, encouraging companies to increase capital investment.
As U.S. stock market prices have gone up, personal spending has increased.
Deflationary concerns are subsiding.
However, the negative side effects were significant.
A huge amount of money from the United States filled markets around the world, raising crude oil and crop prices.
Inflation has become conspicuous, especially in emerging countries.
We agree with the Fed's judgment that the quantitative easing policy has fulfilled its role for the time being.
Fed keeps zero-interest policy
The Fed has indicated its resolve to maintain a policy of virtually zero percent interest rates and to keep the federal funds rate, which is a target for short-term interest rates, at its current level.
If the Fed hurriedly adopts an "exit policy" such as a measure to return interest rates to their levels before the global financial crisis, it will cool the business climate and harm the global economy.
The Fed should be very careful in deciding the timing of a transition to a tighter monetary policy.
However, one problem is that the momentum of the economic recovery is still weak.
The U.S. real economic growth rate in the January-March quarter dropped to 1.8 percent on an annually adjusted basis from the previous quarter.
U.S. manufacturers were forced to reduce production because the supply of parts from Japan became bogged down as a result of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Economic stagnation has continued in the April-June quarter.
Unemployment remains high at the 9 percent level.
If the economy slows down further, can the Fed take any additional effective measures?
Interest rates in the United States are certain to remain extremely low for a long time.
Stop overly strong yen
However, Japan must be cautious about the fact that the yen has been growing stronger against the dollar in connection with the low U.S. interest rates.
U.S. authorities apparently have approved the weakening of the dollar, which is an advantage in exporting U.S. products abroad.
Stricken by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, the Japanese economy has fallen into negative growth.
The earnings of Japanese automobile and other export-oriented companies will decrease if dollar-selling based on the U.S. situation leads to excessive appreciation of the yen.
It will eventually lead to serious circumstances in which efforts to repair damage from the disaster will be hindered.
When the yen's appreciation skyrocketed in mid-March, Japan, the United States and some European countries undertook a coordinated intervention and succeeded in putting a brake on the soaring yen.
Likewise, the government and the Bank of Japan should take decisive action to hold the market in check and prevent the yen's excessive appreciation.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, June 24, 2011)
(2011年6月24日01時22分 読売新聞)
The Yomiuri Shimbun(Jun. 25, 2011)
U.S. economy still ailing as QE2 nears its end
量的緩和終了 米国の景気減速に警戒解けぬ(6月24日付・読売社説)
The U.S. economy is limping along and its future looks uncertain.
The steering of financial policy is becoming increasingly difficult.
The U.S. Federal Reserve Board decided to end, as scheduled at the end of June, the second round of its quantitative easing policy, known as QE2, which has been implemented on an unprecedented scale since November.
The Fed's program has purchased 600 billion dollars in U.S. Treasury bonds and increased the supply of funds to the financial market.
It was a last-ditch measure aimed at shoring up the economy and containing deflationary concerns at the same time.
As a result, long-term interest rates have gone down, encouraging companies to increase capital investment.
As U.S. stock market prices have gone up, personal spending has increased.
Deflationary concerns are subsiding.
However, the negative side effects were significant.
A huge amount of money from the United States filled markets around the world, raising crude oil and crop prices.
Inflation has become conspicuous, especially in emerging countries.
We agree with the Fed's judgment that the quantitative easing policy has fulfilled its role for the time being.
Fed keeps zero-interest policy
The Fed has indicated its resolve to maintain a policy of virtually zero percent interest rates and to keep the federal funds rate, which is a target for short-term interest rates, at its current level.
If the Fed hurriedly adopts an "exit policy" such as a measure to return interest rates to their levels before the global financial crisis, it will cool the business climate and harm the global economy.
The Fed should be very careful in deciding the timing of a transition to a tighter monetary policy.
However, one problem is that the momentum of the economic recovery is still weak.
The U.S. real economic growth rate in the January-March quarter dropped to 1.8 percent on an annually adjusted basis from the previous quarter.
U.S. manufacturers were forced to reduce production because the supply of parts from Japan became bogged down as a result of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Economic stagnation has continued in the April-June quarter.
Unemployment remains high at the 9 percent level.
If the economy slows down further, can the Fed take any additional effective measures?
Interest rates in the United States are certain to remain extremely low for a long time.
Stop overly strong yen
However, Japan must be cautious about the fact that the yen has been growing stronger against the dollar in connection with the low U.S. interest rates.
U.S. authorities apparently have approved the weakening of the dollar, which is an advantage in exporting U.S. products abroad.
Stricken by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, the Japanese economy has fallen into negative growth.
The earnings of Japanese automobile and other export-oriented companies will decrease if dollar-selling based on the U.S. situation leads to excessive appreciation of the yen.
It will eventually lead to serious circumstances in which efforts to repair damage from the disaster will be hindered.
When the yen's appreciation skyrocketed in mid-March, Japan, the United States and some European countries undertook a coordinated intervention and succeeded in putting a brake on the soaring yen.
Likewise, the government and the Bank of Japan should take decisive action to hold the market in check and prevent the yen's excessive appreciation.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, June 24, 2011)
(2011年6月24日01時22分 読売新聞)
日米安保協議 「対中」は多角的外交で
(Mainichi Japan) June 23, 2011
Multilateral diplomacy indispensable to improve ties with China
社説:日米安保協議 「対中」は多角的外交で
Foreign and defense ministers from the U.S. and Japan have held a meeting of the Security Consultative Committee, known as two-plus-two, in Washington and issued a joint statement on their new common strategic objectives based on changes in the security environment in the Asia-Pacific region including China's military buildup.
The ministers encourage China to improve its military activities such as adhering to international norms of behavior.
They also urged the country not to pursue and acquire military capabilities that could destabilize the regional security environment even though they did not specifically name China.
The statement also underscores the need for freedom of navigation and access to space and cyberspace.
In other words, the joint statement strongly warns China against its military expansion.
The deepening of the Japan-U.S. alliance with emphasis on bilateral security cooperation is undoubtedly effective for the stability of the Asia-Pacific region and the prevention of an unexpected situation such as the outbreak of an armed conflict.
It is of great significance that the two countries confirmed that they will continue their cooperation in ensuring peace and stability in the region following the transfer of power.
Still, it is obvious that they need to step up their diplomacy toward Beijing as the core of their China policy.
To promote the strategic, reciprocal relationship that Japan and China are pursuing, Tokyo and Beijing should mend their bilateral relations strained by a Chinese fishing boat's collision with Japan Coast Guard patrol vessels off the disputed Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea and expand exchanges and cooperation in various fields based on efforts to enhance mutual trust at the political level.
For now, the two countries should seek to resume defense cooperation and work out specific plans for cooperation amid times of natural disasters in Asia.
Moreover, it is beneficial for Japan to improve its relations with not only the United States but also Southeast Asian countries that have strained ties with Beijing.
The promotion of such multilateral and multilayered diplomatic strategy toward China will be the basis for an improvement in bilateral ties.
The joint statement declares that the two countries have abandoned completing the relocation of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Okinawa Prefecture before 2014 without setting a new deadline.
At the same time, however, it confirms the design of runways at a substitute facility to be built at an offshore area in the Henoko district of Nago, Okinawa Prefecture, and its construction method.
However, it should be concluded that the relocation of the base to the Henoko district has become almost impossible as the Okinawa Prefectural Government has demanded that the facility be relocated out of the prefecture and U.S. Congress is making moves based on the assumption that the relocation plan will not be feasible.
The Mainichi Shimbun has repeatedly insisted that the Japanese and the U.S. governments should review their agreement on the relocation plan and work out specific measures to eliminate the danger that Futenma base poses to the regional community until the base can be moved elsewhere.
During the two-plus-two meeting, Tokyo and Washington agreed that the United States can export sea-based interceptor missiles, which they are jointly developing as part of their missile defense system, to third countries.
However, this is feared to undermine Japan's ban on weapons exports.
The joint statement says the missile defense system must contribute to Japan's security as well as international peace and stability, and that it must not be transferred to third countries.
The term "international peace and stability" is too vague.
To prevent Japan's ban on weapon exports from being hollowed out, the two countries should work out stricter standards for operating the missile defense system.
毎日新聞 2011年6月23日 東京朝刊
(Mainichi Japan) June 23, 2011
Multilateral diplomacy indispensable to improve ties with China
社説:日米安保協議 「対中」は多角的外交で
Foreign and defense ministers from the U.S. and Japan have held a meeting of the Security Consultative Committee, known as two-plus-two, in Washington and issued a joint statement on their new common strategic objectives based on changes in the security environment in the Asia-Pacific region including China's military buildup.
The ministers encourage China to improve its military activities such as adhering to international norms of behavior.
They also urged the country not to pursue and acquire military capabilities that could destabilize the regional security environment even though they did not specifically name China.
The statement also underscores the need for freedom of navigation and access to space and cyberspace.
In other words, the joint statement strongly warns China against its military expansion.
The deepening of the Japan-U.S. alliance with emphasis on bilateral security cooperation is undoubtedly effective for the stability of the Asia-Pacific region and the prevention of an unexpected situation such as the outbreak of an armed conflict.
It is of great significance that the two countries confirmed that they will continue their cooperation in ensuring peace and stability in the region following the transfer of power.
Still, it is obvious that they need to step up their diplomacy toward Beijing as the core of their China policy.
To promote the strategic, reciprocal relationship that Japan and China are pursuing, Tokyo and Beijing should mend their bilateral relations strained by a Chinese fishing boat's collision with Japan Coast Guard patrol vessels off the disputed Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea and expand exchanges and cooperation in various fields based on efforts to enhance mutual trust at the political level.
For now, the two countries should seek to resume defense cooperation and work out specific plans for cooperation amid times of natural disasters in Asia.
Moreover, it is beneficial for Japan to improve its relations with not only the United States but also Southeast Asian countries that have strained ties with Beijing.
The promotion of such multilateral and multilayered diplomatic strategy toward China will be the basis for an improvement in bilateral ties.
The joint statement declares that the two countries have abandoned completing the relocation of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Okinawa Prefecture before 2014 without setting a new deadline.
At the same time, however, it confirms the design of runways at a substitute facility to be built at an offshore area in the Henoko district of Nago, Okinawa Prefecture, and its construction method.
However, it should be concluded that the relocation of the base to the Henoko district has become almost impossible as the Okinawa Prefectural Government has demanded that the facility be relocated out of the prefecture and U.S. Congress is making moves based on the assumption that the relocation plan will not be feasible.
The Mainichi Shimbun has repeatedly insisted that the Japanese and the U.S. governments should review their agreement on the relocation plan and work out specific measures to eliminate the danger that Futenma base poses to the regional community until the base can be moved elsewhere.
During the two-plus-two meeting, Tokyo and Washington agreed that the United States can export sea-based interceptor missiles, which they are jointly developing as part of their missile defense system, to third countries.
However, this is feared to undermine Japan's ban on weapons exports.
The joint statement says the missile defense system must contribute to Japan's security as well as international peace and stability, and that it must not be transferred to third countries.
The term "international peace and stability" is too vague.
To prevent Japan's ban on weapon exports from being hollowed out, the two countries should work out stricter standards for operating the missile defense system.
毎日新聞 2011年6月23日 東京朝刊
(Mainichi Japan) June 22, 2011
Sacrifices forced on rural sites of nuclear power plants do not bring true wealth
How does the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant appear to those who were once embroiled in disputes over the possible construction of a nuclear power plant in their backyard?
It is predicted that a major earthquake will hit Wakayama Prefecture, where I work, in the near future.
Talk of constructing nuclear power plants within the prefecture has emerged numerous times in the past, but thanks to the help of researchers from Kyoto University, such facilities do not exist.
The reason for that is simple: we have no need for dangerous nuclear power plants.
Most noteworthy of the cases in Wakayama were the protests against plant construction in the town of Hidaka and of Hikigawa, which has since been merged with Shirahama.
In Hidaka, the issue had been festering since 1967 when the then mayor revealed his vision for the construction of a nuclear power plant.
In 1988, the Kansai Electric Power Co. (KEPCO) offered the local fisheries cooperative some 700 million yen in compensation for surveys to be conducted in preparation for plant construction.
Family members and relatives belonging to the cooperative were divided on the appropriate response, leading to opposing sides refusing to attend weddings, funerals, and boat-launching ceremonies.
Kazumi Hama, 61, a fisherman who led anti-nuclear plant efforts said that family relationships suffered because of talk of a possible plant.
"If nuclear power plants were safe, we wouldn't have had any infighting.
KEPCO weighed the lives of city dwellers against ours," he said.
In Hikigawa, meanwhile, even students on school buses were split into pro-plant and anti-plant sections. 旧日置川町では、児童のスクールバスの座席までも原発賛否で分かれた。
According to Tomoaki Nishio, 59, the current head of the town council who was then against the construction of the power plants, the proposed site for the nuclear power plant had been privately-owned.
In 1973, however, the town's land development bureau bought the land, with the promise that it would "make the land into a quasi-national park and protect it from reckless development," and resold it to the municipal government.
When town government officials signed a sales contract with KEPCO, a man who had sold his land to the development bureau committed suicide.
"My father was ashamed that he had been conned by the town government," a 78-year-old bereaved family member said.
The question on the minds of all anti-nuclear plant residents was: "Why aren't nuclear power plants built in urban areas, where a massive amount of electricity is consumed every day?"
Sharing this same line of thinking, assistant professors Hiroaki Koide, 61, and Tetsuji Imanaka, 60, of Kyoto University's Research Reactor Institute supported anti-plant protests.
Koide had gone to study at Tohoku University with the belief that nuclear power was going to be the world's future power source.
However, he encountered the protests against the construction of Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant in Miyagi Prefecture, and switched over to an anti-nuclear power stand himself.
"Nuclear power plants are dangerous facilities that cities refuse to build within their own borders, which is why they are built in sparsely-populated areas despite the cost of laying down power lines," Koide said. "
Once you realize that, there's only one choice.
There's no way we can allow such a thing."
Imanaka, too, went to graduate school at Tokyo Institute of Technology with faith in the future of nuclear power, but ended up participating in protests against the construction of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Niigata Prefecture.
He found the power company's claim that nuclear power plants were safe and that they helped local economies dubious.
After the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, Imanaka's doubts about nuclear safety turned into conviction about its dangers.
In a lawsuit seeking the reversal of permission given for the construction of Ikata Nuclear Power Plant in Ehime Prefecture, the two researchers served as expert witnesses for the plaintiffs' legal team.
They also visited Wakayama on numerous occasions to distribute anti-plant fliers.
Koide's argument is clear-cut: machines sometimes break, and people sometimes make mistakes.
It is only natural for nuclear power plants operated by people to break down.
When nuclear power plants break down, they cause catastrophes.
As such, the accident in Fukushima was well within the scope of Koide's expectations.
And yet, the general public remained under the spell of the "safety myth," and arguments like his went ignored.
Koide now blames himself for not having stopped the construction of nuclear power plants, but he also says that the public is "responsible for being duped."
The phrase brings to mind the 1946 essay "Senso sekininsha no mondai" (The problem of who is responsible for the war), in which film director Mansaku Itami argued that the general public were partially responsible for the war, for having been "fooled."
In the essay, the same man who had penned an extremely compassionate screenplay for the film "Muhomatsu no issho" (Rickshaw man), launched a social critique that cut at the very nature of mankind:
"Those who are okay with themselves saying they were 'deceived' will probably be deceived again and again.
No, they are surely in the process of being taken in by new lies already."
It is a matter of course that the national government and power companies that went around touting the "safety myth" are criticized.
However, we must also hold the public accountable for its part in the disaster by falling for the myth.
The public, through the work of politicians, has distributed millions of yen to rural areas as compensation for the use of their land --
and it is that very distribution system and the safety myth that have forced people to live in danger, alongside nuclear power plants.
Hama said that there was a time, during the infighting at the fisheries cooperative, that the opposing blocs cooperated to search for a colleague who had gone missing at sea.
The body was found a week later.
It was these words from Hama that changed the mind of the Hidaka town mayor, who had been pushing for the construction of the nuclear power plant in their town:
"There's a saying that 'for fishermen, hell is one plank away.'
Those of us who work under such dangerous conditions have to get along.
Hey mayor, do you understand that?"
Does forcing sacrifices upon rural residents and being dependent on nuclear power plants signify true wealth? 地方を犠牲にして原発に依存し、豊かさにひたることが幸せなのか--。
What we should be aspiring to as a society seems clear enough.
(By Takashi Yamashita, Wakayama Bureau)
毎日新聞 2011年6月21日 東京朝刊
(Mainichi Japan) June 22, 2011
Sacrifices forced on rural sites of nuclear power plants do not bring true wealth
How does the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant appear to those who were once embroiled in disputes over the possible construction of a nuclear power plant in their backyard?
It is predicted that a major earthquake will hit Wakayama Prefecture, where I work, in the near future.
Talk of constructing nuclear power plants within the prefecture has emerged numerous times in the past, but thanks to the help of researchers from Kyoto University, such facilities do not exist.
The reason for that is simple: we have no need for dangerous nuclear power plants.
Most noteworthy of the cases in Wakayama were the protests against plant construction in the town of Hidaka and of Hikigawa, which has since been merged with Shirahama.
In Hidaka, the issue had been festering since 1967 when the then mayor revealed his vision for the construction of a nuclear power plant.
In 1988, the Kansai Electric Power Co. (KEPCO) offered the local fisheries cooperative some 700 million yen in compensation for surveys to be conducted in preparation for plant construction.
Family members and relatives belonging to the cooperative were divided on the appropriate response, leading to opposing sides refusing to attend weddings, funerals, and boat-launching ceremonies.
Kazumi Hama, 61, a fisherman who led anti-nuclear plant efforts said that family relationships suffered because of talk of a possible plant.
"If nuclear power plants were safe, we wouldn't have had any infighting.
KEPCO weighed the lives of city dwellers against ours," he said.
In Hikigawa, meanwhile, even students on school buses were split into pro-plant and anti-plant sections. 旧日置川町では、児童のスクールバスの座席までも原発賛否で分かれた。
According to Tomoaki Nishio, 59, the current head of the town council who was then against the construction of the power plants, the proposed site for the nuclear power plant had been privately-owned.
In 1973, however, the town's land development bureau bought the land, with the promise that it would "make the land into a quasi-national park and protect it from reckless development," and resold it to the municipal government.
When town government officials signed a sales contract with KEPCO, a man who had sold his land to the development bureau committed suicide.
"My father was ashamed that he had been conned by the town government," a 78-year-old bereaved family member said.
The question on the minds of all anti-nuclear plant residents was: "Why aren't nuclear power plants built in urban areas, where a massive amount of electricity is consumed every day?"
Sharing this same line of thinking, assistant professors Hiroaki Koide, 61, and Tetsuji Imanaka, 60, of Kyoto University's Research Reactor Institute supported anti-plant protests.
Koide had gone to study at Tohoku University with the belief that nuclear power was going to be the world's future power source.
However, he encountered the protests against the construction of Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant in Miyagi Prefecture, and switched over to an anti-nuclear power stand himself.
"Nuclear power plants are dangerous facilities that cities refuse to build within their own borders, which is why they are built in sparsely-populated areas despite the cost of laying down power lines," Koide said. "
Once you realize that, there's only one choice.
There's no way we can allow such a thing."
Imanaka, too, went to graduate school at Tokyo Institute of Technology with faith in the future of nuclear power, but ended up participating in protests against the construction of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Niigata Prefecture.
He found the power company's claim that nuclear power plants were safe and that they helped local economies dubious.
After the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, Imanaka's doubts about nuclear safety turned into conviction about its dangers.
In a lawsuit seeking the reversal of permission given for the construction of Ikata Nuclear Power Plant in Ehime Prefecture, the two researchers served as expert witnesses for the plaintiffs' legal team.
They also visited Wakayama on numerous occasions to distribute anti-plant fliers.
Koide's argument is clear-cut: machines sometimes break, and people sometimes make mistakes.
It is only natural for nuclear power plants operated by people to break down.
When nuclear power plants break down, they cause catastrophes.
As such, the accident in Fukushima was well within the scope of Koide's expectations.
And yet, the general public remained under the spell of the "safety myth," and arguments like his went ignored.
Koide now blames himself for not having stopped the construction of nuclear power plants, but he also says that the public is "responsible for being duped."
The phrase brings to mind the 1946 essay "Senso sekininsha no mondai" (The problem of who is responsible for the war), in which film director Mansaku Itami argued that the general public were partially responsible for the war, for having been "fooled."
In the essay, the same man who had penned an extremely compassionate screenplay for the film "Muhomatsu no issho" (Rickshaw man), launched a social critique that cut at the very nature of mankind:
"Those who are okay with themselves saying they were 'deceived' will probably be deceived again and again.
No, they are surely in the process of being taken in by new lies already."
It is a matter of course that the national government and power companies that went around touting the "safety myth" are criticized.
However, we must also hold the public accountable for its part in the disaster by falling for the myth.
The public, through the work of politicians, has distributed millions of yen to rural areas as compensation for the use of their land --
and it is that very distribution system and the safety myth that have forced people to live in danger, alongside nuclear power plants.
Hama said that there was a time, during the infighting at the fisheries cooperative, that the opposing blocs cooperated to search for a colleague who had gone missing at sea.
The body was found a week later.
It was these words from Hama that changed the mind of the Hidaka town mayor, who had been pushing for the construction of the nuclear power plant in their town:
"There's a saying that 'for fishermen, hell is one plank away.'
Those of us who work under such dangerous conditions have to get along.
Hey mayor, do you understand that?"
Does forcing sacrifices upon rural residents and being dependent on nuclear power plants signify true wealth? 地方を犠牲にして原発に依存し、豊かさにひたることが幸せなのか--。
What we should be aspiring to as a society seems clear enough.
(By Takashi Yamashita, Wakayama Bureau)
毎日新聞 2011年6月21日 東京朝刊
(Mainichi Japan) June 21, 2011
Gov't must stop forcing sacrifices on citizens and establish sensible policy
A report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant warns that Japan's complexity of organizations may slow its response at times of emergency.
We can't brush aside such a warning as mere meddling. Indeed, the country's decision-making mechanism, shouldering of responsibility, and actions are all operating separately without linking to each other.
As such, it is only natural to suggest that this situation is the result of a structural flaw -- and not an unfortunate coincidence.
It is unlikely that malicious intent had anything to do with the delays in the government's reaction to the nuclear crisis.
Rather, the delays represent a rigid structural climate that includes elusion, vertical sectionalism and exclusion, and scattered responsibility.
Evasion of responsibility is often seen at times of war.
Many of you probably have seen the film "Judgment at Nuremberg," based on the Judges' Trial of the Nuremburg war crime tribunal accusing several judges of cooperating with the Nazis.
Directed by Stanley Kramer in 1961, the American film portrays the pitfalls of irresponsibility, self-righteousness and the ability to adapt that people can fall into, even if they are rational members of the justice system.
"If the defendants were all depraved perverts -- if the leaders of the Third Reich were sadistic monsters and maniacs -- these events would have no more moral significance than an earthquake or other natural catastrophes," the judge in the movie says. "
But this trial has shown that under the stress of a national crisis, men -- even able and extraordinary men -- can delude themselves into the commission of crimes and atrocities so vast and heinous as to stagger the imagination.
No one who has sat through this trial can ever forget."
The film shows that with heightening tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, there are unexpected political interventions, and fears of a military conflict.
Because the U.S. military does not want to antagonize Germans, it applies pressure on the court in a roundabout way to be lenient toward the defendants.
The circumstances in the film have the same feel as the current situation in Japan, where the government has called for the restart of nuclear reactors currently suspended out of fears that otherwise Japan's summertime electricity demand will not be met, even though there is no end in sight to the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima power plant.
The line of thinking is that certain "small" things have to be sacrificed to secure "bigger" guarantees.
In order to break free from our dependence on nuclear power, society must undertake broad and tireless discussions to change the course of energy and cultivate a sensible philosophy.
You could call it a shift in values.
It might be out of habit that the soldiers in the film put military prowess over the pursuit of justice.
It is rather dubious for the Japanese government to suggest that "small" things have to be sacrificed for "bigger" purposes without making thorough efforts to establish safety measures or verify what happened.
In the film, the judge presiding over the case does not hold back, and metes out a heavy sentence.
As an aside, the great thing about this film is that it does not provide us with a simple explanation on what is right or wrong, with a clean ending denouncing all evil.
We are even made to become skeptical of the U.S. as the embodiment of justice in World War II.
Maximilian Schell won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of the defense attorney, who brought up what the U.S. did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
(By Kenji Tamaki, Expert Senior Writer)
毎日新聞 2011年6月21日 東京朝刊
(Mainichi Japan) June 21, 2011
Gov't must stop forcing sacrifices on citizens and establish sensible policy
A report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant warns that Japan's complexity of organizations may slow its response at times of emergency.
We can't brush aside such a warning as mere meddling. Indeed, the country's decision-making mechanism, shouldering of responsibility, and actions are all operating separately without linking to each other.
As such, it is only natural to suggest that this situation is the result of a structural flaw -- and not an unfortunate coincidence.
It is unlikely that malicious intent had anything to do with the delays in the government's reaction to the nuclear crisis.
Rather, the delays represent a rigid structural climate that includes elusion, vertical sectionalism and exclusion, and scattered responsibility.
Evasion of responsibility is often seen at times of war.
Many of you probably have seen the film "Judgment at Nuremberg," based on the Judges' Trial of the Nuremburg war crime tribunal accusing several judges of cooperating with the Nazis.
Directed by Stanley Kramer in 1961, the American film portrays the pitfalls of irresponsibility, self-righteousness and the ability to adapt that people can fall into, even if they are rational members of the justice system.
"If the defendants were all depraved perverts -- if the leaders of the Third Reich were sadistic monsters and maniacs -- these events would have no more moral significance than an earthquake or other natural catastrophes," the judge in the movie says. "
But this trial has shown that under the stress of a national crisis, men -- even able and extraordinary men -- can delude themselves into the commission of crimes and atrocities so vast and heinous as to stagger the imagination.
No one who has sat through this trial can ever forget."
The film shows that with heightening tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, there are unexpected political interventions, and fears of a military conflict.
Because the U.S. military does not want to antagonize Germans, it applies pressure on the court in a roundabout way to be lenient toward the defendants.
The circumstances in the film have the same feel as the current situation in Japan, where the government has called for the restart of nuclear reactors currently suspended out of fears that otherwise Japan's summertime electricity demand will not be met, even though there is no end in sight to the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima power plant.
The line of thinking is that certain "small" things have to be sacrificed to secure "bigger" guarantees.
In order to break free from our dependence on nuclear power, society must undertake broad and tireless discussions to change the course of energy and cultivate a sensible philosophy.
You could call it a shift in values.
It might be out of habit that the soldiers in the film put military prowess over the pursuit of justice.
It is rather dubious for the Japanese government to suggest that "small" things have to be sacrificed for "bigger" purposes without making thorough efforts to establish safety measures or verify what happened.
In the film, the judge presiding over the case does not hold back, and metes out a heavy sentence.
As an aside, the great thing about this film is that it does not provide us with a simple explanation on what is right or wrong, with a clean ending denouncing all evil.
We are even made to become skeptical of the U.S. as the embodiment of justice in World War II.
Maximilian Schell won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of the defense attorney, who brought up what the U.S. did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
(By Kenji Tamaki, Expert Senior Writer)
毎日新聞 2011年6月21日 東京朝刊
(Mainichi Japan) June 20, 2011
Preventing radiation contamination more important than TEPCO's stock prices
Some people have suggested that I start to write about something other than nuclear power plants, but with the situation as it is, that's not going to happen.
The crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant is still not over.
Far from it, there are signs that it is getting worse.
I can't stand by and look at the political situation without focusing on this serious event.
One figure who has entered the public spotlight in the wake of the nuclear crisis is 61-year-old Hiroaki Koide, an assistant professor at the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute and a controversialist in the anti-nuclear debate.
A specialist in nuclear power, Koide has garnered attention as a persistent researcher who has sounded the alarm over the dangers of this form of energy without seeking fame.
In a TV Asahi program on June 16, Koide made the following comment:
"As far as I can tell from the announcements made by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the nuclear fuel that has melted down inside reactors at the Fukushima nuclear plant has gone through the bottom of the containers, which are like pressure cookers, and is lying on the concrete foundations, sinking into the ground below.
We have to install a barrier deep in the soil and build a subterranean dam as soon as possible to prevent groundwater contaminated with radioactive materials from leaking into the ocean."
His comment captured public interest and when I asked a high-ranking government official about it, the official said that construction of an underground dam was indeed being prepared.
But when I probed further, I found that the project was in limbo due to opposition from TEPCO.
Sumio Mabuchi, an aide to Prime Minister Naoto Kan who is dealing with nuclear power plant issues, holds the same concerns as those expressed by Koide and has sought an announcement on construction of an underground dam, but TEPCO has resisted such a move.
The reason is funding.
It would cost about 100 billion yen to build such a dam, but there is no guarantee that the government would cover the amount.
If an announcement were made and TEPCO were seen as incurring more liabilities, then its shares would fall once again, and the company might not be able to make it through its next general shareholders' meeting.
In my possession, I have a copy of the guidelines that TEPCO presented to the government on how to handle press releases.
The title of the document, dated June 13, is "Underground boundary' -- Regarding the press."
It is split into five categories on how to handle the announcement of construction of an underground boundary.
In essence, it says, "We are considering the issue under the guidance of prime ministerial aide Mabuchi, but we don't want to be seen as having excess liabilities, so we're keeping the details confidential."
Possibly the silliest response to envisaged questions from reporters is TEPCO's suggestion for a reply to the question, "Why hasn't construction been quickly started?"
The response reads: "Underground water flows at a speed of about 5 to 10 centimeters a day, so we have more than a year before it reaches the shore."
Initially an announcement on the underground barrier was due to be made to the press on June 14, but it was put off until after TEPCO's general shareholders meeting on June 28.
In the meantime, the state of the nuclear power plant continues to deteriorate and radioactive materials are eerily spreading and contaminating the area around the plant.
Which is more important: upholding share prices or stopping pollution?
The Japanese political and business world has sunk to a level where it can't even answer such a question.
One government official recently commented, "I think I can understand now why the leaders during the war couldn't precisely and steadily accomplish their strategies."
Today, announcements from the "imperial headquarters" -- namely TEPCO's releases on its roadmap for bringing the nuclear crisis under control, which nobody believes -- are still being issued.
Some people have compared Kan to former Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo, because he yells at his subordinates over the smallest details.
Tojo resigned in July 1944, after the fall of Saipan, when it had become likely that Japan would lose the war.
His successor, Kuniaki Koiso, was in office for 8 1/2 months before being replaced by Kantaro Suzuki. After this, two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan and then the war ended after a decision from the Emperor.
Why wasn't an armistice quickly implemented to put an end to further wartime damage?
It was because impossible solutions to Japan's situation in the war were flying about, common sense was lost, and the government was slow to reach a decision.
Yet the same sort of situation has arisen today.
The most important issue now is preventing contamination from radiation.
We need leaders who can focus on the core issue without being swayed by empty theory.
(By Takao Yamada, Expert Senior Writer)
毎日新聞 2011年6月20日 東京朝刊
(Mainichi Japan) June 20, 2011
Preventing radiation contamination more important than TEPCO's stock prices
Some people have suggested that I start to write about something other than nuclear power plants, but with the situation as it is, that's not going to happen.
The crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant is still not over.
Far from it, there are signs that it is getting worse.
I can't stand by and look at the political situation without focusing on this serious event.
One figure who has entered the public spotlight in the wake of the nuclear crisis is 61-year-old Hiroaki Koide, an assistant professor at the Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute and a controversialist in the anti-nuclear debate.
A specialist in nuclear power, Koide has garnered attention as a persistent researcher who has sounded the alarm over the dangers of this form of energy without seeking fame.
In a TV Asahi program on June 16, Koide made the following comment:
"As far as I can tell from the announcements made by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the nuclear fuel that has melted down inside reactors at the Fukushima nuclear plant has gone through the bottom of the containers, which are like pressure cookers, and is lying on the concrete foundations, sinking into the ground below.
We have to install a barrier deep in the soil and build a subterranean dam as soon as possible to prevent groundwater contaminated with radioactive materials from leaking into the ocean."
His comment captured public interest and when I asked a high-ranking government official about it, the official said that construction of an underground dam was indeed being prepared.
But when I probed further, I found that the project was in limbo due to opposition from TEPCO.
Sumio Mabuchi, an aide to Prime Minister Naoto Kan who is dealing with nuclear power plant issues, holds the same concerns as those expressed by Koide and has sought an announcement on construction of an underground dam, but TEPCO has resisted such a move.
The reason is funding.
It would cost about 100 billion yen to build such a dam, but there is no guarantee that the government would cover the amount.
If an announcement were made and TEPCO were seen as incurring more liabilities, then its shares would fall once again, and the company might not be able to make it through its next general shareholders' meeting.
In my possession, I have a copy of the guidelines that TEPCO presented to the government on how to handle press releases.
The title of the document, dated June 13, is "Underground boundary' -- Regarding the press."
It is split into five categories on how to handle the announcement of construction of an underground boundary.
In essence, it says, "We are considering the issue under the guidance of prime ministerial aide Mabuchi, but we don't want to be seen as having excess liabilities, so we're keeping the details confidential."
Possibly the silliest response to envisaged questions from reporters is TEPCO's suggestion for a reply to the question, "Why hasn't construction been quickly started?"
The response reads: "Underground water flows at a speed of about 5 to 10 centimeters a day, so we have more than a year before it reaches the shore."
Initially an announcement on the underground barrier was due to be made to the press on June 14, but it was put off until after TEPCO's general shareholders meeting on June 28.
In the meantime, the state of the nuclear power plant continues to deteriorate and radioactive materials are eerily spreading and contaminating the area around the plant.
Which is more important: upholding share prices or stopping pollution?
The Japanese political and business world has sunk to a level where it can't even answer such a question.
One government official recently commented, "I think I can understand now why the leaders during the war couldn't precisely and steadily accomplish their strategies."
Today, announcements from the "imperial headquarters" -- namely TEPCO's releases on its roadmap for bringing the nuclear crisis under control, which nobody believes -- are still being issued.
Some people have compared Kan to former Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo, because he yells at his subordinates over the smallest details.
Tojo resigned in July 1944, after the fall of Saipan, when it had become likely that Japan would lose the war.
His successor, Kuniaki Koiso, was in office for 8 1/2 months before being replaced by Kantaro Suzuki. After this, two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan and then the war ended after a decision from the Emperor.
Why wasn't an armistice quickly implemented to put an end to further wartime damage?
It was because impossible solutions to Japan's situation in the war were flying about, common sense was lost, and the government was slow to reach a decision.
Yet the same sort of situation has arisen today.
The most important issue now is preventing contamination from radiation.
We need leaders who can focus on the core issue without being swayed by empty theory.
(By Takao Yamada, Expert Senior Writer)
毎日新聞 2011年6月20日 東京朝刊
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:医者の涙もけっこう /東京
psychiatrist 精神科医 (発音注意:シカイアトリスト)サイキアトリストではない。
(Mainichi Japan) June 19, 2011
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: It's okay for doctors to cry, too
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:医者の涙もけっこう /東京
It's now been about 100 days since the March 11 earthquake.
For those within the disaster-hit areas, and even for those without, these 100 days have likely been an unparalleled time of tears.
We can try to cheer up people gripped by sadness by encouraging them to stop crying, but lately psychiatric medicine has been moving to the view that "crying is not a bad thing."
By facing the truth squarely, accepting the emotions that appear and expressing them, people take their first steps toward recovery.
What about crying in a psychiatrist's consultation room?
For patients, of course, it is not unusual to cry while sharing emotional stories, but I'd like to talk about when the tears come from the psychiatrist.
I've been told that as we age, we start to cry more easily.
Well, it seems to be happening to me, and until recently I did all I could to avoid crying while seeing patients.
It was my feeling that a professional psychiatrist mustn't be caught up in patients' emotions.
However, that feeling is vanishing.
Now, when I hear patients talk about being with family members at their death, or about being abused as children, I find my own eyes tearing up as I try to comfort them.
It's not only sad stories that bring tears.
The other day, a patient told me that they were taking care of a pet that was found wandering in the disaster area.
I was deeply moved by this patient who, despite having an illness, had taken on the animal.
When a doctor cries in front of a patient, I'm sure the patient is both surprised and unsure of how to respond. 医者が涙を浮かべると、もちろん患者さんはビックリし、戸惑うはずだ。
Some people would put a halt to their story out of consideration for the doctor, but such a result is not good for treatment.
However, I have come to think that, as long as a doctor is not completely swallowed by emotion, he or she needn't completely refuse to cry.
After taking a brief moment to collect oneself, the doctor can then encourage the patient: "Please, continue." As long as a doctor can do that, I think tears can be forgiven.
After coming back from the disaster areas, some doctors have told me that they couldn't help but shed tears after encountering the overwhelming tragedy there.
They asked me whether I thought that was unfitting behaviour for medical professionals.
Had it been the me of 10 years ago, I may have answered that I thought it wasn't good for them to have cried.
But now, I would say that as long as it doesn't interfere with your work as a professional, there is no problem with showing either tears or laughter.
(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
毎日新聞 2011年6月14日 地方版
(Mainichi Japan) June 19, 2011
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: It's okay for doctors to cry, too
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:医者の涙もけっこう /東京
It's now been about 100 days since the March 11 earthquake.
For those within the disaster-hit areas, and even for those without, these 100 days have likely been an unparalleled time of tears.
We can try to cheer up people gripped by sadness by encouraging them to stop crying, but lately psychiatric medicine has been moving to the view that "crying is not a bad thing."
By facing the truth squarely, accepting the emotions that appear and expressing them, people take their first steps toward recovery.
What about crying in a psychiatrist's consultation room?
For patients, of course, it is not unusual to cry while sharing emotional stories, but I'd like to talk about when the tears come from the psychiatrist.
I've been told that as we age, we start to cry more easily.
Well, it seems to be happening to me, and until recently I did all I could to avoid crying while seeing patients.
It was my feeling that a professional psychiatrist mustn't be caught up in patients' emotions.
However, that feeling is vanishing.
Now, when I hear patients talk about being with family members at their death, or about being abused as children, I find my own eyes tearing up as I try to comfort them.
It's not only sad stories that bring tears.
The other day, a patient told me that they were taking care of a pet that was found wandering in the disaster area.
I was deeply moved by this patient who, despite having an illness, had taken on the animal.
When a doctor cries in front of a patient, I'm sure the patient is both surprised and unsure of how to respond. 医者が涙を浮かべると、もちろん患者さんはビックリし、戸惑うはずだ。
Some people would put a halt to their story out of consideration for the doctor, but such a result is not good for treatment.
However, I have come to think that, as long as a doctor is not completely swallowed by emotion, he or she needn't completely refuse to cry.
After taking a brief moment to collect oneself, the doctor can then encourage the patient: "Please, continue." As long as a doctor can do that, I think tears can be forgiven.
After coming back from the disaster areas, some doctors have told me that they couldn't help but shed tears after encountering the overwhelming tragedy there.
They asked me whether I thought that was unfitting behaviour for medical professionals.
Had it been the me of 10 years ago, I may have answered that I thought it wasn't good for them to have cried.
But now, I would say that as long as it doesn't interfere with your work as a professional, there is no problem with showing either tears or laughter.
(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
毎日新聞 2011年6月14日 地方版
社説:原発工程表 課題は山積したままだ
(Mainichi Japan) June 18, 2011
Mountain of problems still remains before Fukushima plant brought under control
社説:原発工程表 課題は山積したままだ
One cannot help but wonder how far efforts being made by the national government and Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) to bring the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant under control have progressed.
Two months have passed since TEPCO first unveiled a roadmap for bringing the crippled plant under control, but various problems that have occurred since then show the roadmap was overly optimistic.
Uncertainty over the current state of the power plant and when it could be brought under control continues to disrupt the lives of locals.
Many people probably wonder whether the wisdom and power of Japan and the rest of the world are effectively being brought together and applied in the ongoing efforts at the plant.
The government and TEPCO recently announced updated roadmaps on bringing the Fukushima plant under control and supporting people affected by it, and they talked about how far measures in the roadmaps have been implemented.
However, they should also give a more general overview of the current situation of the nuclear power station and the outlook for stabilization of the plant, not just talk about specific measures.
It would also be good to give an updated assessment of the level of risk involving the plant.
At the Fukushima plant, of great concern now is how to treat radioactive water collected in the reactor and turbine buildings.
The massive volume of the water, which is estimated to be at over 100,000 cubic meters, is obstructing work at the plant, and if removal of the contaminated water is delayed, it could leak into the ground around the structures or into the sea.
TEPCO has been setting up a system that includes parts from French and U.S. makers to decontaminate the radioactive water and return it to the reactors, which would allow cooling of the nuclear fuel without bringing in water from the outside, which could leak and increase the amount of trapped radioactive water.
However, running of the system has been delayed after a water leak and other problems.
Further delay-causing problems could occur if TEPCO does not first ferret out and correct their root causes.
Furthermore, although the water circulation system has started now, how long should it be run?
It is also not clear what officials mean when they refer to stability of the plant, when we have not only a meltdown in the inner containment vessels, but the possibility of melted fuel having made its way to the outer containment vessels.
Dealing with the highly radioactive waste sludge that will be left after cleansing the radioactive water is another problem, and since Japan is encountering this and other issues with the nuclear disaster for the first time, work has had to start from the research and development phase.
According to the roadmap, TEPCO will aim to store the radioactive sludge and will evaluate the construction of shielding walls to keep radioactive water from contaminating nearby groundwater and nearby sea in mid-July or later, but the utility and the government should take quicker action.
Measures to minimize nuclear plant workers' exposure to radiation and improve their medical care have been incorporated into the updated roadmap and are important steps needed to support workers at the plant for the years to come.
Workers who had internal exposure to high levels of radiation were recently revealed, but it was months after their exposure.
The government and TEPCO need to speed up full measurements of workers' exposures to radiation and efforts to minimize their exposure.
Another problem is that the evacuation of residents near the power plant is still confused.
Although it is important to take care of residents near "hot spots" -- areas of relatively high levels of radiation including ones far from the plant -- the government also needs to give clear guidance to residents in areas that fall under designated evacuation zones while only having had low levels of radiation detected.
The central government and TEPCO may not have changed the time frames for their roadmaps, but the fact is that a massive number of issues remain to be addressed before the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant is brought under control.
毎日新聞 2011年6月18日 2時32分
(Mainichi Japan) June 18, 2011
Mountain of problems still remains before Fukushima plant brought under control
社説:原発工程表 課題は山積したままだ
One cannot help but wonder how far efforts being made by the national government and Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) to bring the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant under control have progressed.
Two months have passed since TEPCO first unveiled a roadmap for bringing the crippled plant under control, but various problems that have occurred since then show the roadmap was overly optimistic.
Uncertainty over the current state of the power plant and when it could be brought under control continues to disrupt the lives of locals.
Many people probably wonder whether the wisdom and power of Japan and the rest of the world are effectively being brought together and applied in the ongoing efforts at the plant.
The government and TEPCO recently announced updated roadmaps on bringing the Fukushima plant under control and supporting people affected by it, and they talked about how far measures in the roadmaps have been implemented.
However, they should also give a more general overview of the current situation of the nuclear power station and the outlook for stabilization of the plant, not just talk about specific measures.
It would also be good to give an updated assessment of the level of risk involving the plant.
At the Fukushima plant, of great concern now is how to treat radioactive water collected in the reactor and turbine buildings.
The massive volume of the water, which is estimated to be at over 100,000 cubic meters, is obstructing work at the plant, and if removal of the contaminated water is delayed, it could leak into the ground around the structures or into the sea.
TEPCO has been setting up a system that includes parts from French and U.S. makers to decontaminate the radioactive water and return it to the reactors, which would allow cooling of the nuclear fuel without bringing in water from the outside, which could leak and increase the amount of trapped radioactive water.
However, running of the system has been delayed after a water leak and other problems.
Further delay-causing problems could occur if TEPCO does not first ferret out and correct their root causes.
Furthermore, although the water circulation system has started now, how long should it be run?
It is also not clear what officials mean when they refer to stability of the plant, when we have not only a meltdown in the inner containment vessels, but the possibility of melted fuel having made its way to the outer containment vessels.
Dealing with the highly radioactive waste sludge that will be left after cleansing the radioactive water is another problem, and since Japan is encountering this and other issues with the nuclear disaster for the first time, work has had to start from the research and development phase.
According to the roadmap, TEPCO will aim to store the radioactive sludge and will evaluate the construction of shielding walls to keep radioactive water from contaminating nearby groundwater and nearby sea in mid-July or later, but the utility and the government should take quicker action.
Measures to minimize nuclear plant workers' exposure to radiation and improve their medical care have been incorporated into the updated roadmap and are important steps needed to support workers at the plant for the years to come.
Workers who had internal exposure to high levels of radiation were recently revealed, but it was months after their exposure.
The government and TEPCO need to speed up full measurements of workers' exposures to radiation and efforts to minimize their exposure.
Another problem is that the evacuation of residents near the power plant is still confused.
Although it is important to take care of residents near "hot spots" -- areas of relatively high levels of radiation including ones far from the plant -- the government also needs to give clear guidance to residents in areas that fall under designated evacuation zones while only having had low levels of radiation detected.
The central government and TEPCO may not have changed the time frames for their roadmaps, but the fact is that a massive number of issues remain to be addressed before the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant is brought under control.
毎日新聞 2011年6月18日 2時32分
-- The Asahi Shimbun, June 16, 2011
EDITORIAL: Government must support prefectures' redevelopment plans
More than three months since the Great East Japan Earthquake, local governments in affected areas are beginning to come up with plans for reconstruction while still working overtime to deal with the aftermath of the calamity.
Miyagi and Iwate prefectures have presented their plans to create special zones for regional redevelopment to the central government's council on post-disaster reconstruction.
The two prefectures envision special zones to relocate devastated communities to areas on high ground, promote local industries, develop local transportation networks and build new medical, welfare and education facilities. The local governments are calling on the state to support these plans by providing special subsidies and unifying and simplifying the related administrative procedures that are cumbersome and highly bureaucratic.
The central government has a duty to respond positively to these requests.
Notable about the two prefecture's special zone proposals is that they include ideas that could lead to solutions to some key policy challenges facing the entire nation.
Miyagi Prefecture, for instance, has come up with a plan to establish a special zone for rebuilding the battered local fisheries industry by allowing private-sector companies to enter the business of off-shore fishing, which is now effectively monopolized by local fishery cooperatives.
The plan is aimed at tapping the financial and intellectual resources of the private sector to revitalize the fisheries sector, which is struggling with the familiar problems of an aging workforce and a shortage of young fishermen.
While the local fishery cooperatives are opposed to the proposal, Miyagi Governor Yoshihiro Murai is strongly committed to the idea.
In contrast to the deregulation zone plan for the fishery industry, the prefecture's special zone proposal to rebuild local agriculture and farming villages calls for tighter regulation.
It would restrict the use of farmland by the landowners and tenants and put the land under municipal control for a certain period of time for the development of agricultural infrastructure and distribution of the land by the local governments.
The proposal is aimed at promoting larger-scale and more efficient agriculture.
Iwate Prefecture has proposed a "Tohoku international science and technology research special zone."
It would create a special zone for cutting-edge research in the three areas of ocean, disaster prevention and energy.
The prefecture is pressing the central government to ease the regulations concerning housing, education and residence status to make it easier to invite foreign researchers to work in the special zone.
To help realize these proposals, it is vital for the state to give the local governments both the powers and revenue sources needed.
In Japan, the first major special zone program was launched by the administration of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to promote his structural reform initiative.
The program is still alive with the continuing designation of areas as new special deregulation zones.
The number of such special zones has surpassed 1,100.
But this program brings the benefits of deregulation only to specific industries and businesses, as symbolized by the "doburoku (raw sake) special zone."
These special zones are all very small in both scale and scope.
The two main factors behind this are the system for designation that requires negotiations with the ministries and agencies regulating the industries and businesses involved and the lack of fiscal and tax incentives.
The special zone proposals put forward by Miyagi and Iwate prefectures require effective coordination among the multiple ministries and agencies involved.
And effective fiscal and tax incentives are also needed to support their efforts.
The proposals should prompt the central government to make a comprehensive review of the related laws and regulations.
One key step would be to scrap the current state subsidies for specific local government expenditures based on the rigid division of powers and responsibilities among ministries and agencies and introduce instead a new program to provide prefectures and municipalities with state funds they can use freely over several years.
The special zones in disaster areas should be supported by more powerful measures than simple incentives for investment, such as exempting companies operating in these zones from corporate taxation for a certain period of time.
These zones should be put under a different set of regulations according to a sort of "one country, two systems" approach.
Localities should be allowed and encouraged to take the initiative in the efforts to shape a new future for the nation.
The ideas for reconstruction in disaster-hit areas proposed by local governments in the areas should be fully respected.
-- The Asahi Shimbun, June 16, 2011
EDITORIAL: Government must support prefectures' redevelopment plans
More than three months since the Great East Japan Earthquake, local governments in affected areas are beginning to come up with plans for reconstruction while still working overtime to deal with the aftermath of the calamity.
Miyagi and Iwate prefectures have presented their plans to create special zones for regional redevelopment to the central government's council on post-disaster reconstruction.
The two prefectures envision special zones to relocate devastated communities to areas on high ground, promote local industries, develop local transportation networks and build new medical, welfare and education facilities. The local governments are calling on the state to support these plans by providing special subsidies and unifying and simplifying the related administrative procedures that are cumbersome and highly bureaucratic.
The central government has a duty to respond positively to these requests.
Notable about the two prefecture's special zone proposals is that they include ideas that could lead to solutions to some key policy challenges facing the entire nation.
Miyagi Prefecture, for instance, has come up with a plan to establish a special zone for rebuilding the battered local fisheries industry by allowing private-sector companies to enter the business of off-shore fishing, which is now effectively monopolized by local fishery cooperatives.
The plan is aimed at tapping the financial and intellectual resources of the private sector to revitalize the fisheries sector, which is struggling with the familiar problems of an aging workforce and a shortage of young fishermen.
While the local fishery cooperatives are opposed to the proposal, Miyagi Governor Yoshihiro Murai is strongly committed to the idea.
In contrast to the deregulation zone plan for the fishery industry, the prefecture's special zone proposal to rebuild local agriculture and farming villages calls for tighter regulation.
It would restrict the use of farmland by the landowners and tenants and put the land under municipal control for a certain period of time for the development of agricultural infrastructure and distribution of the land by the local governments.
The proposal is aimed at promoting larger-scale and more efficient agriculture.
Iwate Prefecture has proposed a "Tohoku international science and technology research special zone."
It would create a special zone for cutting-edge research in the three areas of ocean, disaster prevention and energy.
The prefecture is pressing the central government to ease the regulations concerning housing, education and residence status to make it easier to invite foreign researchers to work in the special zone.
To help realize these proposals, it is vital for the state to give the local governments both the powers and revenue sources needed.
In Japan, the first major special zone program was launched by the administration of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to promote his structural reform initiative.
The program is still alive with the continuing designation of areas as new special deregulation zones.
The number of such special zones has surpassed 1,100.
But this program brings the benefits of deregulation only to specific industries and businesses, as symbolized by the "doburoku (raw sake) special zone."
These special zones are all very small in both scale and scope.
The two main factors behind this are the system for designation that requires negotiations with the ministries and agencies regulating the industries and businesses involved and the lack of fiscal and tax incentives.
The special zone proposals put forward by Miyagi and Iwate prefectures require effective coordination among the multiple ministries and agencies involved.
And effective fiscal and tax incentives are also needed to support their efforts.
The proposals should prompt the central government to make a comprehensive review of the related laws and regulations.
One key step would be to scrap the current state subsidies for specific local government expenditures based on the rigid division of powers and responsibilities among ministries and agencies and introduce instead a new program to provide prefectures and municipalities with state funds they can use freely over several years.
The special zones in disaster areas should be supported by more powerful measures than simple incentives for investment, such as exempting companies operating in these zones from corporate taxation for a certain period of time.
These zones should be put under a different set of regulations according to a sort of "one country, two systems" approach.
Localities should be allowed and encouraged to take the initiative in the efforts to shape a new future for the nation.
The ideas for reconstruction in disaster-hit areas proposed by local governments in the areas should be fully respected.
(Mainichi Japan) June 16, 2011
Game of chicken over Kan resignation threatens chaos during Japan's time of crisis
The push to oust Prime Minister Naoto Kan has made me distinctly uncomfortable lately.
The opposition parties have been calling on Kan to step down -- and soon -- for his failure to handle the Fukushima nuclear crisis.
Top figures in the ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) such as Secretary-General Katsuya Okada and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano have also spoken openly of Kan stepping down.
DPJ Acting President Yoshito Sengoku has even said Kan would be gone within the month while he was reportedly sharing his personal opinions with opposition party executives over who could be the next prime minister.
These are indeed troubled times -- but not just troubled.
Something about this whole situation is strange.
I have to ask: When and how did Naoto Kan fail to deal with the nuclear disaster?
What measures could any other prime minister have implemented?
No-one has yet to say anything on these questions.
For a short while, critics fixed on the alleged prime ministerial order to halt cooling operations at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant in the turbulent hours after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
It turned out that there was never such an order.
The only thing both the opposition and ruling parties are talking about is when: when Kan will vacate the prime minister's residence.
Even Kan himself, trying to fend off calls for an early exit, has sought to muddy the timetable for his exit by saying he would stay on "until a certain point in resolving the crisis has been reached."
Perhaps the real reason for the attempts to oust Kan has nothing to do with how he dealt with the nuclear crisis. 菅降ろしの理由は、ほんとうは原発事故対応の失敗ではないのではないか。
Let's have a look back to before the disaster, at the March 4 House of Councillors Budget Committee meeting, and the March 11 accounting committee meeting of the same chamber.
At the March 4 committee, then Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara, Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda, and Government Revitalization Minister Renho were assailed by members of the largest opposition Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) over alleged donations from a suspect in a tax evasion case.
Maehara was also attacked for taking a donation from a foreign resident, and resigned from his portfolio two days later.
At the March 11 accounting meeting, before the shaking of the Great East Japan Earthquake started, suspicion was also cast on Kan for taking donations from a foreign national -- forbidden under Japan's political funding laws.
Kan opponents were beginning to craft a knock-out punch in the upper house that week, with dodgy political donations as its driving force.
And then the earthquake came, freezing speculation and suspicion in its tracks.
During the June 3 upper house budget committee meeting, however, the LDP revived accusations of illicit donations to the prime minister, finance minister and revitalization minister.
The opposition apparently intends to pry deeper before the end of the session on June 22, including calling on witnesses to testify in the chamber.
So, perhaps it is all this that really crippled the Kan Cabinet, not the nuclear crisis.
If the LDP can confirm the illicit donations to the ministers, then a number of bills including a vital special law on public debt will not pass the upper house.
If the upper house votes to censure the ministers, then parliamentary business will grind to a halt.
Furthermore, if the prime minister admits to taking donations from a foreigner, he will be pushed to resign from the Diet entirely.
Years ago, when a postal reform bill was rejected by the upper house while Junichiro Koizumi was prime minister, Koizumi dissolved the House of Representatives and held an election.
Dissolution of the Diet was his trump card, but one that's impossible to play now.
Northeast Japan remains a disaster zone and is incapable of carrying out an election.
If the Diet was dissolved today, Japan would descend into chaos.
However, even with such terrible repercussions possible, if Kan and the LDP continue their game of chicken, dissolution is possible.
Both ruling and opposition party members of the lower house find the idea frightening.
If the donations issue came to dominate the political situation, then Kan would have nowhere to run.
So, perhaps to avoid the dangers of Diet dissolution, the nuclear crisis is being used to give Kan the chance of an "honorable resignation."
However, Kan refuses to give up the game of chicken.
Containing the leak of radioactive material from the Fukushima plant is priority No. 1, and no-one in Japan is applauding the LDP's muckraking over alleged illicit political donations in this time of national crisis.
Maybe that's what Kan is thinking as well as he clings to his post.
If this were indeed the case, I would feel more at ease.
(By Hidetoshi Kaneko, Expert Senior Writer)
毎日新聞 2011年6月16日 東京朝刊
(Mainichi Japan) June 16, 2011
Game of chicken over Kan resignation threatens chaos during Japan's time of crisis
The push to oust Prime Minister Naoto Kan has made me distinctly uncomfortable lately.
The opposition parties have been calling on Kan to step down -- and soon -- for his failure to handle the Fukushima nuclear crisis.
Top figures in the ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) such as Secretary-General Katsuya Okada and Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano have also spoken openly of Kan stepping down.
DPJ Acting President Yoshito Sengoku has even said Kan would be gone within the month while he was reportedly sharing his personal opinions with opposition party executives over who could be the next prime minister.
These are indeed troubled times -- but not just troubled.
Something about this whole situation is strange.
I have to ask: When and how did Naoto Kan fail to deal with the nuclear disaster?
What measures could any other prime minister have implemented?
No-one has yet to say anything on these questions.
For a short while, critics fixed on the alleged prime ministerial order to halt cooling operations at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant in the turbulent hours after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
It turned out that there was never such an order.
The only thing both the opposition and ruling parties are talking about is when: when Kan will vacate the prime minister's residence.
Even Kan himself, trying to fend off calls for an early exit, has sought to muddy the timetable for his exit by saying he would stay on "until a certain point in resolving the crisis has been reached."
Perhaps the real reason for the attempts to oust Kan has nothing to do with how he dealt with the nuclear crisis. 菅降ろしの理由は、ほんとうは原発事故対応の失敗ではないのではないか。
Let's have a look back to before the disaster, at the March 4 House of Councillors Budget Committee meeting, and the March 11 accounting committee meeting of the same chamber.
At the March 4 committee, then Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara, Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda, and Government Revitalization Minister Renho were assailed by members of the largest opposition Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) over alleged donations from a suspect in a tax evasion case.
Maehara was also attacked for taking a donation from a foreign resident, and resigned from his portfolio two days later.
At the March 11 accounting meeting, before the shaking of the Great East Japan Earthquake started, suspicion was also cast on Kan for taking donations from a foreign national -- forbidden under Japan's political funding laws.
Kan opponents were beginning to craft a knock-out punch in the upper house that week, with dodgy political donations as its driving force.
And then the earthquake came, freezing speculation and suspicion in its tracks.
During the June 3 upper house budget committee meeting, however, the LDP revived accusations of illicit donations to the prime minister, finance minister and revitalization minister.
The opposition apparently intends to pry deeper before the end of the session on June 22, including calling on witnesses to testify in the chamber.
So, perhaps it is all this that really crippled the Kan Cabinet, not the nuclear crisis.
If the LDP can confirm the illicit donations to the ministers, then a number of bills including a vital special law on public debt will not pass the upper house.
If the upper house votes to censure the ministers, then parliamentary business will grind to a halt.
Furthermore, if the prime minister admits to taking donations from a foreigner, he will be pushed to resign from the Diet entirely.
Years ago, when a postal reform bill was rejected by the upper house while Junichiro Koizumi was prime minister, Koizumi dissolved the House of Representatives and held an election.
Dissolution of the Diet was his trump card, but one that's impossible to play now.
Northeast Japan remains a disaster zone and is incapable of carrying out an election.
If the Diet was dissolved today, Japan would descend into chaos.
However, even with such terrible repercussions possible, if Kan and the LDP continue their game of chicken, dissolution is possible.
Both ruling and opposition party members of the lower house find the idea frightening.
If the donations issue came to dominate the political situation, then Kan would have nowhere to run.
So, perhaps to avoid the dangers of Diet dissolution, the nuclear crisis is being used to give Kan the chance of an "honorable resignation."
However, Kan refuses to give up the game of chicken.
Containing the leak of radioactive material from the Fukushima plant is priority No. 1, and no-one in Japan is applauding the LDP's muckraking over alleged illicit political donations in this time of national crisis.
Maybe that's what Kan is thinking as well as he clings to his post.
If this were indeed the case, I would feel more at ease.
(By Hidetoshi Kaneko, Expert Senior Writer)
毎日新聞 2011年6月16日 東京朝刊
I would like to go for a car with a solar-powered engine.
(Mainichi Japan) June 15, 2011
Japan's renewable energy plans: Chasing rabbits using solar power?
Some readers may have heard of the "rabbit limit," a term coined by Swedish environmental researcher Folke Guenther that relates to energy use. We can explain it as follows:
「ウサギの限界則」というのをご存じ? フォルケ・ギュンターというスウェーデンの環境学者の造語である。
Suppose there were only humans and rabbits in the world, and people had to rely on rabbits as a food source.
If a person spent all their energy chasing rabbits, when they caught one they may not get enough energy from the meat to survive.
The energy spent chasing the rabbits would have to be lower than the amount of energy obtained from eating them for a person to keep living.
This "rabbit limit" teaches us the importance of energy return on investment.
However, humans have found a way around the rabbit limit, Guenther says.
If a person used a petrol-powered buggy, they could catch rabbits more easily and have energy to spare, thanks to the energy provided by fossil fuels.
The reason modern civilization has thrived is that is has a large amount of surplus energy.
On this point, one would think that nuclear power would far surpass petroleum, but as we have seen with the nuclear crisis in Fukushima, far from having a surplus, we have been left with a shortage of energy.
In terms of quality of energy, nothing surpasses fossil fuels such as petroleum.
Yoshinori Ishii, an emeritus professor at the University of Tokyo, says that quality is everything when it comes to energy.
There is a large amount of uranium in the sea, for example, but it is widely dispersed and cannot be used.
In other words, poor quality energy is the same as no energy at all.
To get to the point, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan is pushing for the use of solar power, and using solar panels on any roof that can have them.
In doing so he is attempting to cover the energy that has become difficult to provide through nuclear power.
Does solar power provide good quality energy?
The energy profit ratio (EPR) gives us one basis for judgment.
If one unit of energy can be used to produce three equivalent units, then the EPR is 3.
If the EPR is below 1, then, as the rabbit limit shows us, it is not worthwhile to produce that form of energy.
It has been said that the EPR of solar power is about 5, but that the quality of energy is not that great.
However, proponents of this form of energy say the latest forms of solar power have EPRs as high as 10 or 20.
The problem is, we don't know which figures are correct.
What we do know is that without subsidies, solar power will not find a strong footing in Japan.
Considering this, we have to say it is of "poorer quality" than natural gas or coal.
With the decline of nuclear power, power fees may rise in Japan and many factories may have to shift overseas. 原発の比重低下で電力料金が上がり、工場が大挙海外移転しかねない情勢だ。
For this reason, Kan is promoting renewable energy.
That is indeed a plan in its own right, but it is incomprehensible for the "quality" of energy to be left out of the picture.
Fossil energy must play the main role of filling the gap left by the absence of nuclear power.
Just think about it.
Could you catch rabbits using a solar-powered buggy?
I would go for a car with a diesel engine.
(By Michio Ushioda, Expert Senior Writer)
毎日新聞 2011年6月15日 東京朝刊
(Mainichi Japan) June 15, 2011
Japan's renewable energy plans: Chasing rabbits using solar power?
Some readers may have heard of the "rabbit limit," a term coined by Swedish environmental researcher Folke Guenther that relates to energy use. We can explain it as follows:
「ウサギの限界則」というのをご存じ? フォルケ・ギュンターというスウェーデンの環境学者の造語である。
Suppose there were only humans and rabbits in the world, and people had to rely on rabbits as a food source.
If a person spent all their energy chasing rabbits, when they caught one they may not get enough energy from the meat to survive.
The energy spent chasing the rabbits would have to be lower than the amount of energy obtained from eating them for a person to keep living.
This "rabbit limit" teaches us the importance of energy return on investment.
However, humans have found a way around the rabbit limit, Guenther says.
If a person used a petrol-powered buggy, they could catch rabbits more easily and have energy to spare, thanks to the energy provided by fossil fuels.
The reason modern civilization has thrived is that is has a large amount of surplus energy.
On this point, one would think that nuclear power would far surpass petroleum, but as we have seen with the nuclear crisis in Fukushima, far from having a surplus, we have been left with a shortage of energy.
In terms of quality of energy, nothing surpasses fossil fuels such as petroleum.
Yoshinori Ishii, an emeritus professor at the University of Tokyo, says that quality is everything when it comes to energy.
There is a large amount of uranium in the sea, for example, but it is widely dispersed and cannot be used.
In other words, poor quality energy is the same as no energy at all.
To get to the point, Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan is pushing for the use of solar power, and using solar panels on any roof that can have them.
In doing so he is attempting to cover the energy that has become difficult to provide through nuclear power.
Does solar power provide good quality energy?
The energy profit ratio (EPR) gives us one basis for judgment.
If one unit of energy can be used to produce three equivalent units, then the EPR is 3.
If the EPR is below 1, then, as the rabbit limit shows us, it is not worthwhile to produce that form of energy.
It has been said that the EPR of solar power is about 5, but that the quality of energy is not that great.
However, proponents of this form of energy say the latest forms of solar power have EPRs as high as 10 or 20.
The problem is, we don't know which figures are correct.
What we do know is that without subsidies, solar power will not find a strong footing in Japan.
Considering this, we have to say it is of "poorer quality" than natural gas or coal.
With the decline of nuclear power, power fees may rise in Japan and many factories may have to shift overseas. 原発の比重低下で電力料金が上がり、工場が大挙海外移転しかねない情勢だ。
For this reason, Kan is promoting renewable energy.
That is indeed a plan in its own right, but it is incomprehensible for the "quality" of energy to be left out of the picture.
Fossil energy must play the main role of filling the gap left by the absence of nuclear power.
Just think about it.
Could you catch rabbits using a solar-powered buggy?
I would go for a car with a diesel engine.
(By Michio Ushioda, Expert Senior Writer)
毎日新聞 2011年6月15日 東京朝刊
(Mainichi Japan) June 14, 2011
Mandating singing of national anthem will dampen spirits of those who want to sing from heart
Osaka Prefecture recently enacted an ordinance to make it mandatory for public school teachers and other education officials to stand and sing Japan's national anthem at school ceremonies.
I wonder how teachers who have until now sung "Kimigayo" from their own free will feel about the ordinance.
Isn't it sad for them to now sing it because they are obliged to do so under an ordinance?
I have stood and sung the anthem without hesitation at events.
I would not be happy if someone mistakenly thought I was standing and singing against my will.
Of course, I am not saying this to criticize teachers who do not share my views.
How people perceive the Hinomaru and Kimigayo, considered the national flag and national anthem, differs from person to person.
But the national flag and anthem have been used in events and ceremonies, and I think it is only natural that people show them respect.
Among some of my favorite scenes of the flag and anthem are the he Tokyo Olympics and boxer "Fighting" Harada's world title fights.
Young people today might cite soccer's World Cup finals, and I apologize for raising such old images, but I was deeply moved by the wind-whipped Hinomaru and the singing of Kimigayo at these events.
This is a personal matter (it would be difficult to write about this theme without delving into my personal affairs), but my late mother was a devoted Christian from even before World War II.
She had no relatives or neighbors who shared her religious beliefs, and she of course felt no connection with the non-Christian festivals at local shrines.
But on national holidays, she erected a bamboo pole to hoist a huge Hinomaru flag that may have seemed out of place flying over our poor house.
A pastor I know was apprehended during the war for refusing to convert his religion, but even he hoisted the Hinomaru on national holidays after the war.
The flag may have been a symbol of a peaceful nation that transcended the political power of the time.
I vividly remember one Hinomaru flag in the course of my reporting career.
It was 26 years ago when I climbed to a deep mountain village in Kumamoto Prefecture to a branch of a local school with 13 teachers and pupils.
The eldest child led the group to school in the morning by jingling a bell to scare off bears.
Deer cried out at night.
The village was so inconvenient that it was exempted from compulsory education during the Taisho era.
Until the branch school opened, parents had gathered their meager funds to bring in people from faraway towns who could teach their children reading, writing and calculating with an abacus.
High up on a wall in the classroom of the dilapidated school was a small, old Hinomaru flag.
It was as if that flag symbolized the history and pride of this school along a mountain stream, and when I saw it tears welled up in my eyes.
I am becoming sentimental.
But I am sure many people's feelings toward the Hinomaru and Kimigayo are inseparably linked with their memories and spiritual experiences.
If it dampens the spirits of those who want to sing and look at the flag from their own heart, I personally wonder what the point of the ordinance is.
(By Kenji Tamaki, Expert Senior Writer)
毎日新聞 2011年6月14日 東京朝刊
(Mainichi Japan) June 14, 2011
Mandating singing of national anthem will dampen spirits of those who want to sing from heart
Osaka Prefecture recently enacted an ordinance to make it mandatory for public school teachers and other education officials to stand and sing Japan's national anthem at school ceremonies.
I wonder how teachers who have until now sung "Kimigayo" from their own free will feel about the ordinance.
Isn't it sad for them to now sing it because they are obliged to do so under an ordinance?
I have stood and sung the anthem without hesitation at events.
I would not be happy if someone mistakenly thought I was standing and singing against my will.
Of course, I am not saying this to criticize teachers who do not share my views.
How people perceive the Hinomaru and Kimigayo, considered the national flag and national anthem, differs from person to person.
But the national flag and anthem have been used in events and ceremonies, and I think it is only natural that people show them respect.
Among some of my favorite scenes of the flag and anthem are the he Tokyo Olympics and boxer "Fighting" Harada's world title fights.
Young people today might cite soccer's World Cup finals, and I apologize for raising such old images, but I was deeply moved by the wind-whipped Hinomaru and the singing of Kimigayo at these events.
This is a personal matter (it would be difficult to write about this theme without delving into my personal affairs), but my late mother was a devoted Christian from even before World War II.
She had no relatives or neighbors who shared her religious beliefs, and she of course felt no connection with the non-Christian festivals at local shrines.
But on national holidays, she erected a bamboo pole to hoist a huge Hinomaru flag that may have seemed out of place flying over our poor house.
A pastor I know was apprehended during the war for refusing to convert his religion, but even he hoisted the Hinomaru on national holidays after the war.
The flag may have been a symbol of a peaceful nation that transcended the political power of the time.
I vividly remember one Hinomaru flag in the course of my reporting career.
It was 26 years ago when I climbed to a deep mountain village in Kumamoto Prefecture to a branch of a local school with 13 teachers and pupils.
The eldest child led the group to school in the morning by jingling a bell to scare off bears.
Deer cried out at night.
The village was so inconvenient that it was exempted from compulsory education during the Taisho era.
Until the branch school opened, parents had gathered their meager funds to bring in people from faraway towns who could teach their children reading, writing and calculating with an abacus.
High up on a wall in the classroom of the dilapidated school was a small, old Hinomaru flag.
It was as if that flag symbolized the history and pride of this school along a mountain stream, and when I saw it tears welled up in my eyes.
I am becoming sentimental.
But I am sure many people's feelings toward the Hinomaru and Kimigayo are inseparably linked with their memories and spiritual experiences.
If it dampens the spirits of those who want to sing and look at the flag from their own heart, I personally wonder what the point of the ordinance is.
(By Kenji Tamaki, Expert Senior Writer)
毎日新聞 2011年6月14日 東京朝刊
節電の夏 発想の転換で危機乗り切ろう
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jun. 14, 2011)
Overcome power shortages with a new perspective
節電の夏 発想の転換で危機乗り切ろう(6月12日付・読売社説)
It is feared that power shortages could occur in many parts of the nation this summer.
We hope every company and household will find ways to save electricity and deal with the summer heat.
Starting July 1, the government is set to impose power-use restrictions in areas serviced by Tokyo Electric Power Co. and Tohoku Electric Power Co.
The scheme will target such facilities as large factories and buildings, all of which will be required to reduce their power consumption by 15 percent from last summer's peak levels.
Similar action will be taken by Kansai Electric Power Co., which will ask private-sector companies and ordinary households to cut their electricity consumption by 15 percent.
This is because the utility remains unsure about when--and if, for that matter--it will be able to restart operations at reactors closed for regular inspections.
Other power companies could follow suit, asking consumers to save electricity.
These moves may well be regarded as inevitable, given the need to prevent a shortage of power this summer.
One challenge facing corporations will be to efficiently use a limited amount of electricity, a task essential to minimize the impact of power-saving efforts on their business operations.
Firms already taking action
It is reassuring to know that some companies have already come out with power-saving measures.
Automobile and electronics manufacturers, for example, have decided to suspend operations at their plants on weekdays instead of weekends.
Power-saving steps adopted by these companies include replacing their lighting with light-emitting diode devices that require less electricity.
They will also lengthen summer vacations and utilize daylight saving time, a measure to move up the time employees start work.
Admittedly, reductions in power consumption will place most of the burden on the corporate sector.
Put another way, however, saving electricity could lead to an increase in companies' operational efficiency. 発想を転換すれば、効率経営を進めるきっかけになりうる。
Changes in the way company employees work could eventually reduce their working hours and improve the efficiency of their employers' business operations.
Power-saving efforts could also provide new business opportunities.
This has been demonstrated by the rapid rise in sales of LED lamps and energy-saving air conditioners in recent weeks, for example.
Also, the food service and hotel industries are offering various new services for employees whose companies will try to reduce power use through such measures as letting them leave work earlier than before.
We hope the economy will be revitalized as a result of new types of consumption that are generated by products and services catering to demand created by power-saving efforts.
Everyone must pitch in
It is disturbing to see that the anticipated power shortages will affect a wide area, meaning households, companies and others in nearly all parts of the nation will have to implement power-saving measures.
For instance, corporations with manufacturing bases in Tokyo and adjacent areas are likely to reconsider their initial plans to shift their production activities to western parts of the country.
These companies should think about what kind of production system would best suit them, keeping in mind the estimate for this summer's power supply and demand.
It is also indispensable for households to cooperate in saving electricity, given that they account for 30 percent of this nation's total power consumption.
Households in the areas serviced by the Tokyo and Tohoku electric power companies should take this to heart. They are not obligated to reduce electric consumption, but we hope these consumers will raise their awareness of the need to cut wasteful power consumption as much as possible.
There are various ways for them to easily save electricity--for example, raising air conditioners' preset temperatures and turning off the master power switches for electrical appliances.
TEPCO is planning to shore up its "denki yoho" system, through which the utility releases such information as the daily balance between power supply and demand, and the forecasted demand.
The system is certain to help companies and households save electricity efficiently.
TEPCO and all other utilities need to keep providing power consumers with detailed information about the status of its electric power supply.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, June 12, 2011)
(2011年6月12日00時57分 読売新聞)
The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jun. 14, 2011)
Overcome power shortages with a new perspective
節電の夏 発想の転換で危機乗り切ろう(6月12日付・読売社説)
It is feared that power shortages could occur in many parts of the nation this summer.
We hope every company and household will find ways to save electricity and deal with the summer heat.
Starting July 1, the government is set to impose power-use restrictions in areas serviced by Tokyo Electric Power Co. and Tohoku Electric Power Co.
The scheme will target such facilities as large factories and buildings, all of which will be required to reduce their power consumption by 15 percent from last summer's peak levels.
Similar action will be taken by Kansai Electric Power Co., which will ask private-sector companies and ordinary households to cut their electricity consumption by 15 percent.
This is because the utility remains unsure about when--and if, for that matter--it will be able to restart operations at reactors closed for regular inspections.
Other power companies could follow suit, asking consumers to save electricity.
These moves may well be regarded as inevitable, given the need to prevent a shortage of power this summer.
One challenge facing corporations will be to efficiently use a limited amount of electricity, a task essential to minimize the impact of power-saving efforts on their business operations.
Firms already taking action
It is reassuring to know that some companies have already come out with power-saving measures.
Automobile and electronics manufacturers, for example, have decided to suspend operations at their plants on weekdays instead of weekends.
Power-saving steps adopted by these companies include replacing their lighting with light-emitting diode devices that require less electricity.
They will also lengthen summer vacations and utilize daylight saving time, a measure to move up the time employees start work.
Admittedly, reductions in power consumption will place most of the burden on the corporate sector.
Put another way, however, saving electricity could lead to an increase in companies' operational efficiency. 発想を転換すれば、効率経営を進めるきっかけになりうる。
Changes in the way company employees work could eventually reduce their working hours and improve the efficiency of their employers' business operations.
Power-saving efforts could also provide new business opportunities.
This has been demonstrated by the rapid rise in sales of LED lamps and energy-saving air conditioners in recent weeks, for example.
Also, the food service and hotel industries are offering various new services for employees whose companies will try to reduce power use through such measures as letting them leave work earlier than before.
We hope the economy will be revitalized as a result of new types of consumption that are generated by products and services catering to demand created by power-saving efforts.
Everyone must pitch in
It is disturbing to see that the anticipated power shortages will affect a wide area, meaning households, companies and others in nearly all parts of the nation will have to implement power-saving measures.
For instance, corporations with manufacturing bases in Tokyo and adjacent areas are likely to reconsider their initial plans to shift their production activities to western parts of the country.
These companies should think about what kind of production system would best suit them, keeping in mind the estimate for this summer's power supply and demand.
It is also indispensable for households to cooperate in saving electricity, given that they account for 30 percent of this nation's total power consumption.
Households in the areas serviced by the Tokyo and Tohoku electric power companies should take this to heart. They are not obligated to reduce electric consumption, but we hope these consumers will raise their awareness of the need to cut wasteful power consumption as much as possible.
There are various ways for them to easily save electricity--for example, raising air conditioners' preset temperatures and turning off the master power switches for electrical appliances.
TEPCO is planning to shore up its "denki yoho" system, through which the utility releases such information as the daily balance between power supply and demand, and the forecasted demand.
The system is certain to help companies and households save electricity efficiently.
TEPCO and all other utilities need to keep providing power consumers with detailed information about the status of its electric power supply.
(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, June 12, 2011)
(2011年6月12日00時57分 読売新聞)
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