
武器輸出3原則 国際協力推進へ一層の緩和を


The Yomiuri Shimbun November 5, 2013
Ease arms exports principles further to promote international cooperation
武器輸出3原則 国際協力推進へ一層の緩和を(11月4日付・読売社説)

In keeping with the times, it is essential for the government to deepen international cooperation with such countries as the United States in the area of defense equipment by further easing its three principles on arms exports.

The government has included a policy of reviewing the three principles in its draft of a national security strategy to be drawn up next month, the first of its kind.

It is reasonable for the government to review the defense equipment policy so that Japan’s defense technology and the domestic production base, which has been declining for many years, can be maintained at a certain level and support national security.

In December 2011, the administration of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda eased the three principles, making it possible for Japan to export arms or send them abroad for peace-building efforts, and to jointly develop and produce them with other countries.

Relaxation of the principles was historically significant. But various problems emerged as the eased principles were applied.

The government gave heavy machinery to Haiti for peaceful purposes after Self-Defense Forces personnel sent to the country for U.N. peace-keeping operations completed their mission there. The government has also decided to provide the Philippines with patrol vessels.

Yet the provision of such equipment requires the signing of an intergovernmental agreement under which Japan calls on the recipient country to “strictly manage the equipment” so it cannot be used for other than intended purposes or transferred to a third country.

Furthermore, the equipment cannot be offered to international or nongovernmental organizations.

More transfers expected

In the future, there are likely to be situations in which Japan’s international disaster relief teams will leave behind heavy equipment in a disaster-affected country, or Japan will offer chemical hazard suits to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. It is important to review the principles so they can be applied more flexibly.

With regards to the joint development and production of weapons with other countries, it is mandatory that the transfer of such arms to a third country be formally approved beforehand by Japan.

It is reasonable to require prior consent from Japan for the transfer of such things as the new U.S. F-35 stealth fighter jet, as 40 percent of its parts are Japanese-made. But it would be realistic to simplify the prior consent for products that have only a few Japanese-made components.

As a matter of fact, the United States has sounded out Japan over the export of surface-to-air missile parts, whose production has been discontinued in the United States. But because of the prior-consent requirements, this has not been realized.

The export of these parts is the embodiment of international cooperation, and would reinforce the Japan-U.S. alliance in the area of defense equipment. And widely expanding joint development with other countries such as Britain, France and Australia would enhance Japan’s defense technology. Excessive restraints should be removed.

The repair of aircraft of the U.S. forces by Japanese firms overseas or the export of finished arms products, for instance, could also be considered international cooperation. The government should review the three principles from a broader perspective.

On the other hand, the export of general-purpose parts, such as a warship’s engine parts, which can be used either militarily or commercially, comes under an approval system stipulated by the foreign trade control law but is not subject to the three principles.

To prevent these general-purpose products from being transferred to China and North Korea via a third country, which could adversely affect Japan’s national security, it is necessary to reinforce screening more than ever.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Nov. 4, 2013)
(2013年11月4日01時49分  読売新聞)

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