November 22, 2014(Mainichi Japan)
Editorial: 'Abenomics' will lose support if it relies on people's high expectations
社説:安倍政治を問う アベノミクス
The high approval rating for the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is attributable largely to high expectations that the public has placed on Abenonics, the economic policy mix promoted by his administration. However, expectations are beginning to wane and doubts have been raised over the policy's effectiveness.
The Bank of Japan (BOJ) surveys members of the public once every three months over whether they are well off and also about their business confidence. The figure, which is calculated by subtracting the ratio of those who feel that economic conditions would be worse a year later from that of those who believe that economic conditions would be better, drastically improved, and turned positive in March 2013 after the Abe government was inaugurated. It was the first time in seven years that the figure was above zero.
The figure slightly improved in the following survey before turning downwards. In September this year, the number plunged to levels almost equal to those when the now largest opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) was in power from September 2009 to December 2012. One cannot help but wonder why people are pessimistic about the economy.
The Abe government, which was launched in late 2012, has placed top priority on overcoming prolonged deflation. His administration attempted to drastically reverse the pessimism prevailing in society as well as people's negative business sentiment by setting a goal of a 2 percent annual inflation rate, pressuring the BOJ to carry out an unprecedented quantitative monetary easing policy and dramatically improving Japan's financial markets.
The foreign exchange market reacted sensitively to the move. The dollar, which stood at the 79-yen level two years ago, is now about 118 yen. Led by the weaker yen, share prices at the Tokyo Stock Exchange steadily rose, giving the public the impression that the economic situation has changed.
In fact, numerous people increased their wealth. According to reports released last month by Capgemini, one of the world's largest consulting companies, and the Royal Bank of Canada, the country's largest bank, the combined total value of assets held by wealthy individuals with disposable assets of over 1 million dollars increased most steeply in Japan of all Asian countries last year. The amount rose 24 percent from a year earlier to reach 5.5 trillion dollars, or approximately 640 trillion yen. This is mainly attributable to a sharp rise in share prices.
However, Abenomics has had a negative impact on most ordinary citizens, particularly low-income earners, because the declining value of the yen caused commodity prices to rise. Increases in wages for workers are not enough to make up for rises in consumer prices in addition to the consumption tax hike.
Some large companies have benefited from the devaluation of the yen while smaller businesses have been hit hard by the weaker currency. Toyota Motor Corp., which benefits by 40 billion yen a year if the value of the dollar rises by 1 yen, projects that its net profit will surpass 2 trillion yen this business year for the first time in its history. However, the devaluation of the yen deals a serious blow to small and medium-sized manufacturers because it pushes up the costs of procuring raw materials and parts.
According to a survey conducted recently by the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 54.5 percent of member manufacturers responded that they will be adversely affected if the dollar remains at about 110-yen levels, while only 7.4 percent replied that they will benefit from such a low value of the currency.
The Abe government worked out a scenario in which everybody would be wealthier due to the effects of Abenomics. Actually, however, only a handful of large companies and individuals have become far wealthier thanks to Abenonics while others have not benefited from the economic policy. This is apparently because the government relies heavily on the central bank's ultra-easy money policy, which is the first arrow of Abenomics, and the use of taxpayers' money to finance economic stimulus measures, which is the second arrow, as well as purchases by the Government Pension Investment Fund, the world's largest pension fund, of a massive amount of shares. What happened to the strategy of structural reforms to support growth, which is the third arrow?
There are more fundamental problems.
The basic physical strength of the economy, which is indispensable for economic growth, has declined significantly because of a decrease in the working population as well as other factors.
The government will find no solutions if it is to take makeshift steps such as countermeasures against the yen's devaluation, without addressing such structural problems.
Unless drastic reforms with long-lasting effects, such as technological innovation and fundamental changes in the way people work, are carried out, the government must implement additional stimulus measures whenever the effects of previous measures have weakened.
Even though it has become clear that Abenomics has its limits, Prime Minister Abe claims that "the three arrows of the economic policy are steadily producing results," and that he will ask the public if the government should continue the policy mix through the Dec. 14 general election.
However, it is problematic for the prime minister to seek a public response to Abenomics in this way.
There are fundamental differences between the first two arrows and the strategy of structural reforms to support growth, which is the third arrow.
The first two arrows are aimed at quickly reaping benefits while disregarding their costs, negative effects and risks involved. In contrast, the third arrow involves difficulties such as breaking down regulations and intensifying competition, but can produce sustainable effects.
The Abe government has implemented only the first two arrows. In particular, the first arrow, quantitative easing, has actually been done by the BOJ rather than the administration. It appears as if the government evoked a feeling of hope among the public as well as market players with the first arrow and implemented the second after hope began to wane.
The Abe administration does not appear truly serious about eliminating vested interests or encouraging enthusiastic people or businesses to enter sectors that had been regulated, although it has listed up specific programs in its policy.
This is the case with agricultural reforms and measures to encourage women to play more active roles in society.
Through the campaign for the lower house election that kicks off on Dec. 2, the ruling and opposition parties should clarify whether the government will continue to rely on the first and second arrows that are quick-fix solutions to evoke a feeling of hope among voters or get ready to face obstacles and implement the third arrow.
毎日新聞 2014年11月22日 02時30分