
社説:食品の放射能 説明と測定を徹底せよ

(Mainichi Japan) October 29, 2011
Gov't should thoroughly explain health risks from internal radiation exposure through food
社説:食品の放射能 説明と測定を徹底せよ

The Japanese government is required to thoroughly explain health risks from overall radiation exposure to the public and ensure that food products are measured for radiation now that the Food Safety Commission (FSC) has shown its safety standards on internal radiation exposure through foods.

In a report it submitted to the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry on Oct. 28, the FSC explained that if lifetime cumulative exposure to radiation exceeds roughly 100 millisieverts, excluding natural radiation, it will adversely affect human health.

Based on that report, the ministry will set upper limits on radiation for each type of food product.

The problem is the interpretation of the 100 millisievert upper limit.

When it released an initial draft of the report in July, the FSC explained that 100 millisieverts refers to the upper limit on the total amount of overall radiation exposure, both internal and external.

However, the report submitted to the ministry limits it to internal exposure through food.

The report has raised questions as to whether the upper limit on internal radiation exposure through food should remain at 100 millisieverts or should be lowered if the amount of external radiation exposure is high.

The FSC has declined to answer this question on the grounds that the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry or other government organizations in charge should decide on the matter.

The FSC apparently believes that it should stick to its mission of evaluating risks involving food.

However, the government should stop such sectionalism and evaluate risks of overall radiation exposure as what members of the public want to know is how their health is affected by both internal and external radiation exposure.

The current regulations on food safety set the upper limit on exposure to radioactive cesium at 5 millisieverts per year.

However, since this is a provisional limit set following the accident at the tsunami-hit Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, it is an urgent task for the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry to set stricter standards.

In doing so, the ministry should thoroughly explain the basis for the new standards, including health risks involving external radiation exposure and internal exposure to less than 100 millisieverts, in an effort to convince the public.

The FSC report suggests that children are more vulnerable to radiation than adults.

However, as it is unrealistic to set separate upper limits for children and adults, it is necessary to set a figure that can protect the health of children as the upper limit on all citizens.

But even if a stricter upper limit is set, it alone cannot eliminate consumers' anxieties as long as they do not know how much radiation they have been exposed to through food.

Sample surveys on food that national and local governments are currently conducting are far from sufficient.

In order to protect the health of citizens and relieve their concerns and mental stress, central and local governments should conduct more thorough and detailed measurements of radiation contained in food.

Such measurements should cover a wider diversity of food products, as fish and other marine products could later turn out to be contaminated with radiation as a result of bioaccumulation.

University of Tokyo professor Ryugo Hayano has proposed that the amount of radioactive cesium contained in school lunches should be measured and that the results be released on a daily basis.

Tatsuhiko Kodama, professor at the same university, has suggested that all food products should be measured for radiation using belt-conveyer-style measurement devices.

A growing number of retailers and citizens are voluntarily measuring food products for radiation.

The national and local government should actively support these moves.

If the current situation continues, consumers' concerns about food safety cannot be eliminated even if the actual radiation levels remain low.

毎日新聞 2011年10月29日 2時30分



(Mainichi Japan) October 22, 2011
Journalists keep close eye on Fukushima nuclear worker radiation exposure (Part 3)

The wide perception gap that has surfaced between Tokyo Electric Power Co., the operator of the tsunami-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant, the government and other parties has raised serious questions about the management of plant workers' radiation exposure.

Shortly after the plant was stricken with meltdowns and hydrogen explosions in March, Mainichi reporters, mainly those with the Tokyo City News Department, began interviewing workers struggling to bring the crippled facility under control.

Most of the workers are from Fukushima Prefecture, and many of them commute to the plant from shelters or dorms where they were taking refuge after their homes were badly damaged in March 11's natural disasters.

A 30-year-old worker for a sub-subcontractor said he had been told by an employee of the subcontractor, "We won't write down the amount of radiation you were exposed to during the latest work on your radiation management record. You don't have to worry about it."

Radiation exposure amounts and the results of regular medical exams are supposed to be stated clearly on each worker's radiation management record.

If workers suffer from cancer in the future, there will be no proof of the causal relationship between their radiation exposure and the disease unless such data is included in their radiation management records, making them ineligible for workers' accident compensation benefits.

Further interviews with the utility, the government organizations concerned including the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry, and other parties have revealed there was a wide perception gap among them over maximum exposure limits for workers.

Health ministry regulations stipulate that nuclear power station workers can be exposed to a maximum of 100 millisieverts over five years, and 50 millisieverts in a single year.

However, in the case of an emergency such as a nuclear accident, they can be exposed to up to 100 millisieverts during work to bring the plant under control.

In the Fukushima nuclear crisis, the ministry raised the upper limit to 250 millisieverts.

The ministry concluded that workers who are exposed to 100 to 250 millisieverts during efforts to tame the Fukushima nuclear crisis must be withdrawn from further work for five years on the grounds that the conventional regulations apply to the Fukushima crisis.

However, TEPCO was of the view that the conventional regulations do not apply to the work at the Fukushima plant, arguing that workers should not be deprived of employment for long periods.

Because of this, the subcontractor omitted the levels of radiation workers were exposed to from their radiation management records.

"In the end, we are the ones who are going to be left holding the bag," a 28-year-old worker lamented in an interview with the Mainichi.

The Mainichi published an article about the omission of exposure data from the 30-year-old worker's radiation management record on the front page of its April 21 morning edition.
「原発作業員 被ばく線量 管理手帳記載せず」との記事は4月21日朝刊の1面トップに掲載された。

It was subsequently learned that at least one TEPCO employee had been exposed to more than 250 millisieverts, prompting the ministry to step up its radiation management instructions to the utility.

There have been some cases of plant workers being exposed to excessive levels of radiation during their work because of sloppy management.

We are determined to continue to shed light on how workers' radiation exposure is being handled in an effort to improve their working environment.

(By Satoshi Kusakabe, Takayuki Hakamada and Akiyo Ichikawa, Mainichi Shimbun)

毎日新聞 2011年10月18日 東京朝刊



October 27, 2011
--The Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 27
EDITORIAL: New cost estimates argue for changing nuclear power policy

New government estimates that factor in the cost of the disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant show that nuclear power generation is actually a relatively expensive way to produce electricity.

The damage from the accident is so vast and wide-ranging that a final figure is not yet available.

However, the Cabinet Office’s Japan Atomic Energy Commission has come up with a broad idea of how much the disaster will raise the cost of nuclear power generation.

The additional cost due to the accident could be as high as 1.2 yen per kilowatt-hour of electricity, according to the commission’s estimate.

A core meltdown occurred at three of the six reactors at the disabled plant.

Based on the total number of years that Japan's 50-odd nuclear power plants have been in operation, divided by the number of crippled reactors, it can be estimated that an accident of this scale occurs once every 500 years per reactor.

This estimation was used to calculate the cost increase.

If the cost of the accident is factored in, the overall tab of nuclear power generation comes to 6.8 yen per kilowatt-hour, compared with 5.7 yen for thermal power generation using coal as fuel or 6.2 yen for generating electricity by burning liquefied natural gas.

The new cost estimates are ball park figures and don’t take account the money needed for the massive-scale decontamination that has yet to be undertaken.

Another important cost factor concerns the unsolved issue of the final disposal of radioactive waste being produced by nuclear power plants across the nation.

Clearly, the cost of atomic power generation will be much higher than traditional estimates.

Nuclear power generation has long been touted as “a cheap and safe way to produce a large amount of electricity.”

But the Fukushima disaster has disproved not only the claim of its safety but also that of its economic advantage.

The Atomic Energy Commission has produced another important cost estimate.

Japan has adopted the nuclear fuel reprocessing approach, which involves extracting plutonium from spent nuclear fuel for recycling as fuel.

This process costs 2 yen per kilowatt-hour.

In contrast, the direct disposal approach, which involves burning uranium just once and disposing of the radioactive waste produced in the process, costs 1 yen, half of the cost of reprocessing, according to the commission.

This is a big difference.

The total cost of nuclear power generation would be 5.8 yen if the current reprocessing approach is replaced by the direct disposal method.

The Atomic Energy Commission made the same cost comparison seven years ago, and the results were roughly the same.

But it decided against proposing to drop the policy of fuel reprocessing, citing the huge costs that would result from such a major policy shift.

There is the argument that changing the policy would negate past investment and require new research while straining the central government’s relations with the local governments of the areas where nuclear power plants are located.

This argument doesn’t hold water any more.

In the wake of the catastrophic accident, there is strong public distrust toward nuclear power.

It is almost impossible to win public support for the reprocessing approach, which can only make a small saving of uranium at a high cost.

The two cost estimates are hard numbers that throw into sharp relief the grim reality of nuclear power generation in Japan.

It is clearly time for the govrnment to change its nuclear power policy, which has been in place since the end of World War II.

The government’s Energy and Environment Council should lead debate on the issue.

As such, it bears a heavy responsibility.
Japan must face up to the fact it needs to pursue a future without nuclear power.

At the same time, we feel debate is also needed on scrapping nuclear fuel reprocessing, the necessity of which has been called into question.

The time has come for the government to grapple with the cost of changing its nuclear power policy.



October 26, 2011
--The Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 26
EDITORIAL: Spending review needed for nuclear-related subsidies

If the Yoshihiko Noda administration is serious about weaning the nation off nuclear power generation, one of the biggest issues it must address is its relationship with local governments with jurisdiction over the nuclear power plants.

The oil shocks of the 1970s propelled Japan toward greater dependence on nuclear energy.

Many of the municipalities that agreed to host nuclear plants were experiencing population drains and had no local industry to speak of.

For taking in what nobody else wanted in their backyards, the municipalities were "rewarded" with huge amounts of government subsidies, even while the plants were still in the planning stages.

Roads and public gymnasiums sprang up, funded by the subsidies and property tax revenues.

And from 2003, the municipalities became able to spend their incomes in "soft" fields, such as supporting community activities and footing hospital personnel expenses.

As their finances grew stronger, so did their dependence on the nuclear industry.

In some municipalities, nuclear-related revenues make up more than 60 percent of the general account.

But the March disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 plant has changed things.

The town of Namie and the city of Minami-Soma in Fukushima Prefecture, where Tohoku Electric Power Co. has plans to build nuclear plants, have decided to decline government subsidies for the current fiscal year.

And in Ibaraki Prefecture, the head of Tokaimura village--the site of Japan's first nuclear power plant--has recommended to the government that the Tokai No. 2 plant be decommissioned.

This is the first case of a local administrative body voluntarily seeking to end its financial dependence on the nuclear industry.

Other municipalities are beginning to expect eventual cuts in government subsidies and are making plans accordingly.

In switching its energy policy, the government needs to be fully receptive to these changing attitudes of local governments.

Specifically, the government needs to take a good, hard look at its subsidy system and ask itself this question: The subsidies were initially meant to promote regional development, but hasn't the system devolved into a means of "buying off" struggling communities, which is actually counterproductive to self-government in the true sense of the term?

If this is the case, the system must be overhauled.

Some local governments are still pushing nuclear power generation,

but their neighboring municipalities are becoming increasingly cautious.

Now that conventional disaster control zones are being considered for expansion, keeping or scrapping a nuclear power plant is no longer a decision that can be left only to the community where the plant is situated.

We believe the time has come to include all communities in the vicinity in the decision-making process.

We are fully aware, of course, that any abrupt nuclear plant closure and withdrawal of government subsidies would be devastating to the regional economy.

How should the transition take place?

What role can the region play in the nation's shift to greater energy diversity?

In order for the region to think these things through and come up with practicable solutions, the government must provide occasions for thorough debate.

And this is not something people in the big cities can shrug aside as none of their business.

After all, the government subsidies for municipalities that host nuclear power plants are financed by the so-called power resources development promotion tax, which is collected from all taxpayers as part of their electricity bills.

To review how money is being spent for nuclear power generation is to explore a new rule for the redistribution of our tax money,

and this is something all citizens need to think about.

欧州首脳会議 危機対策に市場の目は厳しい

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 26, 2011)
Investors not fully reassured by moves to settle Greek crisis
欧州首脳会議 危機対策に市場の目は厳しい(10月25日付・読売社説)

Leaders of eurozone nations have moved a step closer to settling the region's financial crisis after reaching a broad agreement on a set of measures to prevent the crisis from spreading further--although their actions were slow and taken reluctantly.

However, the leaders still face a long, winding road to conquer the crisis and dispel the market's anxiety.

It is necessary for them to work on the details of issues left unresolved and act promptly in dealing with the crisis.

At the recent summit meeting, leaders of the European Union and 17 eurozone countries discussed measures to settle the debt crisis of Greece, the nation where the trouble first broke out before spilling over to other European nations, as well as measures to prevent the crisis from spreading to still more countries.

After difficult negotiations, the countries have drawn up some remedies.


'Managed default'

The measures have three pillars: bank recapitalization, significant reduction of Greece's debt burden and reinforcement of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF).

The eurozone leaders have decided to ask banks that own Greek government bonds for a recapitalization of more than 100 billion euros (about 10.5 trillion yen), which seems to be appropriate for the time being.

At the same time, the leaders will ask banks to bear further burdens to relieve Greece's debt problems, such as giving up 50 percent to 60 percent of the Greek government bond principal they have.

This measure is a de facto approval of Greece making a virtual default on its debts to some degree, as it is now apparent that the country lacks the ability to repay.

In July, eurozone monetary authorities announced results of stress tests on major eurozone banks, but the assessment was too lenient.

One particular problem is that the tests failed to check deterioration of bank assets caused by the rapid price fall of Greek government bonds.

This time, bank recapitalization will be conducted to prepare for debt relief for the Greek government and the expected further price fall of the country's bonds--a process that seems like a "managed default."

We hope the measures will contribute to preventing markets from panicking and to stabilizing the financial system.


Investors still skeptical

It will be an encouraging message to the investment market that eurozone leaders have agreed to strengthen the EFSF, an institution that supports eurozone nations marred by fiscal deficits, and to move forward the launch of the European Stability Mechanism, envisaged as a European version of the International Monetary Fund.

However, as the Greek crisis has already triggered credit uncertainty regarding Italian and Spanish bonds, it is unclear whether the measures agreed by eurozone leaders will be enough to deal with the financial crisis.

Market players still worry that the amount of bank recapitalization is too small.

The process of recapitalization also remains unclear, and it is uncertain whether the banks would agree to the significant reduction of Greece's debt burden.

If eurozone leaders decide to ask for the financial help of the IMF to strengthen the EFSF, it will provoke angry responses from Japan, the United States and emerging economies that want the eurozone nations to step up their self-help efforts to deal with the financial crisis.

Market players are looking with icy disapproval at the eurozone nations, whose measures against the financial crisis have always been one step behind.

Eurozone leaders need to specify the details of the agreed measures against the crisis at the next summit meeting Wednesday and present the details at the Group of 20 summit meeting of major economies scheduled early next month.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 25, 2011)
(2011年10月25日01時05分 読売新聞)


日仏共同宣言 原発の安全向上へ連携深めよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 25, 2011)
Japan, France must heighten cooperation on nuclear safety
日仏共同宣言 原発の安全向上へ連携深めよ(10月24日付・読売社説)

To make nuclear power generation as safe as it can possibly be, it is important to examine ways to enhance the development of nuclear engineers and establish a system to promptly respond to nuclear accidents.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and visiting French Prime Minister Francois Fillon issued a joint statement on nuclear and energy policies following their meeting Sunday.

The focal point of the joint statement is a set of specific principles aimed at bolstering nuclear power safety through cooperation between Japan and France, a leading country in the field of nuclear power, based on lessons learned from the crisis at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

Following the outbreak of the crisis, France offered a variety of assistance to Japan, sending experts and providing equipment.

The joint statement stipulates further cooperation between the two countries to decontaminate areas around the Fukushima power plant tainted by radioactive substances.


Calming health fears

As for radiation's impact on human health, the two leaders agreed it will be important to continue investigations, based on objective scientific data.

High levels of radioactive substances have been detected not only in Fukushima Prefecture but also in the Tokyo metropolitan area and elsewhere.

We hope the necessary decontamination work will be furthered by making use of the knowledge of the two countries.

To prevent needless worry from spreading among the public, the government must properly ensure safety with the help of French experts and provide the public with careful explanations.

To improve nuclear safety, the two leaders also agreed to establish a committee on nuclear energy.

It will be vital for the two countries to deepen relationships in a wide range of fields, putting together experts from academia, industry and government in both countries.

The joint statement also called for considering the establishment of an international force that could mobilize rapidly in response to nuclear accidents around the globe and an international center for developing human resources for nuclear crisis management.

With these agreements, the two leaders acknowledged the importance of the action plan on nuclear safety endorsed by the International Atomic Energy Agency in September.


Looking to the future

We find it quite appropriate for the two leaders to share the view that the current crisis management system must be improved.

Emerging economies, such as China and India, are promoting construction of nuclear power plants.

For its part, Japan must bolster nuclear safety and step up efforts to cultivate experts who can be dispatched overseas in case of emergencies at other nuclear plants around the world.

Exports of nuclear power plants and other infrastructure are an important part of Japan's growth strategy.  日本の成長戦略を推進するうえで、原発などインフラの輸出は重要だ。

However, Diet approval of nuclear cooperation agreements with Vietnam and other countries has been delayed.

The nuclear cooperation accords, which stipulate peaceful use of nuclear materials and acceptance of IAEA inspections, are a prerequisite to exporting nuclear technologies.

The government and ruling parties will need to make efforts to get the accords approved during the current extraordinary Diet session.

This further underlines the importance of urgently boosting nuclear safety and restoring trust in Japan's technology.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 24, 2011)
(2011年10月24日01時33分 読売新聞)



(Mainichi Japan) October 24, 2011
Questioning the way Japanese media report on the Thai flooding

I feel there is something wrong with the way Japanese newspapers and TV networks have been reporting on the flooding in Thailand.

As Japan suffered from its own major disasters only seven months ago, I believe the Japanese media have a lot to report on, such as our interest in the extent of the damage, our concern for the people, how our government is helping Thailand and whether or not it is sufficient.

It's true that there are some Japanese media which have been reporting properly on conditions in Thailand.

But I feel like asking the majority, "Is your self-centered reporting really OK?" and, "Does Japan want to become an economic animal again?" as I see reports focusing only on damage to Japanese companies and its effects on the Japanese economy.

I come across such reports despite the fact that Thailand has suffered serious damage.

According to the Thai government, flooding has left 315 people dead and three missing as of Oct. 18.

The number of people affected has reached 2.5 million.

Twenty-seven provinces have suffered damage and water in the rivers that run from the north to the south is rising, spreading the damage south.

The Gulf of Thailand is bracing for a spring tide at the end of October and caution is still in order.

So what has Japan done?

Emperor Akihito has sent a message of condolences to Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej, and Japan supplied 55 million yen in emergency supplies such as outboard motors for boats, tents and water filters through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Japan also dispatched experts on Oct. 19 to the flood assessment team of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in response to a request from ASEAN Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and JICA have sent investigative missions to Thailand to gauge the effects to the Japanese economy and the extent of flood damage, respectively.

It is essential for the Japanese media to report damage to Japanese firms and its effects on the Japanese economy, as well as whether Japanese nationals are among the flood victims.

But they are likely to act in a highly Japan-centric manner unless they make efforts to cover news from a big picture perspective.

If there had been any country that reported only on the March 11 disasters' effects on its companies and economy, how would Japanese nationals in that country have reacted?

In light of massive outpourings of support and assistance from around the world in the aftermath of the March disasters, we should expect calls for support for Thailand.

The Japanese media can stimulate Japanese people's goodwill by reporting on Thailand's dire situation in minute detail.

Thailand is not the only country which has suffered hardship.

Famine triggered by serious drought is spreading in East Africa.

Africa is connected with Japan in various spheres in this era of globalization.

It is necessary for the Japanese media to deliver news of Japan-related issues, but they also have an important role to play to connect Japan with the rest of the world on a more human level.

(By Megumi Nishikawa, Expert Senior Writer)

毎日新聞 2011年10月21日 東京朝刊


カダフィ氏殺害 国民和解を優先し民主化を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 23, 2011)
Libya must pursue national reconciliation for democracy
カダフィ氏殺害 国民和解を優先し民主化を(10月22日付・読売社説)

Moammar Gaddafi, who reigned as supreme leader in Libya for 42 years, has been killed.

The Arab Spring wave of protests and revolutionary change across North Africa and the Middle East has at last brought an end to the age of Gaddafi, eight months after the outbreak of civil war in Libya.

Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC), an organization of anti-Gaddafi forces, has announced Gaddafi was killed in a gunfight after being captured by anti-Gaddafi fighters in his hometown of Sirte, where he had been hiding.

Although an arrest warrant had been issued by the International Criminal Court against Gaddafi on charges of crimes against humanity as he cracked down relentlessly on his opponents, he died without being brought to justice in a courtroom.

Gaddafi's demise will likely influence the situations in such countries as Syria and Yemen, where iron-fisted presidents have been clinging to power in a bid to keep their dictatorial regimes alive in the face of popular opposition.


Start from scratch

Having achieved control over almost all of the country, the NTC is expected to release a declaration of the entire nation's liberation as early as Saturday.

Libya's top priority from now on will be swiftly building a post-Gaddafi political system.

Since the country lacks such fundamental political elements as a constitution and an elected parliament, Libya must start almost from scratch.

The NTC itself, a group cobbled together from a variety of forces, is far from cementing the unity of its participants.

Although the NTC attempted to launch a provisional government in September, the effort failed because of differing views about how to form a cabinet lineup.

Conflicts have already been seen between secular forces that favor Europe and the United States, and Islamist forces, along with power struggles stemming from deep-rooted rifts between regions and tribes.

If those who were involved in Gaddafi's rule are too strictly excluded from the process of forming a new Libyan political system, the country's confusion could deepen all the more.

National reconciliation is now of the utmost importance for the sake of establishing a provisional government as quickly as possible in the runup to setting democratic time schedules, including dates for elections.

The restoration of public security in the conflict-torn country is also vitally important.

The NTC must incorporate militiamen, police and military forces from various factions under its umbrella into a unified system of command and help develop their human resources.

Another concern is that large quantities of firearms, including portable ground-to-air missiles, were scattered across the country during the civil war.

There is an urgent need to collect and properly dispose of such weapons.


Roles of Britain, France

Libya is a resource-rich country, ranking eighth worldwide in confirmed oil deposits.

We strongly hope that Libya, on the strength of this natural wealth, will take the path toward a political system guaranteeing freedom and fundamental human rights so the Libyan people will be able to truly enjoy the fruits of democracy.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization played a crucial role in the fall of the Gaddafi regime, especially through British and French air strikes.

Britain and France, therefore, should act responsibly in the forthcoming process of creating a new Libyan government and in shoring up the process of the country's democratization.

Japan, too, should contribute to helping Libya rebuild.

Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba has expressed Japan's readiness to extend humanitarian assistance in the field of medical services.

Japan, in contrast to Europe and the United States, is not burdened by a legacy of complicated relations with Libya, leaving it significant room to work out aid to that country in its own unique way.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 22, 2011)
(2011年10月22日01時04分 読売新聞)


新聞週間特集:「原発事故と報道」報告(その2止) 放射線知る一助に

(Mainichi Japan) October 21, 2011
Journalists strived to get truth about nuclear fallout to public (Part 2)
新聞週間特集:「原発事故と報道」報告(その2止) 放射線知る一助に


The question of how much and where radioactive materials were dispersed by the hydrogen explosions at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant have been of the utmost importance to residents of both Fukushima Prefecture and beyond, and one we began to pursue soon after the nuclear disaster started to unfold.

The government initially designated the area within a 20-kilometer radius of the power plant an evacuation zone, while those living between 20 kilometers and 30 kilometers from the plant were instructed to remain indoors.  政府は当初、原発から半径20キロを避難区域、20~30キロを屋内退避区域に指定していたが、

However, high levels of radiation were being detected even beyond those areas.

A long-term advisory to stay indoors had not been a part of the government's disaster preparedness guidelines, and would pose too great a burden on residents.

It seemed to us that a designation of evacuation zones based on actual radiation measurements was necessary.

That was when we came up with the idea of calculating cumulative radiation levels at various locations.

At the time, radiation monitoring results released by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and municipal governments were limited to the amount of radiation detected in the atmosphere per hour (dosage rate).

But since local residents would continue to be exposed to radiation, we felt it far more important to provide information on cumulative radiation levels.

When we appealed to MEXT to provide this information, we were told it was not something they could do right away.

It was decided then that the Mainichi would crunch the cumulative radiation level numbers by adding together dosage rates released by public sources.

Between March 14 and March 21, the cumulative radiation level in the city of Fukushima reached 1770.7 microsieverts.

The figure was 299.7 microsieverts for the Fukushima prefectural city of Iwaki and 34.1 microsieverts for the Tochigi Prefecture capital of Utsunomiya for the same period, and 33.2 microsieverts in the Ibaraki Prefecture capital city of Mito between March 15 and March 21.

Having found the cumulative radiation in the city of Fukushima to exceed the average 1500 microsieverts of natural background radiation that we are normally exposed to annually, the Mainichi's Science and Environment News Department debated what to do with the information, concerned about the public response the information could spark.

Ultimately, we decided to release the information along with the explanation that cumulative radiation levels indicate how much radiation one would be exposed to if they stayed outdoors all day, and that radiation levels in general were trending downwards.

We also added commentary from multiple experts that the radiation levels posed no health risks for people "stepping out to shop" for groceries, and published the information in the March 23 morning issue of the Mainichi's Japanese edition.

Following publication, we received inquiries from various municipal governments in Fukushima Prefecture, and were criticized by some readers for "causing panic among Fukushima city residents."

We maintain, however, that by contributing information on cumulative radiation levels -- which until then had been largely ignored -- we helped residents come to their own conclusions on what to do next.

On March 25, MEXT began releasing cumulative radiation figures.

Since then, it has gone on to conduct detailed monitoring of radiation levels, and has posted predicted cumulative radiation levels through March 2012.


We still regret not having been able to predict that radioactive contamination would spread to the extent that it has.

We keep asking ourselves if there was any way we could've sounded a more precise alarm when large volumes of radioactive materials were released on March 14 and March 15, as we continue working toward protecting the public from unnecessary exposure.

(By Taku Nishikawa, Science and Environment News Department)

(This is part two of a six-part series on coverage of the Fukushima nuclear crisis.)
毎日新聞 2011年10月18日 東京朝刊


新聞週間特集:「原発事故と報道」報告(その1) 被災者の視点重く

(Mainichi Japan) October 20, 2011
Journalists' responsibilities heavy in face of unprecedented crisis (Part 1)
新聞週間特集:「原発事故と報道」報告(その1) 被災者の視点重く
 <新聞週間代表標語 上を向く 力をくれた 記事がある>

The unprecedented disaster at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, in which fuel meltdowns were found to have taken place simultaneously at three reactors, poses a massive challenge to the media.

Looking back, did we promptly deliver accurate information that could save the lives of the public?

Reflecting upon our experiences gathering information from the disaster areas, as well as from the Prime Minister's Office, plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA), and other groups and individuals, what can we say about our coverage of the ongoing crisis?


 ◇「どう裏付け、どう伝える」迷い 東電・保安院、二転三転

Press conferences were held intermittently by TEPCO and NISA beginning March 11, when the nuclear disaster was triggered by the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami.

As the safeguards meant to guarantee the safety of the nuclear power plant failed one after another, it was our task as reporters to discern the state of the plant with the limited information we had, motivated by a sense of impending danger to residents living in close proximity to the power plant.

At the mercy of backtracking government and TEPCO officials, however, we were often at a loss as to how to confirm the legitimacy of the information we were given and how the information should be relayed to the public.

A little after 3:30 p.m. on March 12, images of the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant appeared on the screen of a television at TEPCO's head office in Tokyo's Uchisaiwaicho district.

It appeared as though just the steel frame of the upper part of the No. 1 reactor building remained.

The reporters grew alarmed. "Something's not right," one said.

However, even after seeing the footage, TEPCO's public relations officer stubbornly insisted: "We don't know what's going on.

We're trying to confirm with those on the scene."

Finally, at a press conference held four hours later, TEPCO admitted that there had been a hydrogen explosion at the plant's No. 1 reactor.

By that afternoon, radioactive cesium and iodine were detected in the power plant's surrounding areas.

Koichiro Nakamura, then deputy director-general of NISA and the press officer for the agency, explained that it was possible that a reactor meltdown had taken place.

Soon thereafter, Nakamura stopped appearing in press conferences.

The new press officer refused to offer any further information, sticking to the line: "We can't discuss anything until the Prime Minister's Office has made an announcement."

Subsequently, NISA avoided using the phrase "core meltdown," replacing it with either "fuel damage" or "core damage."

However, several months later, it emerged that NISA had previously asked power companies to fake support for nuclear power at a symposium, and on Aug. 10, approximately five months after the onset of the nuclear crisis, then NISA director Nobuaki Terasaka announced: "We recognized the possibility of a core meltdown soon after the incident began."

On March 12, NISA designated the Fukushima disaster a level 4 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES), but a month later upgraded it to level 7, the worst level on the scale, which had until then been given only to Chernobyl.

An understated announcement would be made, followed later by a revision.

Statements concerning the nuclear disaster simply repeated this pattern.

So did TEPCO and the government respond appropriately to the crisis?

I cannot shake the feeling that the damage could have been reined in far more than it has been.

And slowly, through the efforts of the "Investigation Committee on the Accidents at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company" set up by the government, it's become clear what prevented officials from being more effective.

In preparation for a midterm report to be submitted by the end of the year, the committee has been conducting interviews with TEPCO and government officials.
東京科学環境部 調査・検証委は年内の中間報告に向け、東電や政府関係者のヒアリングを続けている。

These interviews have revealed that it occurred to neither NISA nor to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to use a computer system called the System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information (SPEEDI), in coming up with an evacuation plan.

Furthermore, no one in NISA had even recognized the necessity of contacting neighboring countries, let alone raising the issue, before low-level radioactive water was dumped into the Pacific Ocean on April 4.

What I've gathered from my experiences trying to understand the disaster is that both TEPCO and the government have failed to look at the crisis from the point of view of the victims.

Norio Kanno, the mayor of the Fukushima Prefecture village of Iitate, lamented that he did not receive any information from the central government for a month or two after the nuclear disaster began, and suggested that it was because "hearts (of government officials) lacked concern for the disaster areas."

There is anger directed toward media, too, which we as journalists must accept and learn from.

The basic mission of newspapers is to collect information in the field and deliver it accurately to the public.

At the beginning of the nuclear crisis, however, we had no idea whether the information we had to work off of was accurate.

In addition, many experts were divided on what they believed.

Requests for permission to go on-site to the power plant to report were denied by TEPCO.

When reporters haven't looked at the scene themselves, how are they to communicate the very limited information that they do have?

Settling of the ongoing crisis, including decontamination beyond the plant's borders, is expected to take many years.

The investigation into the disaster's cause has just begun.

The responsibility to stand on the side of those who receive the news, and write articles that will contribute to reconstruction and to shed light on the cause of the disaster weighs squarely on our shoulders.

(By Junko Adachi, Science and Environment News Department)

(This is part one of a six-part series on coverage of the Fukushima nuclear crisis.)
毎日新聞 2011年10月18日 東京朝刊




(Mainichi Japan) October 19, 2011
Spirit of journalism shines through in times of devastation

At a round-table talk held last month at the Mainichi's Sendai bureau by a panel of third-party experts comprising the Open Newspaper Committee, Koichi Omi, the president of the publisher of the Ishinomaki Hibi Shimbun, explained what motivated the paper's staff to continue providing news with pen and poster paper in the immediate aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami.

"Our papers are on display at an American museum and we've been awarded a prize by the International Press Institute, but what we did is not a heartwarming story at all," said Omi, of the "newspapers" that the disaster-stricken Miyagi-based paper continued to post on walls in evacuation centers and other public spaces.

"We simply wanted to keep delivering information to people.

We felt there would be no point for us to continue living if we didn't fulfill our duty."

Anyone involved in the newspaper industry is bound to find these words moving.

When the company lost the usual tools for issuing and delivering its papers, they remembered that they still had pen and paper.

In "Rokumai no Kabe Shimbun" (Six wall newspapers), a newly-published book recording the Ishinomaki Hibi Shimbun's efforts in the seven days following the quake and tsunami, Omi says that he had been reminded of the "kabe shimbun" (literally meaning "wall newspapers") he wrote and received praise for in elementary school.

Speaking of handwritten newspapers, there's another one that has left an indelible impression on me.

It was July 1982, when heavy rains and flooding in Nagasaki led to 299 people dead or missing in one night.

The hardest-hit areas became physically isolated, making regular newspaper distribution virtually impossible. 地域は孤立して新聞輸送が困難になった。

The Nagasaki bureau chief of the Mainichi was determined to continue delivering information to those areas where it was still possible, however, and prepared copies of a one-page handwritten "newspaper" with headlines that read: "Nagasaki suffers great damage from heavy rains," and "116 dead or missing, while 95 buried alive," using a felt-tip pen to fill the page with information that the staff could obtain by the pre-dawn hours.
 「豪雨 長崎に大被害」「死者・不明116 生き埋め95」と大きな見出しをつけ、明け方までに判明した限りの情報を整理し、フェルトペンで書き連ねた。

Ultimately, a Mainichi head office helicopter braved the poor weather conditions to deliver the regular morning edition of the newspaper, and the handwritten version never made it into the hands of readers.

However, a copy of the handwritten extra edition is still posted on the wall of the bureau office, and the accompanying story is passed down even today to and by the staff posted to the bureau.

Following the floods, the local Nagasaki page of the Mainichi continued to provide readers with information on how they could secure food, clothing and shelter, supporting the public in their efforts to rebuild their lives.

Compared to 30 years ago, we now have a wider range of means to disperse information, and the speed by which we can do so has risen immensely.

And yet, the sense of responsibility and passion that a handwritten newspaper represents still touches the hearts of its readers.

This same can also be said of forms of media other than the handwritten newspaper.

Take, for example, what the Chugoku Shimbun did in August 1945.

After the company headquarters were completely destroyed by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the paper set up a "word-of-mouth" team that went around the city yelling information through megaphones.

Inspired by the paper's efforts, the late playwright Hisashi Inoue wrote the play "Shonen kudentai 1945" (Boys' word-of-mouth squad).

The following is a line from the play, spoken in the Hiroshima dialect: "It's a bit pathetic when a newspaper publisher can't issue any newspapers, isn't it?"

It may be a line that originated in a writer's imagination. But I can't help but feel that it epitomizes the inexhaustible spirit of the journalist.

(By Kenji Tamaki, Expert Senior Writer)
毎日新聞 2011年10月18日 東京朝刊


タイ大洪水 早期復旧に日本の支援が必要

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 19, 2011)
Japan should help Thailand recover from floods
タイ大洪水 早期復旧に日本の支援が必要(10月18日付・読売社説)

Thailand is suffering terrible damage in its worst flooding in 50 years.

Japan must join hands with the United States and other countries to help Thailand quickly recover from the disaster.

Heavy rain that has fallen since July in northern Thailand and elsewhere has caused major flooding in the upper reaches of the Chao Phraya River, which runs from north to south through the country.

About 300 people have been killed and one-third of Thailand's provinces have been flooded.

Part of the capital, Bangkok, also has been inundated.

Flood damage is estimated to top 100 billion baht (about 250 billion yen), which will have an enormous impact on the Thai economy.

Heavy rain is forecast to continue and threatens to coincide with high tides.

Caution must be taken to prevent the damage from spreading and getting worse.

How can the floodwaters be stemmed?

Thailand's flood control measures are not up to scratch.

The new administration led by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is facing its first serious challenge.


Carmakers, others affected

The flooding has caused extensive damage to Japanese firms operating in Thailand.

Principal industrial complexes in the central province of Ayuttaya have all been submerged, hindering the operations of about 320 Japanese companies, including automakers and electrical appliance makers.

Honda Motor Co. has suspended operations there, and Toyota Motor Corp. has extended the suspension of operations at three factories due to difficulties in procuring parts.

Thailand, which has been touted as "the Detroit of the Orient," is an overseas production base for Japanese carmakers along with China and the United States.

Many Japanese auto parts makers operate in Thailand, which also is a key link in the international parts supply network for various companies.

If the parts supply in Thailand grinds to a halt, it will lead to production cuts in other countries.

Disruption of the supply chain in Thailand, it may be said, has exposed a weak point of Japanese makers that had increased their presence in that country.

Japanese firms hit by the floods will need to expedite parts procurement from Japan.

Japanese carmakers have been getting back on their feet after taking a pounding in the March 11 disaster.  自動車各社は、東日本大震災の打撃から立ち直りつつあったが、

However, if the floods in Thailand continue for some time, there are fears the automakers' business performance could suffer another blow.


Intl aid framework needed

This makes it all the more important for Japan to take the lead in offering assistance to help Thailand recover from the flooding.

Tokyo has decided to provide tents and other emergency relief goods and send experts of the Japan International Cooperation Agency to join an assistance team from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

The U.S. government has sent Marine Corps personnel and aid goods to Thailand.

But given the vast damage wrought by the flooding, establishing a larger-scale international assistance framework will be crucial.

Japan dispatched Self-Defense Forces personnel to join relief activities after the massive Indian Ocean tsunami in December 2004.

We hope lessons learned during the recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake also can be used to help Thailand.

The government must quickly study additional assistance measures to help Thailand's reconstruction and cooperate in efforts to prevents disasters.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 18, 2011)
(2011年10月18日01時30分 読売新聞)



--The Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 16
EDITORIAL: Noda should have broad perspective for debate on TPP

A project team of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan has started debate on Japan's participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.

Party members will discuss the topic in various meetings until early November, when the government is to make the final decision on whether Japan should take part in the ongoing talks over the trade liberalization pact.

An Oct. 12 meeting of DPJ lawmakers opposed to or skeptical about this proposal focused on issues related to the health-care and pharmaceutical industries.

At the meeting, senior executives of the Japan Medical Association warned that the deregulation of these industries resulting from Japan's participation in the accord would cause the health-care system in Japan to collapse.

Foreign Ministry officials in charge of the TPP pointed out that a public health-care insurance program is not covered by the TPP negotiations, but the participating legislators refused to be reassured.

The TPP talks deal with a wide range of areas, from farm trade, the touchiest topic, to labor, environment and food safety regulations.

The government should give the public detailed explanations about how the negotiations are going.

Opponents claim they are trying to protect the livelihoods of the people.

But it is important to find out whether such a claim is simply used as a pretext to protect the vested interests of related industries.

At the same time, the broad viewpoint of Japan's position in the world economy must not be missing from any debate on the TPP.

With the domestic market shrinking due to a declining number of children, it is vital for Japan to expand its economic cooperation with other countries, especially in the fast-growing Asia-Pacific region.

Few would dispute this argument.

Japan has been striking bilateral economic partnership agreements with trade partners in Southeast Asia and other parts of the world.

But these agreements have failed to produce significant effects because Tokyo, in an attempt to limit their impacts on domestic agriculture, has made sure through the negotiations that many items are exempted from the liberalization of bilateral trade.

While Japan has been dithering and waffling on how to tackle this policy challenge, however, the rest of the world has been taking action.

Typifying the trend is South Korea, which has emerged as a main rival for Japan in its mainstay industries, such as the auto and electronics sectors.

Following the coming into effect in July of South Korea's free trade agreement with the European Union, Seoul's trade deal with the United States has also been approved by the Congress and is now on track to come into force early next year.

The United States will phase out tariffs on South Korean products, including a 2.5-percent duty on passenger cars and a 25-percent tariff on trucks.

The European Union will also gradually eliminate import duties on products from South Korea, such as a 10-percent duty on passenger vehicles and a 14-percent tariff on flat-panel TVs.

Japanese industries are worried that these deals will put them at a serious disadvantage in competition with their South Korean rivals and may accelerate their shift of production to the United State and Europe or areas that have free trade agreements with the Western industrial nations.

In the late 1990s, South Korea decided that its long-term economic fortunes ride on external demand and started pursuing free trade agreements with its key trade partners while developing measures to protect its agriculture.

There are certainly some significant differences between the two countries.
South Korea is a much smaller economy than Japan and depends even more on trade for economic growth.

But Japan can learn a lot from the way its neighbor has mapped out a clear strategy for its economic future and pursued the strategy effectively.

The TPP offers the best possible opportunity for Japan to catch up with its rivals in the race to strike free trade agreements.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda needs to hatch a grand trade strategy and provide the effective leadership needed to put it into action.


米韓首脳会談 日本のTPP参加促すFTA

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 17, 2011)
U.S.-South Korea pact should spur Japan on TPP
米韓首脳会談 日本のTPP参加促すFTA(10月16日付・読売社説)

The alliance between the United States and South Korea can be said to have deepened to a new dimension with the latest reinforcement of their bilateral economic relations.

South Korean President Lee Myung Bak and U.S. President Barack Obama held talks in Washington on Thursday and agreed that a free trade agreement between the two countries would take effect soon.

South Korea and the United States agreed on the free trade accord four years ago, but ratification was delayed in both countries.

The U.S. Congress approved the agreement Wednesday, and the South Korean National Assembly is expected to do so this year.

The U.S.-South Korea FTA is expected to take effect as early as next January.

Once it is in effect, 95 percent of goods traded between the two countries will be duty-free within five years.

The Obama administration expects the U.S.-South Korea FTA to boost U.S. exports by 11 billion dollars (about 850 billion yen) a year and create more than 70,000 jobs in the United States.


Jobs top priority for Obama

With a U.S. presidential election scheduled for November 2012, employment has become the highest priority for the Obama administration, as the jobless rate remains high at 9 percent.

The administration has high hopes for the FTA with South Korea, the biggest such deal since the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico in 1994.

South Korea expects the FTA to push up its gross domestic product by 5.7 percent and create 350,000 jobs.  韓国も、国内総生産(GDP)を5・7%押し上げ、35万人の雇用増につながると試算する。

South Korea, which already has an FTA in effect with the European Union, will gain a further boost to its exports as a result of an expanded market.

More than 60 percent of South Korea's trade is conducted with its FTA partner countries and regions, including those with which it is currently negotiating trade deals.

Japan lags South Korea in this regard--its trade with FTA partners accounts for less than 40 percent of the total.

It is understandable that export-oriented business sectors, including the automobile industry, are becoming increasingly alarmed, as this could put them at a disadvantage with South Korean rivals.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda should swiftly decide that Japan will participate in talks on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade accord.

Obama hopes to reach a broad agreement with other participants in the TPP talks at the summit meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Hawaii next month.


Check on China

The TPP will help the United States create a U.S.-led economic zone in Asia--a base for global economic growth--and serve as a check on China, which is increasing its influence.

Also, stronger relations with South Korea, a U.S. ally and neighbor of China, are geopolitically significant for the United States.

In an indication of the importance the United States attaches to South Korea, it is backing South Korea's bid to host a meeting of Group of 20 leaders in Seoul and regards the U.S.-South Korea alliance as a cornerstone for the security of the Pacific region.

During their latest talks, the leaders of the United States and South Korea also agreed to strengthen cooperation so their countries could respond promptly and effectively to North Korea, which is continuing its nuclear and missile development.

Noda, who will visit South Korea on Tuesday, must work to strengthen bilateral ties with South Korea from a strategic viewpoint, through such means as early resumption of talks on a bilateral economic partnership and a coordinated response to North Korea.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 16, 2011)
(2011年10月16日01時09分 読売新聞)


社説:新聞週間 震災と向き合い続ける

(Mainichi Japan) October 15, 2011
Editorial: Reflecting on the relation between the media and the March 11 disasters
社説:新聞週間 震災と向き合い続ける

Mainichi Shimbun photographer Koichiro Tezuka happened to be on a company helicopter near the coast of Miyagi Prefecture when the massive tsunami hit the area on March 11.

He recalls losing himself in his work as, aboard a company helicopter, he snapped photographs of ravaging waters that overcame a windbreak forest and engulfed residents' houses one after another.

His photos of the tsunami, dispatched to the world through the Kyodo News service, were run by 50 domestic newspapers and around 400 overseas ones, transmitting the impact of the disasters to the world.

Tezuka won a Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association award for his exclusive photos.

As an eyewitness, he shared the reality he saw in front of him, which is the basis of news reporting.

The March 11 quake, unprecedented tsunami damage and crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant tested the raison d'etre of news organizations including newspapers.

The Mainichi Shimbun also won a Japan Congress of Journalists prize for articles written by reporters who visited disaster-hit areas and interviewed people there to find out whether the disaster preparations and responses of those areas had been enough.

Clarifying society's problems and showing lessons learned to the public is one important duty of the media.

We were happy that, when electricity was cut and electronic communication means were paralyzed immediately after the disasters, newspapers delivered to evacuation shelters were able to serve as vital sources of information.  震災直後、電気の供給が止まり、通信機能がまひした。そのような中、避難所に届けられた新聞が被災者の重要な情報源として役に立ったのはうれしい。

We have great respect for local newspaper publishers that continued to turn out newspapers even after being hit themselves by the earthquake and tsunami.

The Sendai-based Kahoku Shimpo, the Iwate Nippo headquartered in Iwate Prefecture, and the Ibaraki Shimbun in Ibaraki Prefecture are all local newspaper publishers that lost their electricity.

Nevertheless, they continued to create and release their papers with the help of other paper publishers who, under mutual agreement to assist each other during disasters, handled page design and printing for them.

Meanwhile, the Ishinomaki Hibi Shimbun, based in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, even released handwritten newspapers for several days, posting them up at evacuation shelters, while its printing press was offline from lack of electricity.

Some of those hand-written papers are on display at Newseum, a news museum in Washington.

The Ishinomaki Hibi Shimbun won a special prize for the papers at the latest general assembly of the International Press Institute.

That kind of journalistic spirit sets an example for us.

The March 11 disasters reminded us how important detailed information on people's needs and well-being is in times of disaster.

Helpers need to know what supplies are in short supply and what kind of assistance survivors need.

The Mainichi Shimbun inserted a page in its morning editions called "Kibo Shimbun" (hope newspaper) that provides information on the disaster areas in an attempt to match help from the rest of Japan to disaster-area needs.

Many traditional media organizations, such as newspaper companies and TV broadcasters, also notably tried to widely disseminate such information via the Internet, including Twitter.

Traditional media choosing to coexist with social media networks appears to be a trend of the times.

Meanwhile, the crisis-hit nuclear power plant is still not under control.

With even experts divided over what damage could be caused by the leaking radiation, for example, media outlets have no choice but to rely on trial and error as they try to process the information and relay it in an easily understandable form.

The slogan of the annual week-long Newspaper Week that began on Oct. 15 is "Ue o Muku Chikara o Kureta Kiji ga Aru" ("There is an article that gave me courage").
 「上を向く 力をくれた 記事がある」。

We want to dispatch not only news about dangers and problems, but also encouraging news that can contribute to the rebuilding of disaster-hit areas and survivors' lives.

毎日新聞 2011年10月15日 東京朝刊


年金支給年齢 引き上げは雇用確保と一体で


The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 15, 2011)
Pension reform talks mustn't ignore jobs for elderly
年金支給年齢 引き上げは雇用確保と一体で(10月14日付・読売社説)

Given the rapidly graying society and declining birthrate, discussions on raising the pensionable age cannot be avoided.

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry has presented three plans on raising the pensionable age for the corporate employee pension program to the pension committee of the Social Security Council.

The government already has decided to increase the eligibility age of corporate employees from the current 60 to 65 in stages, by raising the pensionable age by one year every three years until it reaches 65, the same eligibility age as in the basic pension program.

The three plans proposed by the ministry are:

-- Accelerating the pace of the current schedule by raising the pensionable age by one year every two years until it reaches the age of 65.

-- Keeping the current schedule until the pensionable age reaches 65, and then raising the age by one year every three years until 68.

-- Accelerating the pace of the current schedule by raising the pensionable age by one year every two years until 68.


Recipients to increase

Discussions on raising the eligibility age for the public pension program became a significant part of pension reform in the comprehensive plan for overhauling the social security and taxation systems, which were compiled by the government and ruling parties in June.

The graying society means the number of pension recipients will continue to increase, while the period during which people receive pension payments will lengthen.

On the other hand, the number of people supporting the pension system will decrease as the birthrate declines.

Therefore, it is unavoidable for the government to raise the pensionable age to ensure the pension system remains stable.

However, the major premise for raising the eligibility age is to ensure people remain employed until they reach pensionable age.

While the government is raising the pensionable age to 65 in stages, companies are obliged to keep their workers employed until they reach 65 by advancing the retirement age and reemployment, following the enactment of a law on the stabilization of elderly people's employment.

Both measures must be handled together.


Companies not doing their bit

Under the current system, however, companies can use management-labor negotiations to flexibly manage their employment system.

As a result, only about 48 percent of companies continue to employ all the people wishing to work until 65.

If this situation continues, many people will be faced with a "blank period," during which they will receive nothing after they retire until they reach pensionable age.

As things stand now, it can hardly be said people's employment through the age of 65 is secure.

If the public is simply presented with the plan to raise the pensionable age to 68 under these circumstances, few people are likely to accept it.

The ministry is expected to appeal to the public about the dire situation surrounding the pension program.

But the latest proposal gives us the impression the ministry is expediting moves to raise the pensionable age without adequately ensuring the employment of elderly people.

As was seen in the dispute over the medical insurance program for people aged 75 and older, the public will be frustrated if the authorities fail to take steps to win their understanding.

Despite the need to revise the pension system, the government should not conduct discussions hastily.

It must carefully draw up a precise plan on employment of the elderly, and present it along with the pension reform plan.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 14, 2011)
(2011年10月14日01時20分 読売新聞)


辛亥革命100年 「民主化いまだ成らず」の中国


The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 14, 2011)
100 years on, China far from democracy
辛亥革命100年 「民主化いまだ成らず」の中国(10月13日付・読売社説)

This year is the 100th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution, led by Sun Yat-sen and other revolutionaries, which overthrew the Qing dynasty's imperial rule in China in 1911.

At an official event commemorating the centennial in Beijing on Sunday, Chinese President Hu Jintao said the Communist Party is "the most faithful successor" to the spirit of the Xinhai Revolution.

His remark was probably meant to argue the legitimacy of the Communist Party, which in 1949 overthrew the Nationalist government after a civil war and built a new China on the mainland, forcing the Nationalists to flee to Taiwan.

Hu then called on Taiwan to work toward reunification, urging China and Taiwan to "heal the wounds of the past and work together to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."

By emphasizing "the Chinese nation," which links China and Taiwan together, Hu apparently intended to heighten momentum toward reunification.


3 fundamental principles

Sun, whose original name was Sun Wen, advocated "the Three Principles of the People: nationalism, democracy and the people's livelihood."

Regarding nationalism, Sun aimed to guarantee people's political rights, including the right to vote, establish parliamentary democracy and ensure the separation of administrative, legislative and judicial powers.

Yet the reality is that 100 years after the revolution, Chinese society is far from realizing the ideal of democracy.

For instance, it has been a year since the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Liu Xiaobo, a pro-democracy activist in prison on charges of calling for the end of communist one-party rule, but China's treatment of him has not improved.

Even his wife has effectively been placed under house arrest.

If the Communist regime regards itself as the successor to the revolution, it has to advance further toward democracy and political reform.

With regard to people's livelihoods, Sun sought to narrow economic inequalities, but the Communist regime has brought about new inequalities in the shadow of high economic growth, namely a disparity in wealth and assets.

Popular uprisings stemming from people's resentment against official corruption and social injustice have occurred frequently in various parts of the country, illustrating the strains in China's society.

The recent series of major accidents, including those involving high-speed train and subway systems, have apparently stemmed from the administration's making light of safety while prioritizing economic growth.


Dangerous nationalism

Nationalism was a driving force for the founding of a new China, and gave rise to extreme anti-Japan movements fueled by a nationalistic education under the Communist regime.

Japan needs to continue paying close attention to this trend.

Overheated nationalism and China's military buildup pose a threat to neighboring countries.

On the other hand, Ma Ying-jeou, the president of Taiwan's Nationalist Party, said in his speech at the ceremony to celebrate the centennial of the Republic of China, "The aspiration of our founding father Sun Yat-sen to establish a free, democratic nation with equitable distribution of wealth has been completely realized in Taiwan."

To China's call for reunification, Ma urged China to embrace more democracy, apparently because he has strong confidence in Taiwan's having realized the Three Principles of the People.

The Xinhai Revolution, in which many Japanese were involved and extended their support, is a bond that links Japan with China and Taiwan.

These historic developments led to the current bilateral relations between Japan and China and those between Japan and Taiwan.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 13, 2011)
(2011年10月13日01時11分 読売新聞)


欧金融大手解体 独仏の主導で連鎖危機を防げ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Oct. 13, 2011)
Dexia's downfall adds urgency to fixing European finances
欧金融大手解体 独仏の主導で連鎖危機を防げ(10月12日付・読売社説)

Greece's fiscal crisis has led to an agreement on the dismantling of a financially strapped major European banking institution under state guarantees.

This is the first time for a leading financial institution to be taken apart since the Greek debt issue emerged two years ago.

The European financial crisis, it may be said, has entered a new phase.

Efforts must be made to prevent the financial crisis from expanding and exerting a further adverse effect on the world economy.

Germany and France must take the initiative in strengthening European unity to work toward a stabilization of the financial system.

The troubled bank in question is Dexia, which has business footholds in France and Belgium.

The bank faced a management crisis due to the drop in the price of the Greek bonds it holds in great quantities.

A rescue package agreed upon by the governments of France, Belgium and Luxembourg calls for dismantling Dexia and placing Dexia Bank Belgium temporarily under state ownership with an injection of public funds.

The package also includes a plan to separate bad loans and provide state-guaranteed loans to support its fund management.

The announcement of the bailout package led to a rise in stock prices in Europe, the United States, Japan and elsewhere.

A sense of relief seems to have prevailed globally.


Which bank is next?

But a matter of concern is the fact that Dexia is not the only European bank holding huge amounts of government bonds issued by deficit-ridden countries, which include Italy and Spain on top of Greece.

The ratings of government bonds issued by Italy and Spain have been lowered, following that of Greece.

If European financial authorities do not succeed in dealing with the crisis soon, doubts and fears may grow stronger, with people wondering which bank will be the next to crumble.

According to an estimate by the International Monetary Fund, it will require 200 billion euros (about 20 trillion yen) to recapitalize banking institutions laden down with government bonds of the deficit-laden European countries.

The European Union announced in mid-July the results of stress tests on major eurozone banks.

But as Dexia passed these tests, it cannot be denied that the EU's examination was lax.


Early recapitalization vital

The EU must reexamine the financial conditions of each bank more strictly.

Each bank is urged to expedite early recapitalization so that it can prepare in advance should it suffer losses from the government bonds it holds.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy held talks and agreed to shore up banks through capital reinforcement.

This resulted from their increased sense of crisis about Dexia.

Their decision was quite right.

(no equivelent part in English version) (英字紙はこの部分翻訳抜けです^^)

The Group of 20 principal economies will hold a meeting of their financial ministers and central bank governors in Paris later this week.

A summit meeting of EU and eurozone leaders is scheduled for Oct. 23.

The European countries must put forth definite measures, including the bold injection of public funds and the further expansion of its European Financial Stability Facility bailout fund.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct. 12, 2011)
(2011年10月12日01時05分 読売新聞)



--The Asahi Shimbun, Oct. 9
EDITORIAL: A perfect opportunity for Japan, China to strengthen ties.

On Oct. 10, 1911, a military uprising against China's Qing Dynasty broke out in Wuchang, a city on the bank of the Yangtze River's middle reaches.

The uprising triggered a revolution that overthrew China's last imperial dynasty and established the Republic of China, the first such political system in Asia.

It is called the Xinhai Revolution because 1911 was a "xinhai" year in the sexagenary cycle of the Chinese calendar.

Sun Yat-sen, a revolutionary who played a leading role in those events, also called the Chinese Revolution, sought to create a nation based on a political philosophy known as the Three Principles of the People: the principle of nationalism, the principle of civil rights and the principle of people's livelihood.

Although he continued the struggle to realize his political vision, punctuated by strife with Yuan Shi-kai, a general and politician who attempted to become emperor of China, and years of living in exile, Sun didn't live to see the Kuomintang, the nationalist party he founded, consolidate its power and establish a unified government.  孫文は袁世凱との対立、亡命などの苦闘を続けたものの、国民党による統一政権は見ることはできずに世を去った。

As his last words uttered on his deathbed, Sun said, "The revolution has not yet succeeded."

The Kuomintang government, however, lost control of the nation to the Communists in civil war and retreated to Taiwan in 1949.

A century later, the Xinhai Revolution is still celebrated as a glorious moment in Chinese history because it ended more than 2,000 years of monarchic autocracy in China.

The Chinese Communist Party, which has cast itself as "the most solid supporter of the revolution and its most faithful successor," organized a variety of events to commemorate the 100th anniversary with an eye toward future unification with Taiwan.

But the Communist Party has not embraced the principle of civil rights and the separation of powers such as government and legislation advocated by Sun.

The ruling party's failure to adopt these key principles of democracy has been hindering the country's healthy development and created widespread discontent among the Chinese people.

The party cannot claim to be a "faithful successor" to the revolution.

Meanwhile, Taiwan has become a democracy.

The island's democratization has guaranteed the Taiwanese people's freedom of speech.

Some politicians in the opposition camp even argue that Sun, who was born in mainland China, has nothing to do with Taiwan.

The Xinhai Revolution still claims attention in Japan because many Japanese provided broad support to the movement.

Another factor behind Japanese interest in the event is that Chinese who studied in Japan played the central role in the revolution.

But Japan's relationship with China has yet to shake off the damaging effects of a collision in September last year between a Chinese trawler and Japan Coast Guard vessels off the disputed Senkaku Islands, which triggered a bitter diplomatic row.

When he became prime minister, Naoto Kan said in his policy speech at the Diet that Sun had many Japanese friends who supported his cause.

Kan's reference to Sun's ties with Japan probably reflected his desire to use the centennial of the revolution as an opportunity to start the process of fixing the strained bilateral relations.

Some of the Japanese who supported the Chinese Revolution did so as a selfless, purely altruistic act.

But many of the Japanese who helped the Chinese revolutionaries were ambitious persons driven by prospects of winning monetary gain in China.

The Japanese government at that time adopted an indifferent attitude toward Sun mainly out of consideration to the Qing Dynasty.

Two decades after the revolution, the Manchurian Incident took place.

Japan chose the rule of might instead of the rule of right that Sun called for and invaded China.

Japan cannot hope to build stable, friendly relations with China if it fails to take a hard look at its past behavior and focuses only on the facts concerning the revolution that are convenient to it.

Next year will mark the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the formal diplomatic relationship between Japan and China.

Both the Japanese government and the country's private sector should use the landmark year as an opportunity to launch fresh efforts to build multilayered relations with China for the next 100 years.

We urge China, which has regained its status as a great power, to adopt a future-oriented attitude in its relations with Japan.