
海兵隊移転合意 米軍基地返還を着実に進めよ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 29, 2012)
Ensure steady progress on return of Okinawa bases
海兵隊移転合意 米軍基地返還を着実に進めよ(4月28日付・読売社説)

An agreement has been reached between Japan and the United States that has made it possible to balance the maintenance of deterrence capabilities with lessening Okinawa Prefecture's burden in hosting U.S. forces, while also mitigating Japan's share of the costs involved.

This is definitely a satisfactory accord for Japan.

It is highly important to ensure steady progress on the transfer overseas of U.S. Marine Corps forces from the prefecture and the return of land occupied by U.S. military installations there on the basis of the latest agreement.

The Japan-U.S. Security Consultative Committee, comprising the foreign and defense ministers of the two countries, on Friday announced a joint statement on a review of the realignment of U.S. forces in Japan.

Under the agreement reached in the committee, also known as the "two-plus-two" meeting, about 9,000 marines will be moved from Okinawa Prefecture to locations outside Japan. About 4,000 will be transferred to Guam, and the rest to Hawaii, Australia and the U.S. mainland. As a result, the number of marines remaining in the prefecture will be reduced to approximately 10,000.


Effective drop in costs

Dispersing marine forces over a broad area of the Western Pacific region with the aim of developing Guam as a strategic hub: This is the primary aim of U.S. forces' new strategy to cope effectively with China's growing military power. It will be conducive to boosting peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region as a whole.

Such marine forces as the Third Marine Expeditionary Headquarters and the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, the Marine Corps' main fighting force, will remain in Okinawa. That the deterrence capabilities of U.S. forces in Japan will be maintained in this fashion is valuable from the viewpoint of beefing up Japan's defense of the Nansei Islands.

The accord reached in the consultative meeting to develop training areas in Guam and parts of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, such as Tinian, as shared facilities for U.S. forces and the Self-Defense Forces is highly significant for deepening defense cooperation between the two countries.

In a review of the costs Japan and the United States will share in implementing the realignment, Japan's fiscal disbursement has been set at 3.1 billion dollars (about 251 billion yen), equivalent to a figure established in a 2006 agreement on the matter, adjusted for inflation.
On the other hand, Japan's monetary contribution and loans in connection with the relocation of U.S. forces, which was initially planned to be about 3.3 billion dollars, has been reduced to zero. This means Japan's fiscal burden linked to the relocation has in effect been reduced.

It is truly a welcome development that the issue of sharing expenses related to having U.S. forces stationed in Japan and related matters have been settled in a way satisfactory to both countries. It was always a subject of fierce discussions in past Japan-U.S. negotiations.

The accord divides five U.S. facilities in the southern part of Okinawa Prefecture, including Camp Zukeran, into 13 areas. They are either "eligible for immediate return upon completion of necessary procedures"; "eligible for return once the replacement facilities in Okinawa are provided"; or "eligible for return as U.S. Marine Corps forces relocate from Okinawa to locations outside of Japan."


Henoko the only viable solution

The agreement to have U.S. facilities returned to Japan step by step, according to their degree of eligibility for return, can lead to tangible results in alleviating the burden on local areas where the facilities are located. We place a high value on this.

It is important to work out steps to effectively utilize the land after the return of the facilities to promote the economy of Okinawa Prefecture. Local entities concerned should actively devise plans to use the facilities' sites, and the central government should throw its support behind their initiatives.

What must not be forgotten in this connection is the issue of relocating the functions of the Futenma Air Station within the prefecture.

To avoid indefinite use of the Futenma facility by the marines, there can be no alternative to relocation to the Henoko district of Nago in the prefecture, which the joint statement has reconfirmed "remains the only viable solution that has been identified to date." The central government and the government of Okinawa Prefecture must consult more seriously about the issue of relocating Futenma to Henoko.

Regrettably, because of the U.S. government's insufficient groundwork, the U.S. Senate's Armed Services Committee made an objection, causing the announcement of the joint statement to be delayed two days. Both Japan and the United States have had problems on security matters.

Endeavors on both sides to overcome these problems one by one will fortify the bilateral alliance.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 28, 2012)
(2012年4月28日01時02分 読売新聞)


香山リカのココロの万華鏡:演技でも感謝の一言を /東京

April 22, 2012(Mainichi Japan)
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Give a word of thanks, even if it's not heartfelt
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:演技でも感謝の一言を /東京

A busy April has begun, and I feel that in my consultation room I am seeing more people complaining of being frustrated or unable to calm down.

Some people say they have become more likely to break out in anger at home or in the office.

They all think that things mustn't remain as they are, but they can't seem to calm down their feelings.

At those times, if someone close to them gave some kind words like "things are always tough, aren't they?" or "take it easy sometimes," they would surely feel better.

Their wound up feelings would loosen, and just from that they might feel like half their exhaustion was gone.

However, busy people are usually surrounded by people who are "busier," who can't stop to talk.

In my consultation room, one woman told me that when she returned from her busy workplace, she hurried to make dinner.

When her husband would get home at night, he would say things like, "What, today's another vegetable stirfry? Let me eat something more refreshing once in a while."

The woman would find herself snapping back with things like, "This morning you didn't throw out the garbage, did you!? Even though I asked several times."
すると女性も思わず、「今朝、ごみ出ししてくれなかったでしょ! あんなに頼んだのに」ととがめてしまう。

"Actually, I want to say, 'you must be tired from your late work,' and I want to have the same said to me.

But I can't say it.

Instead we criticize each other's mistakes," she told me.

When we're tired, instead of words like "thank you," we tend to want to say things like, "Why don't you do such-and-such?" or "Do more of such-and-such," complaining or demanding.

This is the same for anybody, no matter how high their position or how clever they are.

However, during these times, I expect that anyone can stop themselves and ask whether that is what the other person wants to hear.

As soon as we see each other, rather than criticizing or complaining, we should first smile and say something nice.

Some people may say, "I can't say something I don't feel," but isn't it OK even if it's an act?

When we give kind words, we start to feel true feelings of thanks.

If there is something we want to complain about, the other person will later listen to us.

First, we should look in the mirror and practice saying "thank you." It's OK to start by putting on an act.

(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
毎日新聞 2012年04月17日 地方版


観光推進計画 日本の魅力を世界に売り込め

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 27, 2012)
Brainstorm to attract more tourists to Japan
観光推進計画 日本の魅力を世界に売り込め(4月26日付・読売社説)

We hope the government and the private sector will make concerted efforts to convey to the world the appeal of Japan as a tourist destination.

For the first time in five years, the government has developed a new master plan to boost the nation's tourism. The new Tourism Nation Promotion Basic Plan contains various policy targets to be achieved over five years from fiscal 2012.

The number of foreign visitors to Japan--both tourists and businesspeople--reached a record 8.61 million in 2010, but the number plummeted to 6.22 million in 2011 due to the Great East Japan Earthquake and the subsequent nuclear crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

The numbers are alarming--the 2010 figure only ranked 30th in the world. In Asia, Japan lags far behind China, which recorded 55.66 million tourists in 2010, the third-largest number in the world. Japan also trails such countries as Singapore and South Korea.

We believe attracting more tourists from Asia and other developing areas would contribute to reinvigorating local cities, towns and villages and help the nation rebuild from the March 11, 2011, disaster.

The new plan sets a goal of increasing the number of foreign visitors to Japan to 18 million by 2016, more than twice the number seen in 2010. It also expects peoples' annual spending while traveling within the country--including Japanese travelers--to grow from 25 trillion yen to 30 trillion yen. However, both goals are not easy to achieve.


Tell the world Japan is safe to visit

First of all, the government and the public sector need to actively convey information to the world to dispel the false idea that travel to Japan is dangerous.

Last week, the World Travel & Tourism Council held a summit meeting of industry leaders for the first time in Japan. More than 1,000 people, including officials of major U.S. and European companies and media figures, participated in the event.

We urge the government to proactively campaign to hold more international meetings in Japan--which would bring together many foreigners with strong influence in their home countries--and thoroughly promote the safety of Japan at those gatherings.

A blog written by a Swiss man who reported on his recent walk across Japan has gained worldwide popularity. Such grassroots activities to introduce Japan have a major effect in publicizing the nation. It may be worthwhile for the government to encourage foreign students in Japan to convey the attractiveness and safety of the nation to people in their home countries.

About 3-1/2 years have passed since the Tourism Agency celebrated its inauguration. However, it is difficult to say that the agency has fulfilled its role as the leader of the nation's tourism policies due to budget constraints and human resource shortages. It needs to clarify the division of roles between itself and the Japan National Tourism Organization, an independent administrative institution whose tourism promotion operations overlap those of the agency.


Prepare unique tourism plans

Of course, tourist destinations also need to rack their brains to find ways to make themselves more appealing. Measures to boost local tourism led by prefectural and municipal governments often end up creating duplicate facilities or hosting events similar to those already available elsewhere in the nation.

If neighboring local governments could work hand in hand to create tourism areas that stretch beyond borders, it could increase the number of tourists who prefer to travel to a variety of tourism spots as well as increase the number of overnight tourists. Other efforts, such as selling special tickets allowing unlimited travel in certain areas and valid on different transportation systems, could also increase the number of tourists.

The Golden Week holiday period begins this weekend. We urge the tourism industry to make efforts to respond to the diversifying needs of tourists, such as developing the information infrastructure that would enable people to receive sightseeing information easily on their mobile phones and prepare experience-oriented tours combining various fields such as medical tourism, agriculture and sports.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 26, 2012)
(2012年4月26日01時45分 読売新聞)


仏大統領選 欧州危機の行方を占う決戦へ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 25, 2012)
French presidential race to decide European crisis
仏大統領選 欧州危機の行方を占う決戦へ(4月24日付・読売社説)

No winner was chosen in the first round of voting in the French presidential election. Incumbent President Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande, former first secretary of the French Socialist Party, will now battle it out in a runoff election on May 6.

In Sunday's election, 10 candidates ran for the presidency. Hollande led with about 29 percent of the vote, while conservative Sarkozy settled for second place with about 27 percent.

According to the latest opinion polls, Hollande will defeat his rival in the runoff by about 10 percentage points. Sarkozy's reelection is in danger.

The biggest campaign issue is economic policy. Since the jobless rate has reached 10 percent in France, voters are focusing their attention on an economic growth policy to expand job opportunities, rather than fiscal rehabilitation.

Results of the runoff election could strongly influence the future of the sovereign debt crisis in Europe, which is still unresolved. The judgment French voters hand down will have a very grave import on whether the eurozone crisis can be contained.


Criticism against austerity

Member countries of the European Union last year agreed to support a new treaty that obliges them to balance their budgets.

Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel played central roles in securing the agreements.

However, Hollande wants the treaty to be renegotiated, reflecting growing criticism within the country over austerity measures.

In the first round of the French election, Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right National Front, came in third place. Le Pen believes France should leave the eurozone. In the election campaign she expressed opposition to the EU treaty, which calls on member countries to enhance fiscal discipline.

Hollande will move closer to victory in the runoff if he succeeds in attracting the votes of people who supported Le Pen.

If he wins, Hollande will not be able to avoid friction with the German government, and the main pillars of the countermeasures taken against the fiscal crisis, which have been led by Germany and France, will be shaken.

The debt crisis in Greece has been contained for the time being, but uneasiness over Spain's credit is smoldering and business is experiencing a downturn in Europe. Austerity measures are unpopular in any country because they lead to a reduction of civil servants and an increase in the age of pension eligibility.


Future of nuclear power

We are concerned the fiscal crisis might reignite and the global economy may be negatively affected if France, the second-largest economy in the eurozone, changes course.

Japan also is interested in the future of France's energy policy.

Nuclear power was expected to be a campaign issue after Hollande initially pledged to reduce nuclear power generation, which accounts for nearly 80 percent of electricity production in France, to 50 percent by 2025.

However, after criticism that this policy would lead to a decrease in job opportunities, Hollande stopped voicing this pledge loudly.

We wonder if the basic policy of France, a country powered mainly by nuclear plants, will remain unchanged.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 24, 2012)
(2012年4月24日01時26分 読売新聞)


G20共同声明 IMF増強は前進だが課題も

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 23, 2012)
Boost of IMF's lending power significant, but stay vigilant
G20共同声明 IMF増強は前進だが課題も(4月22日付・読売社説)

The world has moved a step closer to containing the European debt crisis, as the Group of 20 major economic powers worked harmoniously to reinforce the financial foundations of the International Monetary Fund.

The G-20 meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors has concluded in Washington after adopting a joint statement. Traditional economic powers such as Japan, the United States and Germany participated in the meeting along with China and other emerging countries.

The statement referred to global commitments to increase the IMF's lending resources--the meeting's focus of discussion--by over 430 billion dollars (about 35 trillion yen), achieved through international cooperation including efforts by Japan.

The increase will double the amount the IMF can loan to countries in financial crisis. The
G-20 economic powers have finally succeeded in forming a united front against the eurozone debt crisis after being urged by markets to do so for a long time.

Apart from the IMF, Europe also has prepared its own funds to provide loans to such countries. Altogether, the safety net to prevent the debt crisis from spreading will top 110 trillion yen. We hope the reinforcement of the safety net will help stabilize markets.


Japan took lead role

It is worthy to note that Japan led discussions at the G-20 meeting. At the beginning of this year, Europe announced it would provide 200 billion dollars to the IMF, but other nations had been reluctant to follow suit. However, just days ahead of the G-20 meeting, Japan announced it would provide 60 billion dollars to the IMF, ahead of other nations.

The announcement primed the pump and a number of nations, including Nordic countries and Britain, promised to provide money to the IMF. In the end, Brazil, China, India and Russia--nations that had taken a cautious stance--promised to cooperate, without disclosing the amounts they would provide.

It is regrettable that the United States, the IMF's largest contributor, declined to provide money to the institution, noting an increase in its budget deficit. However, it was significant for the IMF to increase its lending resources to 430 billion dollars, almost accomplishing the goal it set in January of securing 500 billion dollars.

However, the European debt crisis has yet to be resolved and is still a threat to the global economy.

The IMF statement said the possibility of the world economy plunging into a severe crisis has begun to recede after peaking a few months ago, but warned that "downside risks still persist." We share this concern.


Worries on Spain

Credit uncertainty is still smoldering in Spain, raising the nation's bond yields. If Spain's financial crisis worsens, it may reignite crises in Italy and Greece, and the whole region could flare up once again.

The French presidential election and Greek general election will soon take place. The results may endanger the framework of measures established to combat the region's debt crisis.

The European economy is expected to contract this year. If eurozone nations become keen to implement austerity measures, this could further slow down the economy. The economic slowdown would curb tax revenues, resulting in deterioration of fiscal conditions. Such a vicious cycle has become a real possibility.

The G-20 economies should warn eurozone economies not to lower their guard, and demand they steadily implement fiscal reforms and revive their economies.

In addition to the European debt crisis, the world economy also faces the difficult problem of surging oil prices. The G-20 economies should not forget they are being tested on whether they can unite further to contain the crisis.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 22, 2012)
(2012年4月22日01時50分 読売新聞)


原発再稼働問題 自民党は傍観すべきではない

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 24, 2012)
LDP mustn't be bystander in talks on restarting reactors
原発再稼働問題 自民党は傍観すべきではない(4月23日付・読売社説)

Both the ruling and opposition parties share the same agenda on energy--avoiding a power crisis.

The main opposition Liberal Democratic Party promoted the country's nuclear power policy for many years, so it is extremely hard to understand why the party has placed all the responsibility on the current government, as if it is someone else's problem. We believe the opposition should proactively help the government restart the country's nuclear reactors.

In a recent speech, LDP President Sadakazu Tanigaki called for public understanding on the need to restart nuclear reactors. "Unless we reactivate the suspended nuclear reactors, it will lead to a number of problems, including disruption of the Japanese economy," he said.

The LDP's special committee on comprehensive energy policy clearly stated in an interim report the party would promote the resumption of the nuclear reactors "on the precondition that their safety is fully ensured and local residents' understanding and approval are obtained."

Nevertheless, the party is slow in helping reactivate the reactors.


Foundation of energy system

Past LDP-led governments insisted nuclear power is essential for Japan, a country with scarce natural resources. In 1974, under the Cabinet of then Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka, three laws were enacted, primarily aimed at promoting the construction of nuclear power plants by extending financial assistance to local governments hosting the plants, thereby laying the foundation of the country's energy system.

Fukui Prefecture is home to a number of nuclear power plants, including the Oi nuclear power plant operated by Kansai Electric Power Co., which has two reactors the central government wants to restart soon. The LDP maintains a strong influence in the prefecture as it holds all three of its seats in the House of Representatives' single-seat constituencies.

The largest opposition party has made a number of proposals to the government regarding measures to reconstruct the country from the Great East Japan Earthquake. The party should in a similar manner present constructive opinions to help the government restart nuclear reactors. It is essential for the party to show consistency in its policies.

The LDP's stance also is unsatisfactory with regard to both mid- and long-term nuclear power policies.

In its draft pledges for the next lower house election, the party effectively put off a decision on nuclear power by saying nationwide discussions should be held over a 10-year period. The party was unable to present a clear direction on the issue because some party members are critical of nuclear power.


Realistic policies needed

Although we would like expanded use of renewable energy resources, such as solar and wind power, there are no clear prospects of this. As LDP Secretary General Nobuteru Ishihara has pointed out, it will be necessary not only to decommission aging nuclear reactors but also to replace them with more reliable models.

Tanigaki should exert his leadership in drawing up realistic energy policies, including how to utilize nuclear power.

On the other hand, the Democratic Party of Japan, working in unison with the government, should proceed with the reactivation of nuclear reactors.

At the same time as the government is seeking Fukui Prefecture's cooperation in restarting the Oi plant's reactors, Yoshito Sengoku, acting chairman of the DPJ Policy Research Committee, met with local Diet members and assembly members of the party.

He stated in no uncertain terms that a political decision would be unavoidable regarding resumption of the nuclear reactors given the expected impact on companies' production and people's livelihood if they remained idle.

To obtain understanding from local governments and residents concerned, the DPJ should abandon its irresponsible policy of ending the country's dependence on nuclear power.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 23, 2012)
(2012年4月23日01時14分 読売新聞)


ミャンマー支援 民主化と市場経済に生かせ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 23, 2012)
Back Myanmar's democracy, economic reforms
ミャンマー支援 民主化と市場経済に生かせ(4月22日付・読売社説)

In throwing its support behind Myanmar's democratic transition, Japan deserves high marks for embarking on full-fledged development assistance to the Southeast Asian country ahead of the United States and European nations.

We hope this will be the start of stronger relations between Japan and Myanmar, which is in its democratic infancy.

President Thein Sein of Myanmar met Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda in Tokyo on Saturday during a visit that included participation in a six-way meeting with the leaders of four other Mekong Basin countries--Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.

In his meeting with Thein Sein, Noda said Japan would resume low-interest, long-term yen loans that have been suspended since the 1988 military crackdown on Myanmar's pro-democracy demonstrations. Resumption of Japan's development loans to Myanmar will add impetus to upgrading the country's large-scale infrastructure, such as roads and ports.

Myanmar's nascent democracy is on the threshold of being put to the test.

In parliamentary by-elections on April 1, Myanmar's opposition party, the National League for Democracy, led by democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, won a landslide victory.


Watch out for conservatives

In spite of their crushing defeat, the ruling party and the country's military still hold 80 percent of the seats in the legislature.

Can the parliament play its role in fully pressing ahead with political and economic reforms? A popular verdict on this question will be handed down in the general election scheduled for 2015.

What is of utmost concern is that those with vested interests, centering around conservatives in Myanmar's armed forces who are unhappy with the democratic reforms, might maneuver to oust Thein Sein.

Another cause of concern is that Suu Kyi and other NLD members may be prevented from taking their seats in the parliament. This is because the NLD, which wants the country's pro-military Constitution revised, opposes having its members sworn in as parliamentarians by taking an oath to "safeguard the Constitution."

Meanwhile, the United States and European Union have been moving toward easing their sanctions on Myanmar.

The U.S. administration of President Barack Obama has announced its plans to gradually ease some of its sanctions. Last week, Washington relaxed financial restrictions on nongovernmental organizations' humanitarian and developmental assistance for Myanmar. The EU also will soon discuss the suspension of some Myanmar sanctions.

During military rule, Myanmar's diplomacy was dependent almost completely on China. Now the country is set to improve relations with Japan as well as the United States and European nations.


Cooperation with Thailand

For Japan, the United States and European countries, consolidating relations with a nation of strategic pivotal importance that links Southeast Asia and South Asia is essential to counter China's growing influence.

Human resources needed to carry out Myanmar's democratic reforms and organize the market economy are seriously lacking.

Japan should extend a helping hand to Myanmar in a wide range of fields. Among them are development of younger-generation bureaucratic personnel, cooperation in creating a securities exchange, improving the livelihood of minority ethnic groups and enhancing agricultural skills.

From the viewpoint of tapping Asia's growth potential to assist Japan's economic resuscitation, it also is extremely important to deepen relations with such Mekong Basin countries as Thailand and Vietnam.

One idea might be for Japanese businesses to cooperate with Thailand in investing in Myanmar, as Thailand has a strong influence over the new democracy.

It is worth noting that Japan, in the six-way summit, proposed a three-year cooperation plan for such purposes as improving infrastructure in the Mekong Basin.

Japan's public and private sectors must use all means possible to ensure the envisioned cooperation can be achieved effectively.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 22, 2012)
(2012年4月22日01時50分 読売新聞)


2閣僚問責可決 自民の審議拒否は無理がある

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 22, 2012)
LDP's boycott of Diet deliberations unreasonable
2閣僚問責可決 自民の審議拒否は無理がある(4月21日付・読売社説)

The House of Councillors passed censure motions against Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Minister Takeshi Maeda and Defense Minister Naoki Tanaka by majority votes at its plenary session on Friday.

This raised to six the total number of Cabinet ministers censured in the 2-1/2 years since the Democratic Party of Japan took power.

Even if adopted, a censure motion in the upper house has no legally binding power, unlike no-confidence motions in the House of Representatives. Under the banner of the nonbinding censure motions, however, the opposition parties are demanding Maeda and Tanaka be replaced.

Such a malady, which is possible only in a divided Diet, should be rooted out.

The attitude of the Liberal Democratic Party is particularly problematic. The main opposition party has said it will boycott all deliberations until Maeda and Tanaka resign.

The LDP apparently expects Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda to agree to Maeda and Tanaka's dismissal, since he seeks the party's cooperation in enacting the bill to raise the consumption tax rate.

While in power, however, the LDP criticized opposition parties that boycotted Diet deliberations as "walking out on lawmakers' jobs." Has the LDP forgotten what it said?


Futile conflict

It would not be so serious if the LDP boycotted deliberations at the final stage of the Diet session. However, the session is still only halfway completed and has a mountain of important bills to deliberate. Even some members of the party, including former LDP Secretary General Makoto Koga, have voiced doubt over the decision to boycott deliberations.

New Komeito said it would boycott deliberations only at committees that Maeda and Tanaka have jurisdiction over. The opposition parties' failure to move in step with one another shows the LDP's decision to boycott all Diet deliberations is unreasonable.

In the past, the DPJ took advantage of censure motions many times. Even if the LDP returns to power in the next lower house election, it and Komeito still will not have a majority of seats at the upper house. The DPJ will likely take revenge in the same fashion. Such a futile conflict should not be repeated.

The prime minister has expressed his intention to keep Maeda and Tanaka at their posts. Noda apparently believes the LDP will have no choice but to return to deliberations if public criticism mounts against their boycott. It is like an endurance contest.


Maeda, Tanaka problematic

However, it is undeniable there are serious problems with Maeda and Tanaka.

Maeda signed a document calling for support of a particular candidate in the mayoral election in Gero, Gifu Prefecture, and sent it in an official envelope to a senior member of a local association of construction companies.

The censure motion against him claimed Maeda should not stay at his post because his action violated the Public Offices Election Law, which prohibits preelection campaigning as well as using the influence of one's official position in an election.

Meanwhile, the censure motion against Tanaka referred to turmoil caused by the government's response to North Korea's ballistic missile launch as "a fiasco that cannot be overlooked."

It also said Tanaka is "not nearly qualified" to be defense minster because he has made many mistakes, including his unprofessional responses to questions at the Diet.

It is imperative to hold Noda responsible for appointing Tanaka to the post.

Tanaka is the second censured defense minister in the Noda Cabinet, following Yasuo Ichikawa. Noda has been too naive in his choice of ministers in charge of national security.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 21, 2012)
(2012年4月21日01時41分 読売新聞)


地震想定見直し 首都の減災対策強化を急げ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 21, 2012)
Tokyo's disaster management plans need urgent upgrade
地震想定見直し 首都の減災対策強化を急げ(4月20日付・読売社説)

The current disaster management system for Tokyo, which experts say is at risk of being struck by a major earthquake, needs to be drastically reviewed.

In the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Tokyo metropolitan government updated its estimates of the damage a major quake would cause for the first time in six years.

If a quake with its focus in northern Tokyo Bay strikes the metropolitan area, the estimated damage could cause a great number of deaths and injuries. New damage estimates show that 300,000 buildings--about 10 percent of all buildings in Tokyo--could be destroyed by the quake or resulting fires, and about 9,700 people could be killed in the disaster.

The newly estimated death toll is about 1.5 times higher than the previous estimate of about 6,400. The predicted casualties are expected to be enormous.

Such alarming figures have come to light as the latest seismology research predicts strong quakes could occur in an area about 1.5 times greater than previously thought. If the predicted quake occurs in this area, about 70 percent of Tokyo's 23 wards could be struck by tremors registering upper 6 or higher on the Japanese seismic intensity scale. As some areas could be hit by tremors of the highest intensity level of 7, even reinforced concrete buildings could be destroyed or damaged.

Although the quake- and fire-resistance of buildings has improved, many buildings are expected to collapse and fires are predicted to break out particularly in areas of the 23 wards with high concentrations of wooden houses.

Earlier this fiscal year, the metropolitan government introduced a program that will require residents of certain areas to make their houses fire-resistant. It intends to designate areas subject to the program as early as this summer.

The metropolitan government must steadily make preparations to reduce damage from the predicted quake.


Steps for those stranded urged

In the event of such a quake, about 3.39 million people could be forced to take shelter, mainly because their houses or apartments are badly damaged. The figure is about 10 times higher than the number of evacuees in the Great East Japan Earthquake. The new estimates also predict about 5.17 million people, such as workers in Tokyo, may be unable to return home.

To help people unable to return home, the metropolitan government last month enacted an ordinance calling on companies to store three days' worth of food and water that can be used in the event of a disaster. We hope companies will reliably comply with the ordinance. The metropolitan government should also increase cooperation with other entities, such as public transportation companies, lodging facilities and convenience stores.

We also urge the metropolitan government to consider measures to assist shoppers and tourists who are in central Tokyo at the time of a disaster.

The metropolitan government intends to work out new local disaster management plans--on which specific measures will be based--by September. With the aim of dependably minimizing damage from the quake, it must compile adequate plans.


Specific preparations are vital

Many factors are difficult to predict when estimating quake damage for a major city.

In the latest review, the metropolitan government simply listed the possible intensity of tremors in different areas. But it needs to be ready for more contingencies such as preparing for rescue and relief efforts in case community halls and other facilities, where many people gather, collapse. If a tsunami occurs in Tokyo Bay, ships could cause serious fires after being washed ashore.

High-rise buildings in central Tokyo may suffer damage from long-period ground motion, which would cause them to sway slowly and severely.

The central government also plans to draw up damage estimates for the entire Tokyo metropolitan area this winter. How can the nation maintain the operation of key government bodies, companies' headquarters and freight centers?

We hope the government will take all possible measures, including coordinated steps with Osaka and other major cities, to prevent Japan's political system and economy from being paralyzed.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 20, 2012)
(2012年4月20日01時26分 読売新聞)


石原氏尖閣発言 領土保全に国も関与すべきだ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 20, 2012)
Govt should be involved in guarding territorial integrity
石原氏尖閣発言 領土保全に国も関与すべきだ(4月19日付・読売社説)

Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara has announced in a speech during his visit to the United States that the Tokyo metropolitan government plans to purchase some of the Senkaku Islands in Ishigaki, Okinawa Prefecture.

In response to Ishihara's announcement, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda referred to the possibility that the central government might move to possess the islets in place of the metropolitan government, saying it "will confirm the true intention of the owner [of the islets] and discuss the matter from every angle."

Ishihara, who has said, "Tokyo will protect the Senkaku Islands," raised an important question as to how the country's territorial integrity should be maintained. His intention is probably to encourage the Democratic Party of Japan-led government, which has little interest in territorial issues, to change its attitude on the matter.

The Senkaku Islands were incorporated into Japanese territory during the Meiji era (1868-1912). The government sold most of the islands to an individual 80 years ago.

The owner of the islets has changed due to inheritance and transfers. Owners have been approached by many people who want to buy the islands.


Private ownership unstable

If the metropolitan government purchases the islands, they will no longer be under individual ownership, which tends to be unstable.

According to Ishihara, the metropolitan government plans to purchase three of the Senkaku Islands, including Uotsurijima island. The metropolitan government and the owner have already reached a broad agreement on the sale, and negotiations have entered the final stage.

Soliciting donations is one possibility to collect the money to buy the islets, but much of the cost is expected to be covered by taxes paid by Tokyo residents. However, there are high hurdles to clear before Ishihara's plan can be realized, including obtaining approval from the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly.

One important point is to develop a system to stably maintain and conserve the Senkaku Islands over the long term.

The government leased the Senkaku Islands from the owners in 2002, in a bid to make it easier for the government to regulate Japanese people's landing on the islands without permission and illegal landings by foreigners.

Even if the metropolitan government buys the islands, it is the central government that has the diplomatic and defense authority necessary to maintain Japanese territory. As long as there is expected to be friction between China and the metropolitan government over the sale of the islands, the central government should get involved in the matter.

The central and metropolitan governments must closely discuss the matter and conduct the necessary coordination. One idea could be to have discussions between the central and metropolitan governments and the owner of the three islets.


China's claims unreasonable

The Chinese government has objected to Ishihara's announcements, saying, "All unilateral measures by Japan are illegal and invalid." However, China's claim of sovereignty over the Senkaku Islands is unreasonable in terms of the history of the Senkakus and international law.

A Chinese patrol vessel entered Japanese territorial waters near the islands last month. China's repeated provocations are a problem.

The Japanese government needs to improve the Japan Coast Guard's monitoring system, such as by deploying large patrol vessels in waters off the Senkaku Islands.

A bill to revise the Japan Coast Guard Law that would allow JCG officers to clamp down on crimes, including illegal landings by foreigners, on remote islands such as the Senkaku Islands has already been submitted to the Diet. The ruling and opposition parties should enact the bill at an early date.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 19, 2012)
(2012年4月19日01時12分 読売新聞)


人民元改革 着実な切り上げで安定成長を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 19, 2012)
China must revalue yuan to attain stable growth
人民元改革 着実な切り上げで安定成長を(4月18日付・読売社説)

China has expanded the yuan's trading band for the first time in five years. Yet, it must continue to steadily revalue its currency to help stabilize its economy.

From Monday, the People's Bank of China allowed the yuan to fluctuate by 1 percent above and below the rate set daily by the bank, double the previous 0.5 percent.

China's effort to give its currency more flexibility so it can fluctuate more actively is reasonable.

Beijing expanded the band of yuan's fluctuations apparently because of mounting pressure from Washington, which has been saddled with a huge trade deficit with China. In the United States, where a presidential election will be held in November, criticism has been growing stronger that China is keeping its currency at unduly low levels.

The Chinese yuan may become a focal point of a meeting of financial ministers and central bank governors from the Group of 20 major economies opening in Washington later this week.


Preemptive move

China's decision to give the yuan more flexibility was an apparent move ahead of the G-20 conference to show the world its willingness to promote currency reform.

However, the yuan failed to meet expectations as it fluctuated in narrow ranges on Monday, the first trading day, and Tuesday. The yuan closed at 6.3015 per dollar Tuesday, virtually unchanged from last week.

The Chinese monetary authorities plan to continue intervening in exchange markets by selling the yuan and buying the dollar to stem the sharp rise in the yuan's value.

But China will not be able to correct the trade imbalance by carrying out such a token reform.

It is essential for China to raise the yuan's exchange rate to levels commensurate with its status as the world's second largest economy and structurally reform its economy.

China's gross domestic product for the January-March quarter showed a moderate 8.1 percent increase over the same period the year before, marking a slowdown for five consecutive quarters and the lowest increase in about three years.

The slowdown in China's economy was primarily caused by reduced exports to Europe, which is mired in a sovereign debt crisis. Beijing is trying to shift from an export-reliant economy to one led by domestic demand centering on personal consumption. However, this transformation has made little progress.


Concern about inflation

Will China's economy slow down further or get back on the road to stable growth? It can be said the country is facing a crucial turning point.

The country's consumer prices have been soaring, refueling concern about inflation. If the Chinese authorities flood the domestic market with an excessive money supply in their efforts to curb the yen's rise by selling the currency in exchange markets, inflation may accelerate.
(●これは誤植でしょうね^^to curb the yen's rise→to curb the yuan's riseプロでも間違えることもあるのです^^)

For this reason, China must make all-out efforts to control inflation by allowing the yuan's exchange rate to rise gradually. If prices become stable, it will widen the scope of options to carry out financial policies. It also will have the effect of reducing reliance on exports.

High expectations are placed on China to help put the global economy, which is still reeling from the effect of the European fiscal debt crisis, and the Japanese economy on a stable path.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 18, 2012)
(2012年4月18日01時26分 読売新聞)


対「北」議長声明 これで核実験阻止できるのか

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 18, 2012)
UNSC presidential statement not enough to deter DPRK
対「北」議長声明 これで核実験阻止できるのか(4月17日付・読売社説)

U.N. Security Council discussions on North Korea's failed launch of a ballistic missile ended with the adoption of a presidential statement strongly condemning Pyongyang, and recognizing the launch as a serious violation of U.N. resolutions.

The presidential statement demanded that North Korea refrain from launching another missile or carrying out a new nuclear test. The council warned it would take appropriate actions if Pyongyang rejected the council's demands. The statement also urged other U.N. members to fully enforce existing sanctions based on Security Council resolutions against North Korea.

When Pyongyang launched a ballistic missile three years ago, claiming like the latest launch that it was a rocket carrying a satellite, the Security Council also issued a presidential statement condemning North Korea.

Although the new presidential statement is stronger than the one adopted in 2009, we are dissatisfied because it is not a binding resolution.

China, a permanent member of the Security Council, remains cautious about applying strong pressure on North Korea. It is also concerned that too much pressure might destabilize China's own security.


U.S.-China compromise

Apparently that was why Beijing secured a compromise with Washington to issue a presidential statement that was strong in substance but lacked binding power.

We highly doubt the presidential statement will stop North Korea from carrying out a third nuclear test or new missile launch.

Whenever North Korea has launched a missile or conducted a nuclear test in the past, the Security Council has issued a presidential statement or a resolution condemning that country and demanding it halt such actions.

However, the Security Council has never taken any military measures or imposed full-fledged economic sanctions.

North Korea probably feels no effect at all from past measures.

Pyongyang has defied U.N. resolutions again to launch a missile. This proves existing resolutions lack teeth.

Japan sees a growing threat from North Korea's missiles and nuclear arms every day.

A focal point is the reaction of China, which shares a border with North Korea and is the country's close ally and its biggest trading partner. China should be aware of its own responsibility and more strictly enforce embargoes against Pyongyang, including those on materials related to nuclear arms and missiles, and luxury items. Beijing also should improve its cargo inspections to check for embargoed goods.


N-arms or economic growth

After the failed "satellite" launch, North Korea's state media announced that Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Korean Workers' Party, had been appointed first chairman of the National Defense Commission, a newly created position. He now holds supreme power in his country.

In a military parade Sunday, North Korea showed off a variety of weapons, including Rodong medium-range ballistic missiles that can reach Japan.

In a speech on the occasion, Kim declared that his father's "military first" policy would continue. He emphasized that the dignity of the Korean people and sovereignty of the nation are more important than peace, which is necessary for economic construction.

This apparently means the development of nuclear weapons and long-range missiles will continue.

However, nuclear and missile development are not compatible with economic rehabilitation. The international community must make Kim Jong Un understand this.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 17, 2012)
(2012年4月17日01時49分 読売新聞)


AIJ問題 時代状況に合う年金基金に

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 17, 2012)
Entire pension fund system must be overhauled
AIJ問題 時代状況に合う年金基金に(4月16日付・読売社説)

The recent scandal involving AIJ Investment Advisors Co. has exposed a structural problem concerning corporate employees' pension funds.

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry bears a heavy responsibility as it effectively ignored problems by failing to take appropriate measures, even though it was clear the entire system needs fixing.

The Diet is desperate to pursue the responsibility of those involved in the scandal, having summoned AIJ President Kazuhiko Asakawa as an unsworn witness. However, the Diet and administrative authorities should work to substantially improve the system and leave to investigators the task of uncovering the company's activities, which border on fraud.

AIJ is suspected of claiming to earn large profits through the stable management of assets in order to conclude contracts with corporate employees' pension funds that had trouble managing their money.

Of about 580 corporate employees' pension funds in Japan, about 70 signed contracts with AIJ. However, even those that did not do so have trouble managing their assets.

Corporate employees' pension funds are designed to manage not only contributions paid into corporate pension programs but also part of the public pension programs, and to pay out pensions to retirees.


Guaranteed high yields

At one time, these funds secured high yields, but their performance has deteriorated in recent years due to falling share prices and low interest rates. As a result, many corporate employees' pension funds are running short of reserves needed to pay pensions.

In addition, 90 percent of these pension funds set guaranteed yields at an annual rate of 5.5 percent, the same yield as when the economy was booming. Based on this yield, the funds promised substantial payments to pension beneficiaries. In an effort to achieve this guaranteed rate, the funds that entrusted their assets to AIJ ended up suffering massive losses.

The corporate employees' pension fund system has been unable to cope with the changing environment. Most of the funds offered postretirement jobs to former officials of the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry and the now-defunct Social Insurance Agency. A total of 689 such people were on their payrolls as of March 1.

The government cannot evade criticism that it has failed to take drastic measures to improve the system, partly because of the tight personnel network of former welfare ministry officials.

The welfare ministry has finally begun considering measures to bring pension funds more in line with the situation today, such as by relaxing the rules to allow them to reduce payments. It has established a panel of experts for this purpose.

Reviewing the current system's unduly generous conditions, such as an extremely high guaranteed yield, may result in cuts in pension benefits and hikes in pension premiums. However, the system cannot be maintained if the pain accompanying such revisions is put off.


Learn lesson from AIJ scandal

This not only concerns corporate employees' pension funds, it involves the entire public pension system. The AIJ scandal should make the authorities and those concerned with the pension system even more aware of the serious situation surrounding the current pension system.

In the wake of the AIJ scandal, the Financial Services Agency for the first time investigated the entire investment advisory industry. As a result, it came to light that only about half of investment advisory companies had been screened by outside auditors.

We should not tighten regulations without reason, but given that investment advisory firms are entrusted with the management of pension funds, which are supposed to support retirees, we are disturbed by the lack of transparency in their management.

The government also should urgently review the Financial Services Agency's methods of monitoring the investment advisory industry.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 16, 2012)
(2012年4月16日01時27分 読売新聞)


原発再稼働要請 立地自治体の理解が最優先だ



The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 16, 2012)
Priority should be given to host governments' consent
原発再稼働要請 立地自治体の理解が最優先だ(4月15日付・読売社説)

The government is at a crucial juncture regarding reactivation of the suspended Nos. 3 and 4 reactors at Kansai Electric Power Co.'s Oi nuclear power plant in Fukui Prefecture.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's Cabinet must unite to convince the local governments hosting the plant and local residents, and quickly win their understanding.

On Saturday, Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yukio Edano held talks with Fukui Gov. Issei Nishikawa, Oi Mayor Shinobu Tokioka and other officials at the Fukui prefectural government office, asking for local understanding of the restart of the suspended reactors.

Edano told them the central government has confirmed the safety of the reactors, in accordance with the new safety criteria sought by the Fukui prefectural government, and concluded it is necessary to restart the reactors.

Nishikawa refrained from answering during the talks, saying he wants to "check carefully" the appropriateness of restarting the reactors.


Send consistent message

Nishikawa praised Edano's remark that the government would use nuclear energy as an important power source. He also asked the government to send unwavering messages that nuclear power generation is essential.

If it is going to ask local governments hosting nuclear power plants to cooperate, the Noda administration must make it clear it has broken from the idea of making the country's energy policy free from its dependence on nuclear power, a position advocated by former Prime Minister Naoto Kan and other government leaders although there were no prospects for its realization.

On the other hand, Nishikawa said with a strong sense of dissatisfaction that the efforts and contributions made by local governments and communities hosting nuclear plants have not necessarily been understood by the areas that consume the electricity.

During a press conference following his talks with Edano, the governor said the prefectural government will make the ultimate decision on whether the reactors should be restarted.

He likely intended to refute criticism that the government's judgment on the restart was too hasty, an opinion voiced by governors of the neighboring prefectures of Shiga and Kyoto and by Toru Hashimoto, mayor of Osaka, a major consumer of the power generated from the KEPCO plant.

It was also made apparently in opposition to Edano's earlier remark that the government needs to win the understanding not merely of the local governments hosting the plant but also of the nation, as a major accident at the plant would affect the entire country.

Needless to say, it is important to win understanding for the restart from neighboring governments. But the central government has to give the most weight to the local governments hosting the plant.


Power shortage looms

If the nuclear reactors suspended for regular inspections are not restarted, all 54 of the nation's reactors will become idle in early May. In particular, the area in which the Oi plant is located and that is covered by the supply of electricity generated by KEPCO is expected to suffer a power shortage of up to about 20 percent this summer.

During a press conference Friday, Edano said power outages and shortages would significantly affect such socially disadvantaged people as the sick and the elderly.

He also said it was by no means permissible to bring about a power crisis by siding with optimists who say power supply and demand could be managed somehow through power-saving efforts or other measures. He is quite right.

If we replace nuclear power generation with thermal power, fuel costs for this fiscal year will increase by as much as 3.1 trillion yen for the whole nation.

Therefore Edano is not going too far to say that within the near future the service areas covered by KEPCO may be asked to accept a hike in their utility charges.

Sufficient consideration should be given to the economic aspect of the power supply so the nation's economy is not adversely affected by such developments as the hollowing-out of industry.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 15, 2012)
(2012年4月15日01時25分 読売新聞)


recent family photo

Family returns home in Chaiyaphum during songkran holiday from 13 April, 2012 to 14 April, 2012.

「衛星」発射失敗 強固な北朝鮮包囲網の構築を

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 15, 2012)
N. Korean missile launch demands a strong response
「衛星」発射失敗 強固な北朝鮮包囲網の構築を(4月14日付・読売社説)

North Korea's missile launch Friday was supposed to be a thunderous salute to celebrate the completion of the transfer of power to Kim Jong Un, the third generation of the Kim dynasty, and also to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung, the country's founder. But it resulted only in undermining the regime's authority.

The international community had warned the regime not to go through with it, but Pyongyang went ahead with the test launch of a long-range ballistic missile that it claimed was a rocket carrying a satellite.

Shortly after the launch, however, the missile exploded and its fragments fell into the Yellow Sea. The U.S. Defense Department believes it was a modified version of a Taepodong-2 missile, the same type as one fired in April 2009.


Violation of UNSC resolutions

Though the test failed, it was an apparent violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions that ban North Korea from using ballistic missile technology to launch anything. We cannot overlook North Korea's flouting of the UNSC resolutions.

The launch threw a U.S.-North Korea agreement reached in February into the dustbin. Pyongyang had made promises, including a temporary suspension of test-firing ballistic missiles, in return for U.S. food aid to the impoverished country.

The international community must keep urging Pyongyang to stop its nuclear development program, including its enrichment of uranium.

In a timely action the day before the launch, foreign ministers of the Group of Eight countries, including Japan and the United States, adopted a chairman's statement at a meeting demanding that North Korea abandon its ambitions for nuclear weapons and long-range missiles.

We think the U.N. Security Council should adopt a new statement by the chair or pass another resolution against Pyongyang. It should not only condemn North Korea but also strengthen economic sanctions to tighten an international noose around the country.

Meanwhile, Japan must seek resumption of negotiations with the country, aiming at comprehensive settlement of nuclear, missile and abduction issues.

It is a concern, however, that Kim Jong Un's administration, which has just started, might rush to conduct the country's third nuclear test in an attempt to make up for the failed missile launch.

North Korea test-fired another long-range ballistic missile three years ago. Like this time, the regime claimed it was just a rocket carrying a satellite. After the U.N. Security Council condemned the country in a chairman's statement, Pyongyang reacted sharply and pressed ahead with the second nuclear test.

To make North Korea refrain from carrying out a nuclear test this time, concerned countries must stand together and display a resolute attitude. If they fail to adopt a united stance, the countries will fall right into Pyongyang's trap.

A focal point of the issue is how China, a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, will react.

Beijing fears the collapse of the North Korean regime and has been enhancing its assistance to the country for years. This time, it has requested that other countries respond calmly, saying North Korea might act negatively and engage in military provocations if international pressure is strengthened.

However, China's long-standing conciliatory attitude apparently has allowed North Korea to look down on the international community and repeat its reckless deeds.
It has made Pyongyang believe the international community has neither the capability nor the intention to stop Pyongyang even if the regime tries to go ahead with another nuclear test.


Direct menace from Rodong

North Korea invited foreign experts and journalists to the launch site and what it said was the satellite mission control center in a bid to show its "transparency."

Pyongyang also acknowledged the failure of the missile launch, for the first time ever in the annals of its missile development program.

These steps are seemingly designed to help justify the "satellite" launch as "utilization of space technology for peaceful purposes."

However hard the regime may try to put up such a front, there can be no doubt Pyongyang's ultimate goal is enhancement of its ballistic missile technological capability.

Pouring a colossal amount of cash into "satellite" development even at the expense of many of its people who are on the verge of starvation is undoubtedly for the purpose of swiftly developing missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons.

If it continues to conduct nuclear tests and missile launches, North Korea will sooner or later reach the stage of deploying missiles carrying nuclear warheads--a situation that would be extremely alarming for this country.

Direct threats to Japan for now are medium-range Rodong ballistic missiles with a range of about 1,300 kilometers that have already been deployed on a war footing.

It is vitally important to ensure deterrence against North Korea by further beefing up the alliance between Japan and the United States.

In dealing with the North's latest missile launch, the Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. military in Japan worked together by dividing roles between their personnel and sharing missile information through a bilateral joint operations coordination center at the U.S. Yokota Air Base in Fussa, western Tokyo. The collaboration is highly significant.


Japan-U.S. collaboration vital

From late March, the SDF had Aegis destroyers deployed in the East China Sea and surface-to-air missile units in Okinawa Prefecture and elsewhere.

The two-layer configuration for missile interception was meant to doubly assure the SDF's ability to respond to a contingency.

The consultations and preparations between the central government and local entities in Okinawa Prefecture ahead of the North Korean missile launch are experiences that should be used to boost the effectiveness of Japan-U.S. military exercises and joint programs for coping with missile attacks.

Regrettably, however, the government's announcement that the missile launch had actually occurred was markedly slow.

The Prime Minister's Office could not confirm the missile launch even after South Korea issued an announcement to that effect. The result was that the Japanese government's official announcement came 40 minutes or more after the launch.

Since Japan is dependent on information from the U.S. satellite early warning system and the government in 2009 issued erroneous information about a North Korean "missile launch," it is understandable that the government may have been cautious in confirming the information.
Even so, the timing of the missile information announcement can only be considered extremely belated.

It is imperative to thoroughly verify the causes of the delay in the relay of information and then find ways to improve the information relaying methods.

The way the government's initial announcement was made, saying the missile launch "has not been confirmed yet," could have been worded better. For example, the government could have said, "There's information about a missile launch, which is now being confirmed."

Deficiencies have also been brought to light in the government's emergency report systems to the nation's local governments, including the J-Alert communications system linking local governments across the country.

To bolster the nation's crisis management system, it is urgently necessary for the government to take such steps as increasing the number of local governments equipped with antidisaster wireless systems.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 14, 2012)
(2012年4月14日01時01分 読売新聞)





鳩山議員外交 危うい理屈で国益を損ねる愚

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 11, 2012)
Hatoyama's foolish trip to Iran hurt national interests
鳩山議員外交 危うい理屈で国益を損ねる愚(4月10日付・読売社説)

Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama visited Iran despite government pressure to call the trip off, with the result that Tehran exploited the occasion. This was a development the government feared.

Hatoyama met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his aides in Tehran on Sunday to discuss Iran's controversial nuclear development program.

According to an Iranian report on the talks, Hatoyama criticized the International Atomic Energy Agency for applying double standards toward certain countries, including Iran, saying such treatment was unfair.

At a press conference in the Diet building on Monday following his return home, Hatoyama denied making this comment, saying he profoundly regrets what he called a "complete fabrication" by Tehran.

There is no doubt, however, that Hatoyama's visit to Tehran was exploited to justify Iran's nuclear development program.

Iran has come under increasingly severe sanctions from the United States and Europe. Talks between Iran and six countries on Tehran's nuclear development program are to resume in the near future.


Ridiculous comment

It is extremely unfortunate that Hatoyama's visit to Iran has had a dampening effect on the government's diplomacy, which places priority on cooperating with the United States and European nations.

The government repeatedly asked Hatoyama not to visit Tehran. But Hatoyama turned a deaf ear to the requests, arguing that his trip "is part of my activities I'm making in a personal capacity as a legislator, as there is a significant possibility diplomatic efforts by an individual legislator could help the national interest."

When it comes to carrying out diplomacy between a former Japanese prime minister and the president of a foreign country, Hatoyama's remark convinces no one.

Is it any wonder that Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura reacted with dismay? "We continued to ask him not to make the trip at this sensitive time, even as an individual lawmaker acting on his own accord," he said.

With his own, self-centered way of thinking, Hatoyama probably felt like he was indirectly supporting Japan's diplomacy.

Diplomacy is the domain of the government, and diplomatic moves by individual lawmakers should be limited to an auxiliary role.

The leadership of the Democratic Party of Japan is partly responsible for the problem Hatoyama caused this time. Apparently to ensure party unity, the DPJ leadership decided in late February to appoint Hatoyama, a supreme adviser of the party, to the post of adviser in charge of diplomatic affairs.


Unaware of his incompetence

Immediately after his appointment, Hatoyama visited China at the same time as a DPJ delegation led by Secretary General Azuma Koshiishi. Hatoyama and the DPJ delegation held separate meetings the same day with Vice President Xi Jinping, who is expected to be elevated to the top Chinese post. The DPJ's lack of coordination for its extraordinary "dual diplomacy" immediately was brought to light.

Hatoyama is primarily responsible for virtually causing the Japan-U.S. relationship to collapse. His chaotic handling of the relocation of the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma Air Station in Okinawa Prefecture was epitomized by his controversial "Trust me" remark during talks with U.S. President Barack Obama on the issue. As he was prime minister at the time, Hatoyama's summit diplomacy hurt our national interests.

Even after he stepped down as prime minister, Hatoyama angered Okinawa Prefecture by describing his remarks concerning the deterrence provided by U.S. forces stationed in prefecture as nothing but "expediency." Has he forgotten his bungling already?

Hatoyama is a type of politician who should refrain from becoming involved in diplomacy, both in light of his incompetence and personality.

He should become more aware his limitations as quickly as possible.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 10, 2012)
(2012年4月10日01時08分 読売新聞)


香山リカのココロの万華鏡:消費税に不信感 /東京

April 08, 2012(Mainichi Japan)
Kaleidoscope of the Heart: Distrust toward the consumption tax hike
香山リカのココロの万華鏡:消費税に不信感 /東京

Will the consumption tax finally be raised? The plan is said to be to increase it to 8 percent in April 2014 and 10 percent in October 2015.

When I mention the proposed consumption tax hike at university, many students say, "I'm just barely getting by on my part-time wages.

If the price of things needed for daily living goes up further, I'll be in trouble." However, afterwards, they say, as if to themselves, "But without the raise there won't be enough money for social security, so it can't be helped."

I think that after the Great East Japan Earthquake, many people hold a stronger feeling that rather than thinking only about their own gains or losses, everyone in society has to share the burden.

However, there is one big problem, and that is lingering distrust that the money gathered by raising the consumption tax will really be used for the benefit of everyone.

According to Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, all the income from the consumption tax will be used for social security payments and child-raising measures, but people do not believe this.

They hold suspicions that however much money is taken by the government, it will not lead to improved social security in their lives. They suspect that the money will be used to plug budget deficits elsewhere.

During debates on the consumption tax, it is often cited that in northern Europe "all countries have consumption tax rates of around 25 percent."

Compared to that, the figures for the Japanese consumption tax are low.

However, there is a definite difference.

In northern Europe there is very high trust amongst citizens in their governments.

Of course there are various problems there, but overall citizens trust their governments and, feeling they can receive proper services that will let them live securely, they are willing to pay high consumption taxes.

Looking at those who come into my consultation room, I think that the largest source of stress for people is distrust.

People might not believe the things others in their family, school, or workplace say.

Even if someone tells them nice words, they find a way to doubt them and wonder if they're being tricked.

It is this distrust itself that pushes people into depression and darkness.

We actually want to trust our governments.

Rather than saying, "The government's pledge to raise the consumption tax rate and use it for welfare is a lie," we should say, "I'm sure it won't act in bad faith, so although I'm not happy about it, I'll help."
「消費税を上げて福祉にあてる? どうせ口だけでしょ」などと疑わず、「あなたたちなら悪いようにはしないだろうから、うれしくはないけれど協力しましょう」と言ってみたい。

If the tax rate is increased while we are full of distrust, it will only become a big burden on both heart and wallet. 不信感いっぱいの中でただ税率だけが上がるのは、心にとっても財布にとっても大きな負担になるだけだ。

(By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
毎日新聞 2012年04月03日 地方版


原子力人材確保 「脱原発」からの決別が急務だ

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Apr. 8, 2012)
Make sure nuclear fields have quality human resources
原子力人材確保 「脱原発」からの決別が急務だ(4月7日付・読売社説)

How can Japan secure and develop human resources who will work in the nuclear power field? This task needs to be jointly tackled by the government and the private sector.

The number of students wishing to study nuclear power has declined since the crisis started last year at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant operated by Tokyo Electric Power Co. In addition, many young people have become reluctant to take jobs in nuclear-related industries.

The seriousness of the Fukushima accident certainly is one factor behind these developments. Moreover, stances taken by prime ministers since the crisis began have negatively impacted the situation. Former Prime Minister Naoto Kan abruptly announced that he wanted to free the country's future energy policy from its dependence on nuclear power generation, apparently without carefully considering the ramifications of such a change. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, who succeeded Kan, has been slow in crafting specific policies on how to utilize nuclear power in this country.


Future vision needed

Fields devoid of future potential will be unable to attract talented personnel.

Yet, when considering an ideal combination of power sources for this nation, nuclear power will be essential along with thermal power and other energy sources. The government must clearly devise a future vision for the country's energy supply by squarely looking at reality.

Even if the government opts to depart from the country's dependence on nuclear power, Japan still will need human resources to tackle the ongoing crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant and decommission reactors there. According to a plan compiled by the government and the utility, decommissioning the reactors and clearing up the site will take at least 40 years.

This lengthy operation will be shouldered by the children of today.

Furthermore, such work will require highly advanced technologies.

Safely removing and reducing radioactive contaminants at the nuclear plant will require more sophisticated robot and remote control technologies. Making estimates on the extent of the damage inside the crippled reactors, where people are still unable to enter, also will need the latest computer technology.

A wide array of research and development activities, as well as technological innovations, will be needed over a long period of time.

Capable personnel will have to be available to the nuclear regulatory agency, electric power companies and nuclear-related manufacturers to improve the safety of existing reactors through regulations, inspections and repairs. Strict safety controls are required around the clock even at idled nuclear reactors.


Japan has intl role to play

An option of replacing dated reactors with new models is expected to be discussed in the future. Electric utilities and nuclear-related manufacturers will have to nurture and train engineers capable of leading the design and building of these reactors.

Exports of nuclear power infrastructure--a field the government has been promoting--will be impossible without engineers well versed in safety regulatory measures of international standards.

Japan's neighboring countries, such as China and South Korea, have been constructing nuclear power plants one after another. With lessons learned from the Fukushima nuclear crisis, international cooperation must be promoted to prevent the occurrence of a similar serious nuclear accident. In this field, too, experts will play vital roles.

Japan is a country with many reactors and a proponent of the peaceful use of nuclear power. Other nations expect Japan to contribute to such fields as nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear terrorism countermeasures at the International Atomic Energy Agency and in other international arenas.

The Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry is implementing projects to nurture human resources in the nuclear power field including subsidies to nuclear-related courses at universities and other educational institutes. We think the government should accelerate efforts to improve and expand such programs.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, April 7, 2012)
(2012年4月7日01時30分 読売新聞)


鳩山元首相のイラン訪問 試される野田首相の指導力



(mainichi Japan) April 07, 2012
Ex-PM Hatoyama's planned visit to Iran highlights Noda admin's lack of control
鳩山元首相のイラン訪問 試される野田首相の指導力

Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's planned visit to Iran -- under fire from the international community for its nuclear program -- to meet with high-ranking officials despite opposition from the government illustrates the administration of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's lack of control.

When his plan was revealed, the diplomatic authorities attempted to persuade him to abandon the visit, but he refused to comply. The Prime Minister's Office is standing idle, regarding the visit as a personal trip.

Despite criticism, Hatoyama justified his planned visit to Iran by saying, "If only the executive branch of the government is allowed to perform diplomacy, legislators cannot be engaged in diplomacy. It's important for each individual to make efforts to contribute to diplomatic efforts based on their own will."

The role that Diet members play in diplomacy is of great significance. Exchanges of visits and discussions between Japanese and U.S. legislators helped strengthen the bilateral alliance. When serious problems arose in Japan's relations with South Korea and China, experienced Diet members familiar with these countries' situations played a key role in solving them. Now, the role that legislators play in diplomacy has declined considerably.

However, the executive branch of the government is primarily responsible for diplomacy, and lawmakers should play a supplementary role that does not deviate from the executive branch's negotiating positions. In other words, individual legislators should not perform diplomacy based on their own will as Hatoyama claims. If individual legislators' diplomatic efforts deviate from government policy, it will only allow other countries to use the inconsistency to their own advantage.

It is essential for Japan to try to persuade Iran to abandon its nuclear weapons program through various channels. Hatoyama, who serves as a supreme diplomatic adviser to the ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), has decided to visit Iran based on this belief. If so, he should go there after sufficiently coordinating his views with those of the Prime Minister's Office and the Foreign Ministry. Remarks made by ex-PM Hatoyama will be taken seriously by foreign officials.

A fierce tug-of-war is under way between Iran and six major countries -- five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany -- over the next round of talks on Iran's nuclear program. It is embarrassing that Japan is confused over whether the former prime minister should visit Iran while the international community is trying to maintain a unified front on the Iranian nuclear issue.

Prime Minister Noda is partially responsible for the confusion. His appointment of Hatoyama -- also to blame for the government's muddled approach to the relocation of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Okinawa Prefecture -- as a diplomatic adviser to the DPJ has been called into question.

If Noda wants Hatoyama to play a diplomatic role as an individual legislator, the prime minister should have exchanged opinions with him and made it clear that the government would not approve his visit unless it was in line with the government's policy.

The confusion over Hatoyama's visit to Iran and the appointment of Defense Minister Naoki Tanaka, whose qualification for the post has been called into question, has suggested that Prime Minister Noda is unable to take the lead in diplomatic and security policy.

Hatoyama also visited China apart from a DPJ delegation to China led by party Secretary-General Azuma Koshiishi. Chinese officials apparently raised doubts about the DPJ's control over its own members' activities.

The DPJ does not appear to fully understand the basic principle that diplomacy should not be performed based on a political party's or an individual's ideas. The DPJ should be aware of this principle in order not to repeat this embarrassing behavior.

(翻訳は意訳で、話し言葉を多用しました^^ by スラチャイ)


鳩山元首相:イラン訪問へ 日本政府は不快感
毎日新聞 2012年04月04日 19時12分(最終更新 04月04日 22時26分)




ルース駐日大使:鳩山氏のイラン訪問 政府に懸念伝える
毎日新聞 2012年04月08日 02時30分

