
イラン核開発 制裁を強化する以外にない

The Yomiuri Shimbun (Nov. 19, 2011)
Tougher sanctions needed against Iran over N-program
イラン核開発 制裁を強化する以外にない(11月18日付・読売社説)

As has long been suspected, Iran may be trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Yukiya Amano, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, has released a report on Iran's nuclear development program that provides many pieces of information underscoring such suspicions.

We note that the report says information obtained by the U.N. nuclear watchdog "indicates that Iran has carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device."

Specifically, the IAEA has learned that Tehran has developed a special detonator that can trigger an explosive device with great accuracy.

It has also learned that Iran has conducted a large test using powerful explosives.

In addition, Iran has built a large facility at a military installation to conduct detonation tests, and is continuing to develop a nuclear detonation device that will use highly enriched uranium, according to the IAEA report.

There is only one explanation for these moves: Iran is developing nuclear weapons.


Nuclear test matter of time

Iran has failed to halt its uranium enrichment activities, as demanded in U.N. Security Council resolutions.

According to the report, Iran had produced about five tons of low-enriched uranium as of early November, and had 73.7 kilograms of uranium with a concentration level boosted to 20 percent by the end of September.

If allowed to continue enriching uranium at this pace, Iran will almost certainly possess a significant amount of highly enriched uranium with a concentration level of 90 percent or more that could be used in nuclear weapons.  このままイランが濃縮活動を続ければ、核兵器の原料となる濃縮度90%以上の高濃縮ウランを相当量、保有可能となる。

It is only a matter of time before Iran carries out a nuclear test.

This is a cause for grave concern.

Iran, for its part, has consistently denied its nuclear development program is military in nature, insisting the program is for "peaceful purposes."

If this is so, Iran must allay suspicions by truthfully answering all the questions it is asked.

Tehran must halt its uranium enrichment activities and cooperate with the IAEA by allowing the nuclear watchdog to carry out inspections.

If Iran continues to refuse to comply with the Security Council resolutions calling for suspension of uranium enrichment and beefed-up inspections of its nuclear facilities, the international community will have no option but to take additional stringent measures.


China, Russia reluctant

There is a possibility that Israel may take matters into its own hands and carry out a preemptive attack on Iran's nuclear facility.

As it is virtually impossible for Israel to destroy such a nuclear facility, there is a danger that such an attack could touch off retaliatory terrorist attacks and even trigger a war.

Under the circumstances, the international community should place priority, at least for now, on having the Security Council adopt a new resolution imposing tougher economic sanctions on Iran.

U.S. President Barack Obama has said he has reached an accord with Chinese and Russian leaders to act in concert in dealing with Iran's nuclear program.

The reluctance, however, of Beijing and Moscow to strengthen sanctions against Iran on the grounds that pressure on Iran would not yield desirable results is problematic.

Iran is highly unlikely to change its stance without pressure like harsher economic sanctions.

For Japan, there is a much more realistic nuclear threat closer to home. Threats from North Korea are far more serious for us than Iran's nuclear and missile development.

The international community should demand that Iran halt its uranium enrichment activities, and if Tehran fails to do so, stronger sanctions must be imposed on Iran.

As a matter of course, these sanctions should also be applied to North Korea.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, Nov. 18, 2011)
(2011年11月18日01時47分 読売新聞)

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