
クローズアップ2011:沖縄密約文書「廃棄の可能性」 許した国の「逃げ得」


(Mainichi Japan) September 30, 2011
Court ruling in secret papers case allows gov't a way out of disclosing information
クローズアップ2011:沖縄密約文書「廃棄の可能性」 許した国の「逃げ得」


The Tokyo High Court on Sept. 29 dismissed demands for disclosure of diplomatic papers that reveal a secret pact between Japan and the U.S. over the 1972 reversion of Okinawa, concluding that the government was no longer in possession of the papers and also stating that the government may have discarded the documents.

The decision was handed down at an appeal trial following a Tokyo District Court ruling in April 2010, in which Presiding Judge Norihiko Sugihara eliminated criteria that had held the plaintiffs responsible for proving that the documents they are seeking still exist -- an arrangement that was very advantageous for the government.

He said: "If the plaintiffs can prove that the documents were compiled and retained at some point in the past, unless the government can show that the papers were no longer in its possession due to abandonment or transfer out of its control, it will be assumed that the government was in possession of the documents at the time it rejected demands for the papers' disclosure."

Sughihara's ruling, which was hailed as groundbreaking, also said that a criterion for ruling on the existence of highly confidential papers like the Okinawa reversion papers would be whether the state conducted "a reasonable and thorough search."

Judge Kaoru Aoyagi, who presided over the government's appeal at the Tokyo High Court, generally adhered to Sugihara's ruling on surmising the existence of documents, but added two conditions: that the documents are normally stored under management at or exceeding a certain level and that there are no special circumstances that cast doubt on such surmising.

Based on searches at both the Foreign Ministry and the Finance Ministry that failed to turn up the documents in March 2010, Aoyagi denied that the situation fulfilled the former criteria: "There was a great possibility that unlike standard documents, (the secret-pact papers) were highly likely stored in a manner known only to a select few officials.

We cannot deny the possibility that they were discarded in secret and were no longer under the general control of the government."

As for the latter criterion, Aoyagi pointed to the highly confidential nature of the documents and the possibility that they were destroyed before the Information Access Act came into force, concluding: "There are special circumstances that cast doubt on the government still being in possession of the documents at the time it refused to disclose them (over 30 years after the documents' creation)."

Former Mainichi Shimbun reporter and plaintiff Takichi Nishiyama criticized the ruling. "To say that (existence of the documents cannot be surmised) because the documents were not stored normally and were destroyed is completely removed from regular people's common sense," he said. "The spirit of the information access act has been trampled on."

The latest ruling could be interpreted as having taken into account the special ways of keeping official documents not encompassed by the freedom of information law. It leaves many challenges for Japan's system of information transparency.









69年11月 日米安保条約を延長し、72年に沖縄を「核抜き、本土並み」に返還することで合意(日米共同声明)

   12月 柏木雄介大蔵省財務官とジューリック米財務長官特別補佐官が返還協定の対米支払額とは別枠の日本側財政負担などを記した密約文書に署名

71年 6月 吉野文六外務省アメリカ局長とスナイダー駐日米公使が軍用地の原状回復費400万ドルなどの日本側肩代わりについて記した密約文書に署名。日米両政府が沖縄返還協定に調印


72年 3月 衆院予算委員会で社会党の横路孝弘議員が西山氏から入手した外務省の公電のコピーを示し密約疑惑を追及

    4月 西山氏と公電を渡した外務省女性事務官を国家公務員法違反容疑で警視庁が逮捕(共に有罪確定)

    5月 沖縄返還

00年 5月 吉野氏のイニシャルのサインが入った密約を裏付ける米公文書の存在が判明

05年 4月 西山氏が「不当な起訴で名誉を傷つけられた」として、約3400万円の国家賠償を求めて東京地裁に提訴(最高裁で敗訴確定)

06年 2月 吉野氏が報道機関に密約の存在を証言

08年 9月 西山氏ら63人が外務・財務両省に密約文書などを情報開示請求(翌10月に両省が「文書不存在」を理由に不開示決定)

09年 3月 西山氏ら25人が不開示決定取り消しを求めて東京地裁に提訴

10年 3月 外務省の有識者委員会が密約調査の報告書をまとめる。原状回復費肩代わりについては「広義の密約」と認定。財務省が米国での無利子預金を「広義の密約」と認める

    4月 1審・東京地裁が原告側全面勝訴の判決。国が控訴

   12月 外務省が沖縄返還交渉などに関連する外交文書を一般公開。原状回復費肩代わりを巡るファイルから機密公電を焼却した痕跡を示すメモが見つかる

11年 9月 2審・東京高裁が原告側逆転敗訴の判決を言い渡すも密約と文書の存在を認め、文書廃棄の可能性を指摘

毎日新聞 2011年9月30日 東京朝刊

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