
イルカ漁映画 問題あっても妨害は許されぬ

Freedom of speech and expression are the foundation of a democratic society. The obstruction of BBS postings by an administrator, through deleting some postings cannot be allowed.
Whatever the content of the postings, the free expression that is a BBS should be respected as much as possible, as long as a postings are not offensive to public order and morality.



The Yomiuri Shimbun (Jun. 23, 2010)
Don't block a movie for being problematic
イルカ漁映画 問題あっても妨害は許されぬ(6月22日付・読売社説)

Freedom of speech and expression are the foundation of a democratic society. The obstruction of the screening of a movie, through intimidating protests or other means, cannot be allowed.

Some showings in this country of "The Cove," a critical portrayal of the dolphin fishing of Taijicho, Wakayama Prefecture, have been canceled. Three theaters in Tokyo and Osaka that had been scheduled to show the film announced in early June they would not.

They did so because an organization that believes the movie is anti-Japan warned the theaters it would take such actions as holding street protests using loudspeakers.

The organization did make repeated protests in front of the home of the president of the movie's domestic distributor, and in front of the distributor's office, provoking turmoil.

The operators of the theaters apparently feared that showing the film would cause trouble for audiences and people living nearby.


Don't give in to intimidation

In contrast, 22 other movie theaters throughout the country have decided to show "The Cove," some starting July 3. The distributor and these movie theaters have demonstrated their resolve not to yield to foul intimidation.

The people of this nation can help protect the right to free and varied speech by supporting this brave action. We hope the police will do everything they can to ensure security, to prevent any trouble caused by efforts at obstruction.

Made by members of a radical U.S. environmental protection group that visited Taijicho, "The Cove" won best documentary feature at this year's Academy Awards.
However, the filmmakers shot some footage by trespassing into an off-limits area without the permission of the town's fisheries organization.

The movie includes a scene in which dolphins driven by fishermen into the town's cove are killed, and the sea becomes red with the dolphins' blood. At another point, fishermen and the movie's crew argue about the filming.

The town's government and fisheries organization asked the distributor to cancel the movie's release because it may infringe on the image rights of the fishermen filmed. They also say it presents incorrect information regarding the concentration of mercury reportedly found in dolphin meat.


Freedom of expression key

In response, the Japanese distributor agreed to make some modifications, such as obscuring the faces of people in the dolphin fishing industry. However, there is no way to conceal the surreptitious filming. It may be true that some of the filmmakers' methods were problematic.

But whatever the content of the documentary, the free expression that is a movie should be respected as much as possible, as long as a film is not offensive to public order and morality.

If the content of the movie is problematic, people should first see it at a theater and then criticize it.

Two years ago, the domestic release of a Japanese-Chinese documentary made by a Chinese director about Yasukuni Shrine was canceled due to various problems, including street loudspeaker campaigns conducted by rightest organizations.

It is quite regrettable that similar incidents are happening again.

(From The Yomiuri Shimbun, June 22, 2010)
(2010年6月22日01時23分 読売新聞)

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